
from panda3d.core import LVector2i
class LVector2i


Bases: LVecBase2i

This is a two-component vector offset.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of LVector2i

__add__(other: LVecBase2i) LVecBase2i
__add__(other: LVector2i) LVector2i
__div__(scalar: int) LVector2i
__getattr__(attr_name: str) object
__init__(copy: LVecBase2i)

Constructs a new LVector2 from a LVecBase2

__init__(param0: LVector2i)
__init__(fill_value: int)

Constructs a new LVector2 with all components set to the fill value.

__init__(x: int, y: int)
__mul__(scalar: int) LVector2i
__repr__() str
__rmul__(scalar: int) LVector2i
__setattr__(attr_name: str, assign: object) int
__sub__(other: LVecBase2i) LVecBase2i
__sub__(other: LVector2i) LVector2i
__sub__(other: LVecBase2i) LVecBase2i
__sub__(other: LVector2i) LVector2i
static get_class_type() TypeHandle
static unit_x() LVector2i

Returns a unit X vector.

static unit_y() LVector2i

Returns a unit Y vector.

static zero() LVector2i

Returns a zero-length vector.