
from panda3d.physics import PhysicalNode
class PhysicalNode


Bases: PandaNode

Graph node that encapsulated a series of physical objects

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of PhysicalNode

__init__(name: str)

default constructor

add_physical(physical: Physical)

Adds a Physical to this PhysicalNode. If it is already added to this node, does nothing. It is an error to add a Physical to multiple PhysicalNodes.

add_physicals_from(other: PhysicalNode)

append operation

static get_class_type() panda3d.core.TypeHandle
get_num_physicals() int
get_physical(index: int) Physical
get_physicals() list
insert_physical(index: int, physical: Physical)

insert operation

property physicals Sequence[Physical]

Getter Setter

replace operation

remove_physical(physical: Physical)

remove operation

remove_physical(index: int)

remove operation

set_physical(index: int, physical: Physical)

replace operation