
from panda3d.egg import EggVertexUV
class EggVertexUV


Bases: EggNamedObject

The set of UV’s that may or may not be assigned to a vertex. To support multitexturing, there may be multiple sets of UV’s on a particular vertex, each with its own name.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of EggVertexUV

__init__(copy: EggVertexUV)
__init__(name: str, uvw: panda3d.core.LTexCoord3d)
__init__(name: str, uv: panda3d.core.LTexCoordd)
property _duvs EggMorphTexCoordList

getter for EggMorphTexCoordList EggVertexUV::_duvs;

assign(copy: EggVertexUV) EggVertexUV
compare_to(other: EggVertexUV) int

An ordering operator to compare two vertices for sorting order. This imposes an arbitrary ordering useful to identify unique vertices.

static filter_name(name: str) str

Returns the actual name that should be set for a given name string. Usually this is the same string that is input, but for historical reasons the texture coordinate name “default” is mapped to the empty string.

get_binormal() panda3d.core.LNormald
static get_class_type() panda3d.core.TypeHandle
get_num_dimensions() int

Returns the number of components of the texture coordinate set. This is either 2 (the normal case) or 3 (for a 3-d texture coordinate).

get_tangent() panda3d.core.LNormald
get_tangent4() panda3d.core.LVecBase4d
get_uv() panda3d.core.LTexCoordd

Returns the texture coordinate pair, if get_num_dimensions() is 2.

get_uvw() panda3d.core.LTexCoord3d

Returns the texture coordinate triple, if get_num_dimensions() is 3. This is also legal to call if get_num_dimensions() is 2 (but the last dimension will be zero).

has_binormal() bool
has_tangent() bool
has_tangent4() bool
has_w() bool

Returns true if the texture coordinate has a third, w component, false if it is just a normal 2-d texture coordinate.

static make_average(first: EggVertexUV, second: EggVertexUV) EggVertexUV

Creates a new EggVertexUV that contains the averaged values of the two given objects. It is an error if they don’t have the same name.

set_binormal(binormal: panda3d.core.LNormald)
set_name(name: str)
set_tangent(tangent: panda3d.core.LNormald)
set_tangent4(tangent: panda3d.core.LVecBase4d)

Sets the tangent vector, along with a fourth parameter that is multiplied with the result of cross(normal, tangent) when computing the binormal.

set_uv(texCoord: panda3d.core.LTexCoordd)

Sets the texture coordinate pair. This makes the texture coordinate a 2-d texture coordinate, which is the usual case.

set_uvw(texCoord: panda3d.core.LTexCoord3d)

Sets the texture coordinate triple. This makes the texture coordinate a 3-d texture coordinate.

transform(mat: panda3d.core.LMatrix4d)

Applies the indicated transformation matrix to the UV’s tangent and/or binormal. This does nothing if there is no tangent or binormal.

write(out: panda3d.core.ostream, indent_level: int)