
from panda3d.core import VirtualFileSystem
class VirtualFileSystem


A hierarchy of directories and files that appears to be one continuous file system, even though the files may originate from several different sources that may not be related to the actual OS’s file system.

For instance, a VirtualFileSystem can transparently mount one or more Multifiles as their own subdirectory hierarchies.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of VirtualFileSystem

enum MountFlags
enumerator MF_read_only = 2
chdir(new_directory: Filename) bool

Changes the current directory. This is used to resolve relative pathnames in get_file() and/or find_file(). Returns true if successful, false otherwise.

static close_read_file(stream: istream)

Closes a file opened by a previous call to open_read_file(). This really just deletes the istream pointer, but it is recommended to use this interface instead of deleting it explicitly, to help work around compiler issues.

static close_read_write_file(stream: iostream)

Closes a file opened by a previous call to open_read_write_file(). This really just deletes the iostream pointer, but it is recommended to use this interface instead of deleting it explicitly, to help work around compiler issues.

static close_write_file(stream: ostream)

Closes a file opened by a previous call to open_write_file(). This really just deletes the ostream pointer, but it is recommended to use this interface instead of deleting it explicitly, to help work around compiler issues.

copy_file(orig_filename: Filename, new_filename: Filename) bool

Attempts to copy the contents of the indicated file to the indicated file. Returns true on success, false on failure.

create_file(filename: Filename) VirtualFile

Attempts to create a file by the indicated name in the filesystem, if possible, and returns it. If a file by this name already exists, returns the same thing as get_file(). If the filename is located within a read- only directory, or the directory doesn’t exist, returns NULL.

delete_file(filename: Filename) bool

Attempts to delete the indicated file or directory. This can remove a single file or an empty directory. It will not remove a nonempty directory. Returns true on success, false on failure.

exists(filename: Filename) bool

Convenience function; returns true if the named file exists.

find_all_files(filename: Filename, searchpath: DSearchPath, results: Results) int

Searches all the directories in the search list for the indicated file, in order. Fills up the results list with all of the matching filenames found, if any. Returns the number of matches found.

It is the responsibility of the the caller to clear the results list first; otherwise, the newly-found files will be appended to the list.

find_file(filename: Filename, searchpath: DSearchPath, status_only: bool) VirtualFile

Uses the indicated search path to find the file within the file system. Returns the first occurrence of the file found, or NULL if the file cannot be found.

get_cwd() Filename

Returns the current directory name. See chdir().

get_file(filename: Filename, status_only: bool) VirtualFile

Looks up the file by the indicated name in the file system. Returns a VirtualFile pointer representing the file if it is found, or NULL if it is not.

If status_only is true, the file will be checked for existence and length and so on, but the returned file’s contents cannot be read. This is an optimization which is especially important for certain mount types, for instance HTTP, for which opening a file to determine its status is substantially less expensive than opening it to read its contents.

static get_global_ptr() VirtualFileSystem

Returns the default global VirtualFileSystem. You may create your own personal VirtualFileSystem objects and use them for whatever you like, but Panda will attempt to load models and stuff from this default object.

Initially, the global VirtualFileSystem is set up to mount the OS filesystem to root; i.e. it is equivalent to the OS filesystem. This may be subsequently adjusted by the user.

get_mount(n: int) VirtualFileMount

Returns the nth mount in the system.

get_mounts() list
get_num_mounts() int

Returns the number of individual mounts in the system.

is_directory(filename: Filename) bool

Convenience function; returns true if the named file exists and is a directory.

is_regular_file(filename: Filename) bool

Convenience function; returns true if the named file exists and is a regular file.

ls(filename: Filename)

Convenience function; lists the files within the indicated directory.

ls_all(filename: Filename)

Convenience function; lists the files within the indicated directory, and all files below, recursively.

make_directory(filename: Filename) bool

Attempts to create a directory within the file system. Returns true on success, false on failure (for instance, because the parent directory does not exist, or is read-only). If the directory already existed prior to this call, returns true.

make_directory_full(filename: Filename) bool

Attempts to create a directory within the file system. Will also create any intervening directories needed. Returns true on success, false on failure.

mount(physical_filename: Filename, mount_point: Filename, flags: int, password: str) bool

Mounts the indicated system file or directory at the given mount point. If the named file is a directory, mounts the directory. If the named file is a Multifile, mounts it as a Multifile. Returns true on success, false on failure.

A given system directory may be mounted to multiple different mount point, and the same mount point may share multiple system directories. In the case of ambiguities (that is, two different files with exactly the same full pathname), the most-recently mounted system wins.

The filename specified as the first parameter must refer to a real, physical filename on disk; it cannot be a virtual file already appearing within the vfs filespace. However, it is possible to mount such a file; see mount_loop() for this.

Note that a mounted VirtualFileSystem directory is fully case-sensitive, unlike the native Windows file system, so you must refer to files within the virtual file system with exactly the right case.

mount(multifile: Multifile, mount_point: Filename, flags: int) bool

Mounts the indicated Multifile at the given mount point.

mount(mount: VirtualFileMount, mount_point: Filename, flags: int) bool

Adds the given VirtualFileMount object to the mount list. This is a lower- level function than the other flavors of mount(); it requires you to create a VirtualFileMount object specifically.

mount(archive: ZipArchive, mount_point: Filename, flags: int) bool

Mounts the indicated ZipArchive at the given mount point.

mount_loop(virtual_filename: Filename, mount_point: Filename, flags: int, password: str) bool

This is similar to mount(), but it receives the name of a Multifile that already appears within the virtual file system. It can be used to mount a Multifile that is itself hosted within a virtually-mounted Multifile.

This interface can also be used to mount physical files (that appear within the virtual filespace), but it cannot be used to mount directories. Use mount() if you need to mount a directory.

Note that there is additional overhead, in the form of additional buffer copies of the data, for recursively mounting a multifile like this.

property mounts Sequence[PointerTo_VirtualFileMount]

Returns the nth mount in the system.

open_append_file(filename: Filename) ostream

Works like open_write_file(), but the file is opened in append mode. Like open_write_file(), the returned pointer should eventually be passed to close_write_file().

open_read_append_file(filename: Filename) iostream

Works like open_read_write_file(), but the file is opened in append mode. Like open_read_write_file(), the returned pointer should eventually be passed to close_read_write_file().

open_read_file(filename: Filename, auto_unwrap: bool) istream

Convenience function; returns a newly allocated istream if the file exists and can be read, or NULL otherwise. Does not return an invalid istream.

If auto_unwrap is true, an explicitly-named .pz file is automatically decompressed and the decompressed contents are returned. This is different than vfs-implicit-pz, which will automatically decompress a file if the extension .pz is not given.

open_read_write_file(filename: Filename, truncate: bool) iostream

Convenience function; returns a newly allocated iostream if the file exists and can be written, or NULL otherwise. Does not return an invalid iostream.

open_write_file(filename: Filename, auto_wrap: bool, truncate: bool) ostream

Convenience function; returns a newly allocated ostream if the file exists and can be written, or NULL otherwise. Does not return an invalid ostream.

If auto_wrap is true, an explicitly-named .pz file is automatically compressed while writing. If truncate is true, the file is truncated to zero length before writing.

read_file(filename: Filename, auto_unwrap: bool) object

Convenience function; returns the entire contents of the indicated file as a string.

If auto_unwrap is true, an explicitly-named .pz/.gz file is automatically decompressed and the decompressed contents are returned. This is different than vfs-implicit-pz, which will automatically decompress a file if the extension .pz is not given.

rename_file(orig_filename: Filename, new_filename: Filename) bool

Attempts to move or rename the indicated file or directory. If the original file is an ordinary file, it will quietly replace any already- existing file in the new filename (but not a directory). If the original file is a directory, the new filename must not already exist.

If the file is a directory, the new filename must be within the same mount point. If the file is an ordinary file, the new filename may be anywhere; but if it is not within the same mount point then the rename operation is automatically performed as a two-step copy-and-delete operation.

resolve_filename(filename: Filename, searchpath: DSearchPath, default_extension: str) bool

Searches the given search path for the filename. If it is found, updates the filename to the full pathname found and returns true; otherwise, returns false.

scan_directory(filename: Filename) VirtualFileList

If the file represents a directory (that is, is_directory() returns true), this returns the list of files within the directory at the current time. Returns NULL if the file is not a directory or if the directory cannot be read.

unmount(physical_filename: Filename) int

Unmounts all appearances of the indicated directory name or multifile name from the file system. Returns the number of appearances unmounted.

unmount(multifile: Multifile) int

Unmounts all appearances of the indicated Multifile from the file system. Returns the number of appearances unmounted.

unmount(mount: VirtualFileMount) int

Unmounts the indicated VirtualFileMount object from the file system. Returns the number of appearances unmounted.

unmount(archive: ZipArchive) int

Unmounts all appearances of the indicated ZipArchive from the file system. Returns the number of appearances unmounted.

unmount_all() int

Unmounts all files from the file system. Returns the number of systems unmounted.

unmount_point(mount_point: Filename) int

Unmounts all systems attached to the given mount point from the file system. Returns the number of appearances unmounted.

write(out: ostream)

Print debugging information. (e.g. from Python or gdb prompt).

write_file(filename: Filename, data: object, auto_wrap: bool) object