
from panda3d.core import NodePathCollection
class NodePathCollection


This is a set of zero or more NodePaths. It’s handy for returning from functions that need to return multiple NodePaths (for instance, NodePaths::get_children).

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of NodePathCollection

__add__(other: NodePathCollection) NodePathCollection
__getitem__(index: int) NodePath
__iadd__(other: NodePathCollection) NodePathCollection
__init__(param0: NodePathCollection)
__init__(sequence: object)
__reduce__() object
add_path(node_path: NodePath)

Adds a new NodePath to the collection.

add_paths_from(other: NodePathCollection)

Adds all the NodePaths indicated in the other collection to this path. The other paths are simply appended to the end of the paths in this list; duplicates are not automatically removed.

append(node_path: NodePath)

Adds a new NodePath to the collection. This method duplicates the add_path() method; it is provided to satisfy Python’s naming convention.

calc_tight_bounds(min_point: LPoint3, max_point: LPoint3) bool

Calculates the minimum and maximum vertices of all Geoms at these NodePath’s bottom nodes and below This is a tight bounding box; it will generally be tighter than the bounding volume returned by get_bounds() (but it is more expensive to compute).

The return value is true if any points are within the bounding volume, or false if none are.


Removes all NodePaths from the collection.

compose_color_scale(scale: LVecBase4, priority: int)

Applies color scales to all NodePaths in the collection. The existing color scale, if any, is multiplied by the specified color scale.

compose_color_scale(r: float, g: float, b: float, a: float, priority: int)

Applies color scales to all NodePaths in the collection. The existing color scale, if any, is multiplied by the specified color scale.


Detaches all NodePaths in the collection.

extend(other: NodePathCollection)

Appends the other list onto the end of this one. This method duplicates the += operator; it is provided to satisfy Python’s naming convention.

find_all_matches(path: str) NodePathCollection

Returns the complete set of all NodePaths that begin with any NodePath in this collection and can be extended by path. The shortest paths will be listed first.

get_collide_mask() CollideMask

Returns the union of all of the into_collide_masks for nodes at this level and below. This is the same thing as node()->get_net_collide_mask().

If you want to return what the into_collide_mask of this node itself is, without regard to its children, use node()->get_into_collide_mask().

get_num_paths() int

Returns the number of NodePaths in the collection.

get_path(index: int) NodePath

Returns the nth NodePath in the collection.

get_paths() list
get_tight_bounds() object
has_path(path: NodePath) bool

Returns true if the indicated NodePath appears in this collection, false otherwise.


Hides all NodePaths in the collection.

is_empty() bool

Returns true if there are no NodePaths in the collection, false otherwise.


Lists all the nodes at and below each node in the collection hierarchically.

ls(out: ostream, indent_level: int)

Lists all the nodes at and below each node in the collection hierarchically.

output(out: ostream)

Writes a brief one-line description of the NodePathCollection to the indicated output stream.


Removes any duplicate entries of the same NodePaths on this collection. If a NodePath appears multiple times, the first appearance is retained; subsequent appearances are removed.

remove_path(node_path: NodePath) bool

Removes the indicated NodePath from the collection. Returns true if the path was removed, false if it was not a member of the collection.

remove_paths_from(other: NodePathCollection)

Removes from this collection all of the NodePaths listed in the other collection.

reparent_to(other: NodePath)

Reparents all the NodePaths in the collection to the indicated node.

reserve(num: int)

This is a hint to Panda to allocate enough memory to hold the given number of NodePaths, if you know ahead of time how many you will be adding.

set_attrib(attrib: RenderAttrib, priority: int)

Applies the indicated RenderAttrib to all NodePaths in the collection. An effort is made to apply the attrib to many NodePaths as quickly as possible; redundant RenderState compositions are not duplicated.

set_collide_mask(new_mask: CollideMask, bits_to_change: CollideMask, node_type: TypeHandle)

Recursively applies the indicated CollideMask to the into_collide_masks for all nodes at this level and below.

The default is to change all bits, but if bits_to_change is not all bits on, then only the bits that are set in bits_to_change are modified, allowing this call to change only a subset of the bits in the subgraph.

set_color(color: LColor, priority: int)

Colors all NodePaths in the collection

set_color(r: float, g: float, b: float, a: float, priority: int)

Colors all NodePaths in the collection

set_color_scale(scale: LVecBase4, priority: int)

Applies color scales to all NodePaths in the collection. The existing color scale is replaced.

set_color_scale(r: float, g: float, b: float, a: float, priority: int)

Applies color scales to all NodePaths in the collection. The existing color scale is replaced.

set_texture(tex: Texture, priority: int)

Adds the indicated texture to the list of textures that will be rendered on the default texture stage.

This is the deprecated single-texture variant of this method; it is now superceded by set_texture() that accepts a stage and texture. However, this method may be used in the presence of multitexture if you just want to adjust the default stage.

set_texture(stage: TextureStage, tex: Texture, priority: int)

Adds the indicated texture to the list of textures that will be rendered on the indicated multitexture stage. If there are multiple texture stages specified (possibly on multiple different nodes at different levels), they will all be applied to geometry together, according to the stage specification set up in the TextureStage object.

set_texture_off(stage: TextureStage, priority: int)

Sets the geometry at this level and below to render using no texture, on the indicated stage. This is different from not specifying a texture; rather, this specifically contradicts set_texture() at a higher node level (or, with a priority, overrides a set_texture() at a lower level).

set_texture_off(priority: int)

Sets the geometry at this level and below to render using no texture, on any stage. This is different from not specifying a texture; rather, this specifically contradicts set_texture() at a higher node level (or, with a priority, overrides a set_texture() at a lower level).


Shows all NodePaths in the collection.

size() int

Returns the number of paths in the collection. This is the same thing as get_num_paths().


Stashes all NodePaths in the collection.


Unstashes all NodePaths in the collection.

write(out: ostream, indent_level: int)

Writes a complete multi-line description of the NodePathCollection to the indicated output stream.

wrt_reparent_to(other: NodePath)

Reparents all the NodePaths in the collection to the indicated node, adjusting each transform so as not to move in world coordinates.