
from panda3d.core import TransformTable
class TransformTable


Bases: TypedWritableReferenceCount

Stores the total set of VertexTransforms that the vertices in a particular GeomVertexData object might depend on.

This structure is used for a GeomVertexData set up to compute its dynamic vertices on the graphics card. See TransformBlendTable for one set up to compute its dynamic vertices on the CPU.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of TransformTable

__init__(copy: TransformTable)
add_transform(transform: VertexTransform) int

Adds a new transform to the table and returns the index number of the new transform. Only valid for unregistered tables.

This does not automatically uniquify the pointer; if the transform is already present in the table, it will be added twice.

assign(copy: TransformTable) TransformTable
static get_class_type() TypeHandle
get_modified(current_thread: Thread) UpdateSeq

Returns a sequence number that’s guaranteed to change at least when any VertexTransforms in the table change. (However, this is only true for a registered table. An unregistered table may or may not reflect an update here when a VertexTransform changes.)

get_num_transforms() int

Returns the number of transforms in the table.

get_transform(n: int) VertexTransform

Returns the nth transform in the table.

get_transforms() list
insert_transform(n: int, transform: VertexTransform)

Inserts a new transform to the table at the given index position. If the index is beyond the end of the table, appends it to the end. Only valid for unregistered tables.

This does not automatically uniquify the pointer; if the transform is already present in the table, it will be added twice.

is_registered() bool

Returns true if this table has been registered. Once it has been registered, the set of transforms in a TransformTable may not be further modified; but it must be registered before it can be assigned to a Geom.

property modified UpdateSeq

Returns a sequence number that’s guaranteed to change at least when any VertexTransforms in the table change. (However, this is only true for a registered table. An unregistered table may or may not reflect an update here when a VertexTransform changes.)

static register_table(table: TransformTable) TransformTable

Registers a TransformTable for use. This is similar to GeomVertexFormat.register_format(). Once registered, a TransformTable may no longer be modified (although the individual VertexTransform objects may modify their reported transforms).

This must be called before a table may be used in a Geom. After this call, you should discard the original pointer you passed in (which may or may not now be invalid) and let its reference count decrement normally; you should use only the returned value from this point on.

property registered bool

Returns true if this table has been registered. Once it has been registered, the set of transforms in a TransformTable may not be further modified; but it must be registered before it can be assigned to a Geom.

remove_transform(n: int)

Removes the nth transform. Only valid for unregistered tables.

set_transform(n: int, transform: VertexTransform)

Replaces the nth transform. Only valid for unregistered tables.

property transforms Sequence[VertexTransform]

Returns the nth transform in the table.


Replaces the nth transform. Only valid for unregistered tables.

write(out: ostream)