
from panda3d.core import WeakNodePath
class WeakNodePath


This class is a wrapper around a NodePath that, unlike the actual NodePath class, doesn’t hold a reference count to the node. Thus the node may be detached from the scene graph and destructed at any time.

You can call is_valid() or was_deleted() at any time to determine whether the node is still around; if it is, get_node_path() will return the associated NodePath.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of WeakNodePath

__eq__(other: NodePath) bool
__eq__(other: WeakNodePath) bool
__init__(node_path: NodePath)
__init__(copy: WeakNodePath)
__lt__(other: NodePath) bool
__lt__(other: WeakNodePath) bool
__ne__(other: NodePath) bool
__ne__(other: WeakNodePath) bool
assign(node_path: NodePath) WeakNodePath
assign(copy: WeakNodePath) WeakNodePath

Sets this NodePath to the empty NodePath. It will no longer point to any node.

compare_to(other: NodePath) int

Returns a number less than zero if this NodePath sorts before the other one, greater than zero if it sorts after, or zero if they are equivalent.

Two NodePaths are considered equivalent if they consist of exactly the same list of nodes in the same order. Otherwise, they are different; different NodePaths will be ranked in a consistent but undefined ordering; the ordering is useful only for placing the NodePaths in a sorted container like an STL set.

compare_to(other: WeakNodePath) int

Returns a number less than zero if this WeakNodePath sorts before the other one, greater than zero if it sorts after, or zero if they are equivalent.

Two WeakNodePaths are considered equivalent if they consist of exactly the same list of nodes in the same order. Otherwise, they are different; different WeakNodePaths will be ranked in a consistent but undefined ordering; the ordering is useful only for placing the WeakNodePaths in a sorted container like an STL set.

get_key() int

Returns the same values as NodePath.get_key().

get_node_path() NodePath

Returns the NodePath held within this object, or an empty NodePath with the error flag set if the object was deleted.

is_empty() bool

Returns true if the NodePath contains no nodes, or if it has been deleted.

node() PandaNode

Returns the PandaNode held within this object, or nullptr if the object was deleted.

output(out: ostream)
was_deleted() bool

Returns true if the NodePath we were referencing has been quietly deleted outside of the WeakNodePath.