
from panda3d.physics import ParticleSystemManager
class ParticleSystemManager


Manages a set of individual ParticleSystem objects, so that each individual one doesn’t have to be updated and rendered every frame See Also : particleSystemManager.cxx

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of ParticleSystemManager

__init__(param0: ParticleSystemManager)
__init__(every_nth_frame: int)

default constructor

attach_particlesystem(ps: ParticleSystem)
do_particles(dt: float)

does an update and render for each ps in the list. this is probably the one you want to use. Rendering is the expensive operation, and particles REALLY should at least be updated every frame, so nth_frame stepping applies only to rendering.

do_particles(dt: float, ps: ParticleSystem, do_render: bool)

does an update and an optional render for a specific ps. Since rendering is the expensive operation, multiple updates could be applied before calling the final render.

get_frame_stepping() int
output(out: panda3d.core.ostream)

Write a string representation of this instance to <out>.

remove_particlesystem(ps: ParticleSystem)

removes a ps from the maintenance list

set_frame_stepping(every_nth_frame: int)
write(out: panda3d.core.ostream, indent: int)

Write a string representation of this instance to <out>.

write_ps_list(out: panda3d.core.ostream, indent: int)

Write a string representation of this instance to <out>.