
from panda3d.core import NurbsSurfaceResult
class NurbsSurfaceResult


Bases: ReferenceCount

The result of a NurbsSurfaceEvaluator. This object represents a surface in a particular coordinate space. It can return the point and/or normal to the surface at any point.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of NurbsSurfaceResult

__init__(param0: NurbsSurfaceResult)
eval_extended_point(u: float, v: float, d: int) float

Evaluates the surface in n-dimensional space according to the extended vertices associated with the surface in the indicated dimension.

eval_extended_points(u: float, v: float, d: int, result: PN_stdfloat_[], num_values: int) bool

Simultaneously performs eval_extended_point() on a contiguous sequence of dimensions. The dimensions evaluated are d through (d + num_values - 1); the results are filled into the num_values elements in the indicated result array.

eval_normal(u: float, v: float, normal: LVecBase3) bool

Computes the normal to the surface at the indicated point in parametric time. This normal vector will not necessarily be normalized, and could be zero. See also eval_point().

eval_point(u: float, v: float, point: LVecBase3) bool

Computes the point on the surface corresponding to the indicated value in parametric time. Returns true if the u, v values are valid, false otherwise.

eval_segment_extended_point(ui: int, vi: int, u: float, v: float, d: int) float

Evaluates the surface in n-dimensional space according to the extended vertices associated with the surface in the indicated dimension.

eval_segment_extended_points(ui: int, vi: int, u: float, v: float, d: int, result: PN_stdfloat_[], num_values: int)

Simultaneously performs eval_extended_point() on a contiguous sequence of dimensions. The dimensions evaluated are d through (d + num_values - 1); the results are filled into the num_values elements in the indicated result array.

eval_segment_normal(ui: int, vi: int, u: float, v: float, normal: LVecBase3)

As eval_segment_point(), but computes the normal to the surface at the indicated point. The normal vector will not necessarily be normalized, and could be zero.

eval_segment_point(ui: int, vi: int, u: float, v: float, point: LVecBase3)

Evaluates the point on the surface corresponding to the indicated value in parametric time within the indicated surface segment. u and v should be in the range [0, 1].

The surface is internally represented as a number of connected (or possibly unconnected) piecewise continuous segments. The exact number of segments for a particular surface depends on the knot vector, and is returned by get_num_segments(). Normally, eval_point() is used to evaluate a point along the continuous surface, but when you care more about local continuity, you can use eval_segment_point() to evaluate the points along each segment.

get_end_u() float

Returns the last legal value of u on the surface.

get_end_v() float

Returns the last legal value of v on the surface.

get_num_u_segments() int

Returns the number of piecewise continuous segments within the surface in the U direction. This number is usually not important unless you plan to call eval_segment_point().

get_num_v_segments() int

Returns the number of piecewise continuous segments within the surface in the V direction. This number is usually not important unless you plan to call eval_segment_point().

get_segment_u(ui: int, u: float) float

Accepts a u value in the range [0, 1], and assumed to be relative to the indicated segment (as in eval_segment_point()), and returns the corresponding u value in the entire surface (as in eval_point()).

get_segment_v(vi: int, v: float) float

Accepts a v value in the range [0, 1], and assumed to be relative to the indicated segment (as in eval_segment_point()), and returns the corresponding v value in the entire surface (as in eval_point()).

get_start_u() float

Returns the first legal value of u on the surface. Usually this is 0.0.

get_start_v() float

Returns the first legal value of v on the surface. Usually this is 0.0.