
from import CDistributedSmoothNodeBase
class CDistributedSmoothNodeBase


This class defines some basic methods of DistributedSmoothNodeBase which have been moved into C++ as a performance optimization.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of CDistributedSmoothNodeBase

__init__(param0: CDistributedSmoothNodeBase)

Examines the complete pos/hpr information to see which of the six elements have changed, and broadcasts the appropriate messages.


Examines only X and Y of the pos/hpr information, and broadcasts the appropriate messages.


Examines only X, Y, and H of the pos/hpr information, and broadcasts the appropriate messages.

initialize(node_path: panda3d.core.NodePath, dclass: DCClass, do_id: int)

Initializes the internal structures from some constructs that are normally stored only in Python. Also reads the current node’s pos & hpr values in preparation for transmitting them via one of the broadcast_pos_hpr_*() methods.


Broadcasts the current pos/hpr in its complete form.

set_clock_delta(clock_delta: object)

Tells the C++ instance definition about the global ClockDelta object.

set_curr_l(l: int)

Appends the timestamp and sends the update.

set_repository(repository: CConnectionRepository, is_ai: bool, ai_id: int)

Tells the C++ instance definition about the AI or Client repository, used for sending datagrams.