
from panda3d.core import HTTPEntityTag
class HTTPEntityTag


A container for an “entity tag” from an HTTP server. This is used to identify a particular version of a document or resource, particularly useful for verifying caches.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of HTTPEntityTag

__eq__(other: HTTPEntityTag) bool
__init__(copy: HTTPEntityTag)
__init__(weak: bool, tag: str)

This constructor accepts an explicit weak flag and a literal (not quoted) tag string.

__init__(text: str)

This constructor accepts a string as formatted from an HTTP server (e.g. the tag is quoted, with an optional W/ prefix.)

__lt__(other: HTTPEntityTag) bool
__ne__(other: HTTPEntityTag) bool
assign(copy: HTTPEntityTag) HTTPEntityTag
compare_to(other: HTTPEntityTag) int

Returns a number less than zero if this HTTPEntityTag sorts before the other one, greater than zero if it sorts after, or zero if they are equivalent.

get_string() str

Returns the entity tag formatted for sending to an HTTP server (the tag is quoted, with a conditional W prefix).

get_tag() str

Returns the tag as a literal string.

is_weak() bool

Returns true if the entity tag is marked as “weak”. A consistent weak entity tag does not guarantee that its resource has not changed in any way, but it does promise that the resource has not changed in any semantically meaningful way.

output(out: ostream)
strong_equiv(other: HTTPEntityTag) bool

Returns true if the two tags have “strong” equivalence: they are the same tag, and both are “strong”.

weak_equiv(other: HTTPEntityTag) bool

Returns true if the two tags have “weak” equivalence: they are the same tag, and one or both may be “weak”.