
from panda3d.core import LVector3f
class LVector3f


Bases: LVecBase3f

This is a three-component vector distance (as opposed to a three-component point, which represents a particular point in space). Some of the methods are slightly different between LPoint3 and LVector3; in particular, subtraction of two points yields a vector, while addition of a vector and a point yields a point.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of LVector3f

__add__(other: LVecBase3f) LVecBase3f
__add__(other: LVector3f) LVector3f
__div__(scalar: float) LVector3f
__getattr__(attr_name: str) object
__init__(copy: LVecBase2f, z: float)
__init__(copy: LVecBase3f)
__init__(param0: LVector3f)
__init__(fill_value: float)
__init__(x: float, y: float, z: float)
__mul__(scalar: float) LVector3f
__repr__() str
__rmul__(scalar: float) LVector3f
__setattr__(attr_name: str, assign: object) int
__sub__(other: LVecBase3f) LVecBase3f
__sub__(other: LVector3f) LVector3f
__sub__(other: LVecBase3f) LVecBase3f
__sub__(other: LVector3f) LVector3f
angle_deg(other: LVector3f) float

Returns the angle between this vector and the other one, expressed in degrees. Both vectors should be initially normalized.

angle_rad(other: LVector3f) float

Returns the unsigned angle between this vector and the other one, expressed in radians. Both vectors should be initially normalized.

static back(cs: CoordinateSystem) LVector3f

Returns the back vector for the given coordinate system.

cross(other: LVecBase3f) LVector3f
static down(cs: CoordinateSystem) LVector3f

Returns the down vector for the given coordinate system.

static forward(cs: CoordinateSystem) LVector3f

Returns the forward vector for the given coordinate system.

static get_class_type() TypeHandle
get_xy() LVector2f

Returns a 2-component vector that shares just the first two components of this vector.

get_xz() LVector2f

Returns a 2-component vector that shares just the first and last components of this vector.

get_yz() LVector2f

Returns a 2-component vector that shares just the last two components of this vector.

static left(cs: CoordinateSystem) LVector3f

Returns the left vector for the given coordinate system.

normalized() LVector3f

Normalizes the vector and returns the normalized vector as a copy. If the vector was a zero-length vector, a zero length vector will be returned.

project(onto: LVecBase3f) LVector3f

Returns a new vector representing the projection of this vector onto another one. The resulting vector will be a scalar multiple of onto.

relative_angle_deg(other: LVector3f) float

Deprecated: Do not use.

relative_angle_rad(other: LVector3f) float

Deprecated: Do not use.

static rfu(right: float, fwd: float, up: float, cs: CoordinateSystem) LVector3f

Returns a vector that is described by its right, forward, and up components, in whatever way the coordinate system represents that vector.

static right(cs: CoordinateSystem) LVector3f

Returns the right vector for the given coordinate system.

signed_angle_deg(other: LVector3f, ref: LVector3f) float

Returns the signed angle between two vectors. The angle is positive if the rotation from this vector to other is clockwise when looking in the direction of the ref vector.

Vectors (except the ref vector) should be initially normalized.

signed_angle_rad(other: LVector3f, ref: LVector3f) float

returns the signed angle between two vectors. The angle is positive if the rotation from this vector to other is clockwise when looking in the direction of the ref vector.

Vectors (except the ref vector) should be initially normalized.

static unit_x() LVector3f

Returns a unit X vector.

static unit_y() LVector3f

Returns a unit Y vector.

static unit_z() LVector3f

Returns a unit Z vector.

static up(cs: CoordinateSystem) LVector3f

Returns the up vector for the given coordinate system.

property xy LVector2f

Returns a 2-component vector that shares just the first two components of this vector.

property xz LVector2f

Returns a 2-component vector that shares just the first and last components of this vector.

property yz LVector2f

Returns a 2-component vector that shares just the last two components of this vector.

static zero() LVector3f

Returns a zero-length vector.