
from panda3d.core import AsyncTaskCollection
class AsyncTaskCollection


A list of tasks, for instance as returned by some of the AsyncTaskManager query functions. This also serves to define an AsyncTaskSequence.

TODO: None of this is thread-safe yet.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of AsyncTaskCollection

__add__(other: AsyncTaskCollection) AsyncTaskCollection
__getitem__(index: int) AsyncTask

Returns the nth AsyncTask in the collection. This is the same as get_task(), but it may be a more convenient way to access it.

__iadd__(other: AsyncTaskCollection) AsyncTaskCollection
__init__(copy: AsyncTaskCollection)
add_task(task: AsyncTask)

Adds a new AsyncTask to the collection.

add_tasks_from(other: AsyncTaskCollection)

Adds all the AsyncTasks indicated in the other collection to this task. The other tasks are simply appended to the end of the tasks in this list; duplicates are not automatically removed.

assign(copy: AsyncTaskCollection) AsyncTaskCollection

Removes all AsyncTasks from the collection.

find_task(name: str) AsyncTask

Returns the task in the collection with the indicated name, if any, or NULL if no task has that name.

get_num_tasks() int

Returns the number of AsyncTasks in the collection.

get_task(index: int) AsyncTask

Returns the nth AsyncTask in the collection.

get_tasks() list
has_task(task: AsyncTask) bool

Returns true if the indicated AsyncTask appears in this collection, false otherwise.

output(out: ostream)

Writes a brief one-line description of the AsyncTaskCollection to the indicated output stream.


Removes any duplicate entries of the same AsyncTasks on this collection. If a AsyncTask appears multiple times, the first appearance is retained; subsequent appearances are removed.

remove_task(task: AsyncTask) bool

Removes the indicated AsyncTask from the collection. Returns true if the task was removed, false if it was not a member of the collection.

remove_task(index: int)

Removes the nth AsyncTask from the collection.

remove_tasks_from(other: AsyncTaskCollection)

Removes from this collection all of the AsyncTasks listed in the other collection.

size() int

Returns the number of tasks in the collection. This is the same thing as get_num_tasks().

write(out: ostream, indent_level: int)

Writes a complete multi-line description of the AsyncTaskCollection to the indicated output stream.