
from panda3d.core import PolylightEffect
class PolylightEffect


Bases: RenderEffect

A PolylightEffect can be used on a node to define a LightGroup for that node. A LightGroup contains PolylightNodes which are essentially nodes that add color to the polygons of a model based on distance. PolylightNode is a cheap way to get lighting effects specially for night scenes

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of PolylightEffect

enum ContribType
enumerator CT_proximal = 0
enumerator CT_all = 1
class LightGroup


alias of pvector_NodePath

add_light(newlight: NodePath) RenderEffect

Add a PolylightNode object to this effect and return a new effect

static get_class_type() TypeHandle
get_contrib() ContribType

Returns CT_all or CT_proximal

get_effect_center() LPoint3

Return the value of the _effect_center

get_weight() float

Get the weight value

has_light(light: NodePath) bool

Returns true if the indicated light is listed in the PolylightEffect, false otherwise.

static make() RenderEffect

Constructs a new PolylightEffect object.

static make(weight: float, contrib: ContribType, effect_center: LPoint3) RenderEffect

Constructs a new PolylightEffect object.

static make(weight: float, contrib: ContribType, effect_center: LPoint3, lights: LightGroup) RenderEffect

Constructs a new PolylightEffect object.

remove_light(newlight: NodePath) RenderEffect

Remove a light from this effect. Return the new updated effect

set_contrib(c: ContribType) RenderEffect

Set Contrib Type and return a new effect… the reason this couldnt be done through make was because that would return a new effect without the lightgroup which is static and cant be accessed Here, we just pass that to the make

set_effect_center(ec: LPoint3) RenderEffect

Set weight and return a new effect… the reason this couldnt be done through make was because that would return a new effect without the lightgroup which is static and cant be accessed Here, we just pass that to the make

set_weight(w: float) RenderEffect

Set weight and return a new effect… the reason this couldnt be done through make was because that would return a new effect without the lightgroup which is static and cant be accessed Here, we just pass that to the make