
from panda3d.core import DatagramOutputFile
class DatagramOutputFile


Bases: DatagramSink

This class can be used to write a binary file that consists of an arbitrary header followed by a number of datagrams.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of DatagramOutputFile


Closes the file. This is also implicitly done when the DatagramOutputFile destructs.

open(file: FileReference) bool

Opens the indicated filename for writing. Returns true if successful, false on failure.

open(filename: Filename) bool

Opens the indicated filename for writing. Returns true on success, false on failure.

open(out: ostream, filename: Filename) bool

Starts writing to the indicated stream. Returns true on success, false on failure. The DatagramOutputFile does not take ownership of the stream; you are responsible for closing or deleting it when you are done.

property stream ostream

Returns the ostream represented by the output file.

write_header(header: str) bool

Writes a sequence of bytes to the beginning of the datagram file. This may be called any number of times after the file has been opened and before the first datagram is written. It may not be called once the first datagram is written.