
from import CInterval
class CInterval


Bases: TypedReferenceCount

The base class for timeline components. A CInterval represents a single action, event, or collection of nested intervals that will be performed at some specific time or over a period of time.

This is essentially similar to the Python “Interval” class, but it is implemented in C++ (hence the name). Intervals that may be implemented in C++ will inherit from this class; Intervals that must be implemented in Python will inherit from the similar Python class.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of CInterval

enum EventType
enumerator ET_initialize = 0
enumerator ET_instant = 1
enumerator ET_step = 2
enumerator ET_finalize = 3
enumerator ET_reverse_initialize = 4
enumerator ET_reverse_instant = 5
enumerator ET_reverse_finalize = 6
enumerator ET_interrupt = 7
enum State
enumerator S_initial = 0
enumerator S_started = 1
enumerator S_paused = 2
enumerator S_final = 3
__await__() object
__init__(param0: CInterval)
property auto_finish bool

Returns the state of the ‘auto_finish’ flag. See set_auto_finish().


Changes the state of the ‘auto_finish’ flag. If this is true, the interval may be arbitrarily finished when the system needs to reset due to some external event by calling CIntervalManager.interrupt(). If this is false (the default), the interval must always be explicitly finished or paused.

property auto_pause bool

Returns the state of the ‘auto_pause’ flag. See set_auto_pause().


Changes the state of the ‘auto_pause’ flag. If this is true, the interval may be arbitrarily interrupted when the system needs to reset due to some external event by calling CIntervalManager.interrupt(). If this is false (the default), the interval must always be explicitly finished or paused.


Pauses the interval, if it is playing, and resets its state to its initial state, abandoning any state changes already in progress in the middle of the interval. Calling this is like pausing the interval and discarding it, creating a new one in its place.

property done_event string

Returns/Sets the event that is generated whenever the interval reaches its final state, whether it is explicitly finished or whether it gets there on its own.

property duration float

Returns the duration of the interval in seconds.


Stops the interval from playing and sets it to its final state.

get_auto_finish() bool

Returns the state of the ‘auto_finish’ flag. See set_auto_finish().

get_auto_pause() bool

Returns the state of the ‘auto_pause’ flag. See set_auto_pause().

static get_class_type() panda3d.core.TypeHandle
get_done_event() str

Returns the event that is generated whenever the interval reaches its final state, whether it is explicitly finished or whether it gets there on its own.

get_duration() float

Returns the duration of the interval in seconds.

get_manager() CIntervalManager

Returns the CIntervalManager object which will be responsible for playing this interval. Note that this can only return a C++ object; if the particular CIntervalManager object has been extended in the scripting language, this will return the encapsulated C++ object, not the full extended object.

get_name() str

Returns the interval’s name.

get_open_ended() bool

Returns the state of the “open_ended” flag. This is primarily intended for instantaneous intervals like FunctionIntervals; it indicates true if the interval has some lasting effect that should be applied even if the interval doesn’t get started until after its finish time, or false if the interval is a transitive thing that doesn’t need to be called late.

get_play_rate() float

Returns the play rate as set by the last call to start(), loop(), or set_play_rate().

get_state() State

Indicates the state the interval believes it is in: whether it has been started, is currently in the middle, or has been finalized.

get_t() float

Returns the current time of the interval: the last value of t passed to priv_initialize(), priv_step(), or priv_finalize().

get_wants_t_callback() bool

Returns the state of the ‘wants_t_callback’ flag. See set_wants_t_callback().

is_playing() bool

Returns true if the interval is currently playing, false otherwise.

is_stopped() bool

Returns true if the interval is in either its initial or final states (but not in a running or paused state).

loop(start_t: float, end_t: float, play_rate: float)

Starts the interval playing by registering it with the current CIntervalManager. The interval will play until it is interrupted with finish() or pause(), looping back to start_t when it reaches end_t.

If end_t is less than zero, it indicates the end of the interval.

property manager CIntervalManager

Returns the CIntervalManager object which will be responsible for playing this interval. Note that this can only return a C++ object; if the particular CIntervalManager object has been extended in the scripting language, this will return the encapsulated C++ object, not the full extended object.


Indicates the CIntervalManager object which will be responsible for playing this interval. This defaults to the global CIntervalManager; you should need to change this only if you have special requirements for playing this interval.

property name string

Returns the interval’s name.

property open_ended bool

Returns the state of the “open_ended” flag. This is primarily intended for instantaneous intervals like FunctionIntervals; it indicates true if the interval has some lasting effect that should be applied even if the interval doesn’t get started until after its finish time, or false if the interval is a transitive thing that doesn’t need to be called late.

output(out: panda3d.core.ostream)
pause() float

Stops the interval from playing but leaves it in its current state. It may later be resumed from this point by calling resume().

property play_rate float

Returns the play rate as set by the last call to start(), loop(), or set_play_rate().


Changes the play rate of the interval. If the interval is already started, this changes its speed on-the-fly. Note that since play_rate is a parameter to start() and loop(), the next call to start() or loop() will reset this parameter.

property playing bool

Returns true if the interval is currently playing, false otherwise.

priv_do_event(t: float, event: EventType)

These cannot be declared private because they must be accessible to Python, but the method names are prefixed with priv_ to remind you that you probably don’t want to be using them directly.


This is called to stop an interval, forcing it to whatever state it would be after it played all the way through. It’s generally invoked by set_final_t().

priv_initialize(t: float)

This replaces the first call to priv_step(), and indicates that the interval has just begun. This may be overridden by derived classes that need to do some explicit initialization on the first call.


This is called in lieu of priv_initialize() .. priv_step() .. priv_finalize(), when everything is to happen within one frame. The interval should initialize itself, then leave itself in the final state.


This is called while the interval is playing to indicate that it is about to be interrupted; that is, priv_step() will not be called for a length of time. But the interval should remain in its current state in anticipation of being eventually restarted when the calls to priv_step() eventually resume.

The purpose of this function is to allow self-running intervals like sound intervals to stop the actual sound playback during the pause.


Called generally following a priv_reverse_initialize(), this indicates the interval should set itself to the initial state.

priv_reverse_initialize(t: float)

Similar to priv_initialize(), but this is called when the interval is being played backwards; it indicates that the interval should start at the finishing state and undo any intervening intervals.


This is called in lieu of priv_reverse_initialize() .. priv_step() .. priv_reverse_finalize(), when everything is to happen within one frame. The interval should initialize itself, then leave itself in the initial state.

priv_step(t: float)

Advances the time on the interval. The time may either increase (the normal case) or decrease (e.g. if the interval is being played by a slider).


Restarts the interval from its current point after a previous call to pause().

resume(start_t: float)

Restarts the interval from the indicated point after a previous call to pause().

resume_until(end_t: float)

Restarts the interval from the current point after a previous call to pause() (or a previous play-to-point-and-stop), to play until the indicated point and then stop.

set_auto_finish(auto_finish: bool)

Changes the state of the ‘auto_finish’ flag. If this is true, the interval may be arbitrarily finished when the system needs to reset due to some external event by calling CIntervalManager.interrupt(). If this is false (the default), the interval must always be explicitly finished or paused.

set_auto_pause(auto_pause: bool)

Changes the state of the ‘auto_pause’ flag. If this is true, the interval may be arbitrarily interrupted when the system needs to reset due to some external event by calling CIntervalManager.interrupt(). If this is false (the default), the interval must always be explicitly finished or paused.

set_done_event(event: str)

Sets the event that is generated whenever the interval reaches its final state, whether it is explicitly finished or whether it gets there on its own.

set_manager(manager: CIntervalManager)

Indicates the CIntervalManager object which will be responsible for playing this interval. This defaults to the global CIntervalManager; you should need to change this only if you have special requirements for playing this interval.

set_play_rate(play_rate: float)

Changes the play rate of the interval. If the interval is already started, this changes its speed on-the-fly. Note that since play_rate is a parameter to start() and loop(), the next call to start() or loop() will reset this parameter.

set_t(t: float)

Explicitly sets the time within the interval. Normally, you would use start() .. finish() to let the time play normally, but this may be used to set the time to some particular value.

set_wants_t_callback(wants_t_callback: bool)

Changes the state of the ‘wants_t_callback’ flag. If this is true, the interval will be returned by CIntervalManager::get_event() each time the interval’s time value has been changed, regardless of whether it has any external events.

setup_play(start_time: float, end_time: float, play_rate: float, do_loop: bool)

Called to prepare the interval for automatic timed playback, e.g. via a Python task. The interval will be played from start_t to end_t, at a time factor specified by play_rate. start_t must always be less than end_t (except for the exception for end_t == -1, below), but if play_rate is negative the interval will be played backwards.

Specify end_t of -1 to play the entire interval from start_t.

Call step_play() repeatedly to execute the interval.


Called to prepare the interval for restarting at the current point within the interval after an interruption.

setup_resume_until(end_t: float)

Called to prepare the interval for restarting from the current point after a previous call to pause() (or a previous play-to-point-and-stop), to play until the indicated point and then stop.

start(start_t: float, end_t: float, play_rate: float)

Starts the interval playing by registering it with the current CIntervalManager. The interval will play to the end and stop.

If end_t is less than zero, it indicates the end of the interval.

property state State

Indicates the state the interval believes it is in: whether it has been started, is currently in the middle, or has been finalized.

step_play() bool

Should be called once per frame to execute the automatic timed playback begun with setup_play().

Returns true if the interval should continue, false if it is done and should stop.

property stopped bool

Returns true if the interval is in either its initial or final states (but not in a running or paused state).

property t float

Returns the current time of the interval: the last value of t passed to priv_initialize(), priv_step(), or priv_finalize().


Explicitly sets the time within the interval. Normally, you would use start() .. finish() to let the time play normally, but this may be used to set the time to some particular value.

write(out: panda3d.core.ostream, indent_level: int)