
from panda3d.core import ExecutionEnvironment
class ExecutionEnvironment


Encapsulates access to the environment variables and command-line arguments at the time of execution. This is encapsulated to support accessing these things during static init time, which seems to be risky at best.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of ExecutionEnvironment

__init__(param0: ExecutionEnvironment)
property args Sequence[string]

Returns the nth command-line argument. The index n must be in the range [0 .. get_num_args()). The first parameter, n == 0, is the first actual parameter, not the binary name.

property binary_name string

Returns the name of the binary executable that started this program, if it can be determined.


Do not use.

static clear_shadow(var: str)

Removes a value set by a previous call to shadow_environment_variable(), and lets the actual value of the variable show again.

property cwd Filename

Returns the name of the current working directory.

property dtool_name string

Returns the name of the libdtool DLL that is used in this program, if it can be determined.


Do not use.

property environment_variables string

Returns the definition of the indicated environment variable, or the empty string if the variable is undefined.


Changes the definition of the indicated environment variable.

static expand_string(str: str) str

Reads the string, looking for environment variable names marked by a $. Expands all such variable names. A repeated dollar sign ($$) is mapped to a single dollar sign.

Returns the expanded string.

static get_arg(n: int) str

Returns the nth command-line argument. The index n must be in the range [0 .. get_num_args()). The first parameter, n == 0, is the first actual parameter, not the binary name.

static get_binary_name() str

Returns the name of the binary executable that started this program, if it can be determined.

static get_cwd() Filename

Returns the name of the current working directory.

static get_dtool_name() str

Returns the name of the libdtool DLL that is used in this program, if it can be determined.

static get_environment_variable(var: str) str

Returns the definition of the indicated environment variable, or the empty string if the variable is undefined.

static get_num_args() int

Returns the number of command-line arguments available, not counting arg 0, the binary name.

static has_environment_variable(var: str) bool

Returns true if the indicated environment variable is defined.

static set_binary_name(name: str)

Do not use.

static set_dtool_name(name: str)

Do not use.

static set_environment_variable(var: str, value: str)

Changes the definition of the indicated environment variable.

static shadow_environment_variable(var: str, value: str)

Changes the apparent definition of the indicated environment variable by masking it within this class with a new value. This does not change the actual environment variable, but future calls to get_environment_variable() will return this new value.