
from import AICharacter
class AICharacter


Bases: ReferenceCount

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of AICharacter

__init__(param0: AICharacter)
__init__(model_name: str, model_np: panda3d.core.NodePath, mass: float, movt_force: float, max_force: float)
get_ai_behaviors() AIBehaviors
get_mass() float
get_max_force() float
get_node_path() panda3d.core.NodePath
get_velocity() panda3d.core.LVecBase3
property name string
set_mass(m: float)
set_max_force(max_force: float)
set_node_path(np: panda3d.core.NodePath)
set_pf_guide(pf_guide: bool)

This function is used to enable or disable the guides for path finding.