
from panda3d.core import Socket_IP
class Socket_IP


Bases: TypedObject

Base functionality for a INET domain Socket This call should be the starting point for all other unix domain sockets.

SocketIP | ——————————————————————- | | | | SocketTCP SocketTCP_Listen SocketUDP_Incoming SocketUDP_OutBound

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of Socket_IP

Active() bool

Ask if the socket is open (allocated)


Closes a socket if it is open (allocated).

static GetLastError() int

Gets the last errcode from a socket operation.

GetPeerName() Socket_Address

Wrapper on berkly getpeername…

GetSocket() int

Gets the base socket type

GetSocket() int

Get The RAW file id of the socket

static InitNetworkDriver() int
SetBlocking() int

Set the socket to block on subsequent calls to socket functions that address this socket

SetNonBlocking() int

this function will throw a socket into non-blocking mode

SetRecvBufferSize(size: int) int

Ok it sets the recv buffer size for both tcp and UDP

SetReuseAddress(flag: bool) bool

Informs a socket to reuse IP address as needed

SetSocket(ins: int)

Assigns an existing socket to this class

SetV6Only(flag: bool) bool

Sets a flag indicating whether this IPv6 socket should operate in dual-stack mode or not.


Def Constructor

__init__(in: int)

Assigns an existing socket to this class

static get_class_type() TypeHandle