
from panda3d.direct import DCKeywordList
class DCKeywordList


This is a list of keywords (see DCKeyword) that may be set on a particular field.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of DCKeywordList

compare_keywords(other: DCKeywordList) bool

Returns true if this list has the same keywords as the other list, false if some keywords differ. Order is not considered important.

get_keyword(n: int) DCKeyword

Returns the nth keyword in the list.

get_keyword_by_name(name: str) DCKeyword

Returns the keyword in the list with the indicated name, or NULL if there is no keyword in the list with that name.

get_num_keywords() int

Returns the number of keywords in the list.

has_keyword(keyword: DCKeyword) bool

Returns true if this list includes the indicated keyword, false otherwise.

has_keyword(name: str) bool

Returns true if this list includes the indicated keyword, false otherwise.