
from panda3d.core import MouseButton
class MouseButton


This class is just used as a convenient namespace for grouping all of these handy functions that return buttons which map to standard mouse buttons.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of MouseButton

__init__(param0: MouseButton)
static button(button_number: int) ButtonHandle

Returns the ButtonHandle associated with the particular numbered mouse button (zero-based), if there is one, or ButtonHandle.none() if there is not.

static five() ButtonHandle

Returns the ButtonHandle associated with the fifth mouse button.

static four() ButtonHandle

Returns the ButtonHandle associated with the fourth mouse button.

static is_mouse_button(button: ButtonHandle) bool

Returns true if the indicated ButtonHandle is a mouse button, false if it is some other kind of button.

static one() ButtonHandle

Returns the ButtonHandle associated with the first mouse button.

static three() ButtonHandle

Returns the ButtonHandle associated with the third mouse button.

static two() ButtonHandle

Returns the ButtonHandle associated with the second mouse button.

static wheel_down() ButtonHandle

Returns the ButtonHandle generated when the mouse wheel is rolled one notch downwards.

static wheel_left() ButtonHandle

Returns the ButtonHandle generated when the mouse is scrolled to the left. Usually, you’ll only find the horizontal scroll on laptops.

static wheel_right() ButtonHandle

Returns the ButtonHandle generated when the mouse is scrolled to the right. Usually, you’ll only find the horizontal scroll on laptops.

static wheel_up() ButtonHandle

Returns the ButtonHandle generated when the mouse wheel is rolled one notch upwards.