
from panda3d.egg import EggObject
class EggObject


Bases: TypedReferenceCount

The highest-level base class in the egg directory. (Almost) all things egg inherit from this.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of EggObject

__init__(copy: EggObject)
assign(copy: EggObject) EggObject

Removes all user data pointers from the node.

clear_user_data(type: panda3d.core.TypeHandle)

Removes the user data pointer of the indicated type.

static get_class_type() panda3d.core.TypeHandle
get_user_data() EggUserData

Returns the user data pointer most recently stored on this object, or NULL if nothing was previously stored.

get_user_data(type: panda3d.core.TypeHandle) EggUserData

Returns the user data pointer of the indicated type, if it exists, or NULL if it does not.

has_user_data() bool

Returns true if a generic user data pointer has recently been set and not yet cleared, false otherwise.

has_user_data(type: panda3d.core.TypeHandle) bool

Returns true if the user data pointer of the indicated type has been set, false otherwise.

set_user_data(user_data: EggUserData)

Sets the user data associated with this object. This may be any EggUserData-derived object. The egg library will do nothing with this pointer, except to hold its reference count and return the pointer on request.

The EggObject maintains multiple different EggUserData pointers, one for each unique type (as reported by get_type()). If you know that only one type of EggUserData object will be added in your application, you may use the query functions that accept no parameters, but it is recommended that in general you pass in the type of your particular user data, to allow multiple applications to coexist in the same egg data.

This pointer is also copied by the copy assignment operator and copy constructor.