
from panda3d.core import LVecBase4i
class LVecBase4i


Bases: MemoryBase

This is the base class for all three-component vectors and points.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of LVecBase4i

__add__(other: LVecBase4i) LVecBase4i
__ceil__() object
__div__(scalar: int) LVecBase4i
__eq__(other: LVecBase4i) bool
__floor__() object
__floordiv__(scalar: int) object
__getattr__(attr_name: str) object
__getbuffer__(view: Py_buffer, flags: int) int
__getitem__(i: int)
__getitem__(i: int) int
__iadd__(other: LVecBase4i) LVecBase4i
__idiv__(scalar: int) LVecBase4i
__ifloordiv__(scalar: int) object
__imul__(scalar: int) LVecBase4i
__init__(point: LPoint3i)

Constructs an LVecBase4 from an LPoint3. The w coordinate is set to 1.0.

__init__(copy: LVecBase3i, w: int)
__init__(param0: LVecBase4i)
__init__(vector: LVector3i)

Constructs an LVecBase4 from an LVector3. The w coordinate is set to 0.0.

__init__(copy: UnalignedLVecBase4i)
__init__(fill_value: int)
__init__(x: int, y: int, z: int, w: int)
__ipow__(exponent: int) object
__isub__(other: LVecBase4i) LVecBase4i
__lt__(other: LVecBase4i) bool
__mul__(scalar: int) LVecBase4i
__ne__(other: LVecBase4i) bool
__pow__(exponent: int) object
__reduce__() object
__repr__() str
__rmul__(scalar: int) object
__round__() object
__setattr__(attr_name: str, assign: object) int
__sub__(other: LVecBase4i) LVecBase4i
__sub__(other: LVecBase4i) LVecBase4i
add_hash(hash: int) int

Adds the vector into the running hash.

add_to_cell(i: int, value: int)

These next functions add to an existing value. i.e. foo.set_x(foo.get_x() + value) These are useful to reduce overhead in scripting languages:

add_w(value: int)
add_x(value: int)
add_y(value: int)
add_z(value: int)
almost_equal(other: LVecBase4i) bool

Returns true if two vectors are memberwise equal within a default tolerance based on the numeric type.

almost_equal(other: LVecBase4i, threshold: int) bool

Returns true if two vectors are memberwise equal within a specified tolerance.

assign(copy: LVecBase4i) LVecBase4i
assign(fill_value: int) LVecBase4i
compare_to(other: LVecBase4i) int

This flavor of compare_to uses a default threshold value based on the numeric type.

componentwise_mult(other: LVecBase4i)
dot(other: LVecBase4i) int
fill(fill_value: int)

Sets each element of the vector to the indicated fill_value. This is particularly useful for initializing to zero.

fmax(other: LVecBase4i) LVecBase4i
fmin(other: LVecBase4i) LVecBase4i
generate_hash(hashgen: ChecksumHashGenerator)

Adds the vector to the indicated hash generator.

get_cell(i: int) int
static get_class_type() TypeHandle

Returns the address of the first of the four data elements in the vector. The remaining elements occupy the next positions consecutively in memory.

get_hash() int

Returns a suitable hash for phash_map.

static get_num_components() int
get_w() int
get_x() int
get_xy() LVecBase2i

Returns the x and y component of this vector

get_xyz() LVecBase3i

Returns the x, y and z component of this vector

get_y() int
get_z() int
is_nan() bool

Returns true if any component of the vector is not-a-number, false otherwise.

length_squared() int

Returns the square of the vector’s length, cheap and easy.

output(out: ostream)
read_datagram(source: DatagramIterator)

Reads the vector from the Datagram using get_stdfloat().

read_datagram_fixed(source: DatagramIterator)

Reads the vector from the Datagram using get_float32() or get_float64(). See write_datagram_fixed().

set(x: int, y: int, z: int, w: int)
set_cell(i: int, value: int)
set_w(value: int)
set_x(value: int)
set_y(value: int)
set_z(value: int)
static size() int
static unit_w() LVecBase4i

Returns a unit W vector.

static unit_x() LVecBase4i

Returns a unit X vector.

static unit_y() LVecBase4i

Returns a unit Y vector.

static unit_z() LVecBase4i

Returns a unit Z vector.

write_datagram(destination: Datagram)

Writes the vector to the Datagram using add_stdfloat(). This is appropriate when you want to write the vector using the standard width setting, especially when you are writing a bam file.

write_datagram_fixed(destination: Datagram)

Writes the vector to the Datagram using add_float32() or add_float64(), depending on the type of floats in the vector, regardless of the setting of Datagram.set_stdfloat_double(). This is appropriate when you want to write a fixed-width value to the datagram, especially when you are not writing a bam file.

property x int
property xy LVecBase2i

Returns the x and y component of this vector

property xyz LVecBase3i

Returns the x, y and z component of this vector

property y int
property z int
static zero() LVecBase4i

Returns a zero-length vector.