
from panda3d.egg import EggGroup
class EggGroup


Bases: EggGroupNode, EggRenderMode, EggTransform

The main glue of the egg hierarchy, this corresponds to the <Group>, <Instance>, and <Joint> type nodes.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of EggGroup

enum BillboardType
enumerator BT_none = 0

The bits here must correspond to those in Flags, below.

enumerator BT_axis = 32
enumerator BT_point_camera_relative = 64
enumerator BT_point_world_relative = 128
enum BlendMode

These correspond to ColorBlendAttrib::Mode (but not numerically).

enumerator BM_unspecified = 0
enumerator BM_none = 1
enumerator BM_add = 2
enumerator BM_subtract = 3
enumerator BM_inv_subtract = 4
enumerator BM_min = 5
enumerator BM_max = 6
enum BlendOperand

These correspond to ColorBlendAttrib::Operand (but not numerically).

enumerator BO_unspecified = 0
enumerator BO_zero = 1
enumerator BO_one = 2
enumerator BO_incoming_color = 3
enumerator BO_one_minus_incoming_color = 4
enumerator BO_fbuffer_color = 5
enumerator BO_one_minus_fbuffer_color = 6
enumerator BO_incoming_alpha = 7
enumerator BO_one_minus_incoming_alpha = 8
enumerator BO_fbuffer_alpha = 9
enumerator BO_one_minus_fbuffer_alpha = 10
enumerator BO_constant_color = 11
enumerator BO_one_minus_constant_color = 12
enumerator BO_constant_alpha = 13
enumerator BO_one_minus_constant_alpha = 14
enumerator BO_incoming_color_saturate = 15
enumerator BO_color_scale = 16
enumerator BO_one_minus_color_scale = 17
enumerator BO_alpha_scale = 18
enumerator BO_one_minus_alpha_scale = 19
enum CollideFlags
enumerator CF_none = 0

The bits here must correspond to those in Flags, below, and they must fit within F_collide_flags.

enumerator CF_descend = 1048576
enumerator CF_event = 2097152
enumerator CF_keep = 4194304
enumerator CF_solid = 8388608
enumerator CF_center = 16777216
enumerator CF_turnstile = 33554432
enumerator CF_level = 67108864
enumerator CF_intangible = 134217728
enum CollisionSolidType
enumerator CST_none = 0

The bits here must correspond to those in Flags, below, and they must fit within F_cs_type.

enumerator CST_plane = 65536
enumerator CST_polygon = 131072
enumerator CST_polyset = 196608
enumerator CST_sphere = 262144
enumerator CST_tube = 327680
enumerator CST_inv_sphere = 393216
enumerator CST_box = 458752
enumerator CST_floor_mesh = 524288
enum DCSType
enumerator DC_unspecified = 0

The bits here must correspond to those in Flags2, below.

enumerator DC_none = 16
enumerator DC_local = 32
enumerator DC_net = 48
enumerator DC_no_touch = 64
enumerator DC_default = 80
enum DartType
enumerator DT_none = 0

The bits here must correspond to those in Flags, below.

enumerator DT_structured = 268435456
enumerator DT_sync = 536870912
enumerator DT_nosync = 805306368
enumerator DT_default = 1073741824
enum GroupType

These bits are all stored somewhere in _flags.

enumerator GT_invalid = -1

The bits here must correspond to those in Flags, below.

enumerator GT_group = 0
enumerator GT_instance = 1
enumerator GT_joint = 2
class TagData


alias of map_string_string

class VertexRef


alias of map_PT_EggVertex_double

__init__(copy: EggGroup)
__init__(name: str)
add_group_ref(group: EggGroup)

Adds a new <Ref> entry to the group. This declares an internal reference to another node, and is used to implement scene-graph instancing; it is only valid if the group_type is GT_instance.

add_object_type(object_type: str)
assign(copy: EggGroup) EggGroup
property billboard_center LPoint3d

Getter Setter

Sets the point around which the billboard will rotate, if this node contains a billboard specification.

If a billboard type is given but no billboard_center is specified, then the group node is treated as an <Instance>, and the billboard rotates around the origin. If, however, a billboard_center is specified, then the group node is not treated as an <Instance>, and the billboard rotates around the specified point.

The point is in the same coordinate system as the vertices of this node: usually global, but possibly local if there is an <Instance> somewhere above. Specifically, this is the coordinate system defined by get_vertex_frame().

property billboard_type BillboardType
property blend_color LColor

Returns the blend color if one has been specified, or (0, 0, 0, 0) if one has not.


property blend_mode BlendMode
property blend_operand_a BlendOperand
property blend_operand_b BlendOperand

Removes the blend color specification.


Removes the initial pose transform. See set_default_pose().


Removes all of the <Ref> entries within this group. See add_group_ref().

clear_tag(key: str)

Removes the value defined for this key on this particular node. After a call to clear_tag(), has_tag() will return false for the indicated key.

property collide_flags CollideFlags
property collide_mask CollideMask
property collision_name string
property cs_type CollisionSolidType
property dart_type DartType
property dcs_type DCSType
property decal_flag bool
property default_pose EggTransform

Returns a read-only accessor to the initial pose transform. This is the <DefaultPose> entry for a Joint, and defines only the initial transform pose for the unanimated joint; it has nothing to do with the group’s <Transform> entry, which defines the (eventual) space of the group’s vertices.


Replaces the initial pose transform. This is the <DefaultPose> entry for a Joint, and defines only the initial transform pose for the unanimated joint; it has nothing to do with the group’s <Transform> entry, which defines the (eventual) space of the group’s vertices.

determine_alpha_mode() EggRenderMode

Walks back up the hierarchy, looking for an EggGroup or EggPrimitive or some such object at this level or above this group that has an alpha_mode other than AM_unspecified. Returns a valid EggRenderMode pointer if one is found, or NULL otherwise.

determine_bin() EggRenderMode

Walks back up the hierarchy, looking for an EggGroup or EggPrimitive or some such object at this level or above this group that has a bin specified. Returns a valid EggRenderMode pointer if one is found, or NULL otherwise.

determine_decal() bool

Walks back up the hierarchy, looking for an EggGroup at this level or above that has the “decal” flag set. Returns the value of the decal flag if it is found, or false if it is not.

In other words, returns true if the “decal” flag is in effect for the indicated node, false otherwise.

determine_depth_offset() EggRenderMode

Walks back up the hierarchy, looking for an EggGroup or EggPrimitive or some such object at this level or above this group that has a depth_offset specified. Returns a valid EggRenderMode pointer if one is found, or NULL otherwise.

determine_depth_test_mode() EggRenderMode

Walks back up the hierarchy, looking for an EggGroup or EggPrimitive or some such object at this level or above this group that has a depth_test_mode other than DTM_unspecified. Returns a valid EggRenderMode pointer if one is found, or NULL otherwise.

determine_depth_write_mode() EggRenderMode

Walks back up the hierarchy, looking for an EggGroup or EggPrimitive or some such object at this level or above this group that has a depth_write_mode other than DWM_unspecified. Returns a valid EggRenderMode pointer if one is found, or NULL otherwise.

determine_draw_order() EggRenderMode

Walks back up the hierarchy, looking for an EggGroup or EggPrimitive or some such object at this level or above this group that has a draw_order specified. Returns a valid EggRenderMode pointer if one is found, or NULL otherwise.

determine_indexed() bool

Walks back up the hierarchy, looking for an EggGroup at this level or above that has the “indexed” scalar set. Returns the value of the indexed scalar if it is found, or false if it is not.

In other words, returns true if the “indexed” flag is in effect for the indicated node, false otherwise.

determine_visibility_mode() EggRenderMode

Walks back up the hierarchy, looking for an EggGroup or EggPrimitive or some such object at this level or above this group that has a visibility_mode other than VM_unspecified. Returns a valid EggRenderMode pointer if one is found, or NULL otherwise.

property direct_flag bool
property from_collide_mask CollideMask
get_billboard_center() panda3d.core.LPoint3d
get_billboard_type() BillboardType
get_blend_color() panda3d.core.LColor

Returns the blend color if one has been specified, or (0, 0, 0, 0) if one has not.

get_blend_mode() BlendMode
get_blend_operand_a() BlendOperand
get_blend_operand_b() BlendOperand
static get_class_type() panda3d.core.TypeHandle
get_collide_flags() CollideFlags
get_collide_mask() panda3d.core.CollideMask
get_collision_name() str
get_cs_type() CollisionSolidType
get_dart_type() DartType
get_dcs_type() DCSType
get_decal_flag() bool
get_default_pose() EggTransform

Returns a read-only accessor to the initial pose transform. This is the <DefaultPose> entry for a Joint, and defines only the initial transform pose for the unanimated joint; it has nothing to do with the group’s <Transform> entry, which defines the (eventual) space of the group’s vertices.

get_direct_flag() bool
get_from_collide_mask() panda3d.core.CollideMask
get_group_ref(n: int) EggGroup

Returns the nth <Ref> entry within this group. See add_group_ref().

get_group_refs() list
get_group_type() GroupType
get_indexed_flag() bool
get_into_collide_mask() panda3d.core.CollideMask
get_lod() EggSwitchCondition
get_model_flag() bool
get_nofog_flag() bool
get_num_group_refs() int

Returns the number of <Ref> entries within this group. See add_group_ref().

get_num_object_types() int
get_object_type(index: int) str
get_object_types() list
get_occluder_flag() bool
get_polylight_flag() bool
get_portal_flag() bool
get_scroll_r() float
get_scroll_u() float
get_scroll_v() float
get_scroll_w() float
get_switch_flag() bool
get_switch_fps() float
get_tag(key: str) str

Retrieves the user-defined value that was previously set on this node for the particular key, if any. If no value has been previously set, returns the empty string.

get_texlist_flag() bool
get_vertex_membership(vert: EggVertex) float

Returns the amount of membership of the indicated vertex in this group. If the vertex is not reffed by the group, returns 0.

property group_type GroupType
has_billboard_center() bool
has_blend_color() bool

Returns true if the blend color has been specified, false otherwise.

has_collide_mask() bool
has_collision_name() bool
has_dcs_type() bool

Returns true if the specified DCS type is not DC_none and not DC_unspecified.

has_from_collide_mask() bool
has_indexed_flag() bool
has_into_collide_mask() bool
has_lod() bool
has_object_type(object_type: str) bool

Returns true if the indicated object type has been added to the group, or false otherwise.

has_scrolling_uvs() bool
has_tag(key: str) bool

Returns true if a value has been defined on this node for the particular key (even if that value is the empty string), or false if no value has been set.

property indexed_flag bool

Getter Setter

If this flag is true, geometry at this node and below will be generated as indexed geometry.

property into_collide_mask CollideMask
is_instance_type() bool

Returns true if this group is an instance type node; i.e. it begins the root of a local coordinate space. This is not related to instancing (multiple copies of a node in a scene graph).

This also includes the case of the node including a billboard flag without an explicit center, which implicitly makes the node behave like an instance.

is_joint() bool

Returns true if this particular node represents a <Joint> entry or not. This is a handy thing to know since Joints are sorted to the end of their sibling list when writing an egg file. See EggGroupNode.write().

property lod EggSwitchCondition
property model_flag bool
modify_default_pose() EggTransform

Returns a writable accessor to the initial pose transform. This is the <DefaultPose> entry for a Joint, and defines only the initial transform pose for the unanimated joint; it has nothing to do with the group’s <Transform> entry, which defines the (eventual) space of the group’s vertices.

property nofog_flag bool
property object_types Sequence[string]
property occluder_flag bool
property portal_flag bool
ref_vertex(vert: EggVertex, membership: float)

Adds the vertex to the set of those referenced by the group, at the indicated membership level. If the vertex is already being referenced, increases the membership amount by the indicated amount.

remove_group_ref(n: int)

Removes the nth <Ref> entry within this group. See add_group_ref().

remove_object_type(object_type: str) bool

Removes the first instance of the indicated object type from the group if it is present. Returns true if the object type was found and removed, false otherwise.

property scroll_r float
property scroll_u float
property scroll_v float
property scroll_w float
set_billboard_center(billboard_center: panda3d.core.LPoint3d)

Sets the point around which the billboard will rotate, if this node contains a billboard specification.

If a billboard type is given but no billboard_center is specified, then the group node is treated as an <Instance>, and the billboard rotates around the origin. If, however, a billboard_center is specified, then the group node is not treated as an <Instance>, and the billboard rotates around the specified point.

The point is in the same coordinate system as the vertices of this node: usually global, but possibly local if there is an <Instance> somewhere above. Specifically, this is the coordinate system defined by get_vertex_frame().

set_billboard_type(type: BillboardType)
set_blend_color(blend_color: panda3d.core.LColor)
set_blend_mode(blend_mode: BlendMode)
set_blend_operand_a(blend_operand_a: BlendOperand)
set_blend_operand_b(blend_operand_b: BlendOperand)
set_collide_flags(flags: int)
set_collide_mask(mask: panda3d.core.CollideMask)
set_collision_name(collision_name: str)
set_cs_type(type: CollisionSolidType)
set_dart_type(type: DartType)
set_dcs_type(type: DCSType)
set_decal_flag(flag: bool)
set_default_pose(transform: EggTransform)

Replaces the initial pose transform. This is the <DefaultPose> entry for a Joint, and defines only the initial transform pose for the unanimated joint; it has nothing to do with the group’s <Transform> entry, which defines the (eventual) space of the group’s vertices.

set_direct_flag(flag: bool)
set_from_collide_mask(mask: panda3d.core.CollideMask)
set_group_type(type: GroupType)
set_indexed_flag(flag: bool)

If this flag is true, geometry at this node and below will be generated as indexed geometry.

set_into_collide_mask(mask: panda3d.core.CollideMask)
set_lod(lod: EggSwitchCondition)
set_model_flag(flag: bool)
set_nofog_flag(flag: bool)
set_occluder_flag(flag: bool)
set_polylight_flag(flag: bool)
set_portal_flag(flag: bool)
set_scroll_r(r_speed: float)
set_scroll_u(u_speed: float)
set_scroll_v(v_speed: float)
set_scroll_w(w_speed: float)
set_switch_flag(flag: bool)
set_switch_fps(fps: float)
set_tag(key: str, value: str)

Associates a user-defined value with a user-defined key which is stored on the node. This value has no meaning to Panda; but it is stored indefinitely on the node until it is requested again. This value will be copied to the PandaNode that is created for this particular EggGroup if the egg file is loaded as a scene.

Each unique key stores a different string value. There is no effective limit on the number of different keys that may be stored or on the length of any one key’s value.

set_texlist_flag(flag: bool)
set_vertex_membership(vert: EggVertex, membership: float)

Explicitly sets the net membership of the indicated vertex in this group to the given value.

steal_vrefs(other: EggGroup)

Moves all of the vertex references from the indicated other group into this one. If a given vertex was previously shared by both groups, the relative memberships will be summed.

static string_billboard_type(strval: str) BillboardType

Returns the BillboardType value associated with the given string representation, or BT_none if the string does not match any known BillboardType value.

static string_blend_mode(strval: str) BlendMode

Returns the BlendMode value associated with the given string representation, or BM_none if the string does not match any known BlendMode.

static string_blend_operand(strval: str) BlendOperand

Returns the BlendOperand value associated with the given string representation, or BO_none if the string does not match any known BlendOperand.

static string_collide_flags(strval: str) CollideFlags

Returns the CollideFlags value associated with the given string representation, or CF_none if the string does not match any known CollideFlags value. This only recognizes a single keyword; it does not attempt to parse a string of keywords.

static string_cs_type(strval: str) CollisionSolidType

Returns the CollisionSolidType value associated with the given string representation, or CST_none if the string does not match any known CollisionSolidType value.

static string_dart_type(strval: str) DartType

Returns the DartType value associated with the given string representation, or DT_none if the string does not match any known DartType value.

static string_dcs_type(strval: str) DCSType

Returns the DCSType value associated with the given string representation, or DC_unspecified if the string does not match any known DCSType value.

static string_group_type(strval: str) GroupType

Returns the GroupType value associated with the given string representation, or GT_invalid if the string does not match any known GroupType value.

property switch_flag bool
property switch_fps float
property texlist_flag bool

Removes all vertices from the reference list.

unref_vertex(vert: EggVertex)

Removes the vertex from the set of those referenced by the group. Does nothing if the vertex is not already reffed.

write(out: panda3d.core.ostream, indent_level: int)

Writes the group and all of its children to the indicated output stream in Egg format.

write_billboard_flags(out: panda3d.core.ostream, indent_level: int)

Writes just the <Billboard> entry and related fields to the indicated ostream.

write_collide_flags(out: panda3d.core.ostream, indent_level: int)

Writes just the <Collide> entry and related fields to the indicated ostream.

write_decal_flags(out: panda3d.core.ostream, indent_level: int)

Writes the flags related to decaling, if any.

write_model_flags(out: panda3d.core.ostream, indent_level: int)

Writes the <Model> flag and related flags to the indicated ostream.

write_object_types(out: panda3d.core.ostream, indent_level: int)

Writes just the <ObjectTypes> entries, if any, to the indicated ostream.

write_render_mode(out: panda3d.core.ostream, indent_level: int)

Writes the flags inherited from EggRenderMode and similar flags that control obscure render effects.

write_switch_flags(out: panda3d.core.ostream, indent_level: int)

Writes the <Switch> flag and related flags to the indicated ostream.

write_tags(out: panda3d.core.ostream, indent_level: int)

Writes just the <Tag> entries, if any, to the indicated ostream.