
from panda3d.ode import OdeJoint
class OdeJoint


Bases: TypedObject

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of OdeJoint

enum JointType

/* or “unknown” */

enumerator JT_none = 0

/* or “unknown” */

enumerator JT_ball = 1
enumerator JT_hinge = 2
enumerator JT_slider = 3
enumerator JT_contact = 4
enumerator JT_universal = 5
enumerator JT_hinge2 = 6
enumerator JT_fixed = 7
enumerator JT_null = 8
enumerator JT_a_motor = 9
enumerator JT_l_motor = 10
enumerator JT_plane2d = 11
__eq__(other: OdeJoint) bool
attach(body1: object, body2: object)
attach_bodies(body1: OdeBody, body2: OdeBody)

Attaches two OdeBody objects to this joint. Order is important. Consider using the OdeJoint.attach extension function if you’re using the Python interface.

attach_body(body: OdeBody, index: int)

Attaches a single OdeBody to this joint at the specified index (0 or 1). The other index will be set to the environment (null). Consider using the OdeJoint.attach extension function if you’re using the Python interface.

compare_to(other: OdeJoint) int
convert() object
convert_to_a_motor() OdeAMotorJoint
convert_to_ball() OdeBallJoint
convert_to_contact() OdeContactJoint
convert_to_fixed() OdeFixedJoint
convert_to_hinge() OdeHingeJoint
convert_to_hinge2() OdeHinge2Joint
convert_to_l_motor() OdeLMotorJoint
convert_to_null() OdeNullJoint
convert_to_plane2d() OdePlane2dJoint
convert_to_slider() OdeSliderJoint
convert_to_universal() OdeUniversalJoint
get_body(index: int) OdeBody
static get_class_type() panda3d.core.TypeHandle
get_feedback() OdeJointFeedback
get_id() dJointID

Returns the underlying dJointID.

get_joint_type() int

/* INLINE void *get_data(); */

is_empty() bool

Returns true if the ID is 0, meaning the OdeJoint does not point to a valid joint. It is an error to call a method on an empty joint. Note that an empty OdeJoint also evaluates to False.

set_feedback(param0: OdeJointFeedback)
set_feedback(flag: bool)
write(out: panda3d.core.ostream, indent: int)