
from panda3d.egg import EggTable
class EggTable


Bases: EggGroupNode

This corresponds to a <Table> or a <Bundle> entry. As such, it doesn’t actually contain a table of numbers, but it may be a parent to an EggSAnimData or an EggXfmAnimData, which do. It may also be a parent to another <Table> or <Bundle>, establishing a hierarchy of tables.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of EggTable

enum TableType
enumerator TT_invalid = 0
enumerator TT_table = 1
enumerator TT_bundle = 2
__init__(copy: EggTable)
__init__(name: str)
assign(copy: EggTable) EggTable
static get_class_type() panda3d.core.TypeHandle
get_table_type() TableType
has_transform() bool

Returns true if the table contains a transform description, false otherwise.

set_table_type(type: TableType)
static string_table_type(string: str) TableType

Returns the TableType value associated with the given string representation, or TT_invalid if the string does not match any known TableType value.