
from panda3d.egg import EggSAnimData
class EggSAnimData


Bases: EggAnimData

Corresponding to an <S$Anim> entry, this stores a single column of numbers, for instance for a morph target, or as one column in an EggXfmSAnim.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of EggSAnimData

__init__(copy: EggSAnimData)
__init__(name: str)
assign(copy: EggSAnimData) EggSAnimData
static get_class_type() panda3d.core.TypeHandle
get_num_rows() int

Returns the number of rows in the table. For an SAnim table, each row has one column.

get_value(row: int) float

Returns the value at the indicated row. Row must be in the range 0 <= row < get_num_rows().


Optimizes the data by collapsing a long table of duplicate values into a single value.

set_value(row: int, value: float)

Changes the value at the indicated row. Row must be in the range 0 <= row < get_num_rows().