
from panda3d.core import AnimControlCollection
class AnimControlCollection


This is a named collection of AnimControl pointers. An AnimControl may be added to the collection by name. While an AnimControl is associated, its reference count is maintained; associating a new AnimControl with the same name will decrement the previous control’s reference count (and possibly delete it, unbinding its animation).

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of AnimControlCollection


Returns the AnimControl associated with the given name, or NULL if no such control has been associated.

__init__(param0: AnimControlCollection)

Disassociates all anims from this collection.

find_anim(name: str) AnimControl

Returns the AnimControl associated with the given name, or NULL if no such control has been associated.

get_anim(n: int) AnimControl

Returns the nth AnimControl associated with this collection.

get_anim_name(n: int) str

Returns the name of the nth AnimControl associated with this collection.

get_anim_names() list
get_anims() list
get_frame() int

Returns the current frame in the last-started animation.

get_frame(anim_name: str) int

Returns the current frame in the named animation, or 0 if the animation is not found.

get_num_anims() int

Returns the number of AnimControls associated with this collection.

get_num_frames() int

Returns the total number of frames in the last-started animation.

get_num_frames(anim_name: str) int

Returns the total number of frames in the named animation, or 0 if the animation is not found.

is_playing() bool

Returns true if the last-started animation is currently playing, false otherwise.

is_playing(anim_name: str) bool

Returns true if the named animation is currently playing, false otherwise.

loop(anim_name: str, restart: bool) bool

Starts the named animation looping.

loop(anim_name: str, restart: bool, from: float, to: float) bool

Starts the named animation looping.

loop_all(restart: bool)

Starts all animations looping.

loop_all(restart: bool, from: float, to: float)

Starts all animations looping.

output(out: ostream)
play(anim_name: str) bool

Starts the named animation playing.

play(anim_name: str, from: float, to: float) bool

Starts the named animation playing.


These functions operate on all anims at once.

play_all(from: float, to: float)

Starts all animations playing.

pose(anim_name: str, frame: float) bool

Sets to a particular frame in the named animation.

pose_all(frame: float)

Sets all animations to the indicated frame.

stop(anim_name: str) bool

Stops the named animation.

stop_all() bool

Stops all currently playing animations. Returns true if any animations were stopped, false if none were playing.

store_anim(control: AnimControl, name: str)

Associates the given AnimControl with this collection under the given name. The AnimControl will remain associated until a new AnimControl is associated with the same name later, or until unbind_anim() is called with this name.

unbind_anim(name: str) bool

Removes the AnimControl associated with the given name, if any. Returns true if an AnimControl was removed, false if there was no AnimControl with the indicated name.

which_anim_playing() str

Returns the name of the bound AnimControl currently playing, if any. If more than one AnimControl is currently playing, returns all of the names separated by spaces.

write(out: ostream)