
from panda3d.core import CullBinManager
class CullBinManager


Bases: CullBinEnums

This is a global object that maintains the collection of named CullBins in the world.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of CullBinManager

add_bin(name: str, type: BinType, sort: int) int

Defines a new bin with the indicated name, and returns the new bin_index. If there is already a bin with the same name returns its bin_index if it had the same properties; otherwise, reports an error and returns -1.

find_bin(name: str) int

Returns the bin_index associated with the bin of the given name, or -1 if no bin has that name.

get_bin(n: int) int

Returns the bin_index of the nth bin in the set, where n is a number between 0 and get_num_bins(). This returns the list of bin_index numbers, in sorted order (that is, in the order in which the bins should be rendered).

get_bin_active(bin_index: int) bool

Returns the active flag of the bin with the indicated bin_index (where bin_index was retrieved by get_bin() or find_bin()).

When a bin is marked inactive, all geometry assigned to it is not rendered.

get_bin_active(name: str) bool

Returns the active flag of the bin with the indicated name.

When a bin is marked inactive, all geometry assigned to it is not rendered.

get_bin_flash_active(bin_index: int) bool

Returns true if the bin with the given bin_index is configured to flash at a predetermined color (where bin_index was retrieved by get_bin() or find_bin()).

This method is not available in release builds.

get_bin_flash_color(bin_index: int) LColor

Returns the color that this bin has been configured to flash to, if configured.

This method is not available in release builds.

get_bin_name(bin_index: int) str

Returns the name of the bin with the indicated bin_index (where bin_index was retrieved by get_bin() or find_bin()). The bin’s name may not be changed during the life of the bin.

get_bin_sort(bin_index: int) int

Returns the sort order of the bin with the indicated bin_index (where bin_index was retrieved by get_bin() or find_bin()).

The bins are rendered in increasing order by their sort order; this number may be changed from time to time to reorder the bins.

get_bin_sort(name: str) int

Returns the sort order of the bin with the indicated name.

The bins are rendered in increasing order by their sort order; this number may be changed from time to time to reorder the bins.

get_bin_type(bin_index: int) BinType

Returns the type of the bin with the indicated bin_index (where bin_index was retrieved by get_bin() or find_bin()).

get_bin_type(name: str) BinType

Returns the type of the bin with the indicated name.

get_bins() list
static get_global_ptr() CullBinManager

Returns the pointer to the global CullBinManager object.

get_num_bins() int

Returns the number of bins in the world.

remove_bin(bin_index: int)

Permanently removes the indicated bin. This operation is not protected from the pipeline and will disturb whatever is currently rendering in draw. You should not call this during the normal course of rendering a frame; it is intended only as an aid to development, to allow the developer to interactively fiddle with the set of bins.

set_bin_active(bin_index: int, active: bool)

Changes the active flag of the bin with the indicated bin_index (where bin_index was retrieved by get_bin() or find_bin()).

When a bin is marked inactive, all geometry assigned to it is not rendered.

set_bin_active(name: str, active: bool)

Changes the active flag of the bin with the indicated name.

When a bin is marked inactive, all geometry assigned to it is not rendered.

set_bin_flash_active(bin_index: int, active: bool)

When set to true, the given bin_index is configured to flash at a predetermined color (where bin_index was retrieved by get_bin() or find_bin()).

This method is not available in release builds.

set_bin_flash_color(bin_index: int, color: LColor)

Changes the flash color for the given bin index.

This method is not available in release builds.

set_bin_sort(bin_index: int, sort: int)

Changes the sort order of the bin with the indicated bin_index (where bin_index was retrieved by get_bin() or find_bin()).

The bins are rendered in increasing order by their sort order; this number may be changed from time to time to reorder the bins.

set_bin_sort(name: str, sort: int)

Changes the sort order of the bin with the indicated name.

The bins are rendered in increasing order by their sort order; this number may be changed from time to time to reorder the bins.

set_bin_type(bin_index: int, type: BinType)

Changes the type of the bin with the indicated bin_index (where bin_index was retrieved by get_bin() or find_bin()).

The change might be effective immediately, or it might take place next frame, depending on the bin type.

set_bin_type(name: str, type: BinType)

Changes the type of the bin with the indicated name.

The change might be effective immediately, or it might take place next frame, depending on the bin type.

write(out: ostream)