
from panda3d.core import GeomVertexFormat
class GeomVertexFormat


Bases: TypedWritableReferenceCount, GeomEnums

This class defines the physical layout of the vertex data stored within a Geom. The layout consists of a list of named columns, each of which has a numeric type and a size.

The columns are typically interleaved within a single array, but they may also be distributed among multiple different arrays; at the extreme, each column may be alone within its own array (which amounts to a parallel-array definition).

Thus, a GeomVertexFormat is really a list of GeomVertexArrayFormats, each of which contains a list of columns. However, a particular column name should not appear more than once in the format, even between different arrays.

There are a handful of standard pre-defined GeomVertexFormat objects, or you may define your own as needed. You may record any combination of standard and/or user-defined columns in your custom GeomVertexFormat constructions.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of GeomVertexFormat

__init__(array_format: GeomVertexArrayFormat)
__init__(copy: GeomVertexFormat)
add_array(array_format: GeomVertexArrayFormat) int

Adds the indicated array definition to the list of arrays included within this vertex format definition. The return value is the index number of the new array.

This may not be called once the format has been registered.


Reprocesses the columns in the format to align the C_point and C_vector columns to 16-byte boundaries to allow for the more efficient SSE2 operations (assuming SSE2 is enabled in the build).

Also see maybe_align_columns_for_animation().

property animation GeomVertexAnimationSpec

Returns the GeomVertexAnimationSpec that indicates how this format’s vertices are set up for animation.


Resets the GeomVertexAnimationSpec that indicates how this format’s vertices are set up for animation. You should also, of course, change the columns in the tables accordingly.

This may not be called once the format has been registered.

property arrays Sequence[GeomVertexArrayFormat]

Returns the description of the nth array used by the format.


Replaces the definition of the indicated array.

This may not be called once the format has been registered.

assign(copy: GeomVertexFormat) GeomVertexFormat

Removes all of the array definitions from the format and starts over.

This may not be called once the format has been registered.

property columns GeomVertexColumn

We also define this as a mapping interface, for lookups by name.

Returns the ith column of the specification, across all arrays.

Returns the specification with the indicated name, or NULL if the name is not used. Use get_array_with() to determine which array this column is associated with.

get_animation() GeomVertexAnimationSpec

Returns the GeomVertexAnimationSpec that indicates how this format’s vertices are set up for animation.

get_array(array: int) GeomVertexArrayFormat

Returns the description of the nth array used by the format.

get_array_with(name: InternalName) int

Returns the index number of the array with the indicated column, or -1 if no arrays contained that name.

The return value can be passed to get_array_format() to get the format of the array. It may also be passed to GeomVertexData::get_array_data() or get_data() or set_data() to manipulate the actual array data.

This may only be called after the format has been registered.

get_array_with(i: int) int

Returns the index number of the array with the ith column.

The return value can be passed to get_array_format() to get the format of the array. It may also be passed to GeomVertexData::get_array_data() or get_data() or set_data() to manipulate the actual array data.

get_arrays() list
static get_class_type() TypeHandle
get_column(name: InternalName) GeomVertexColumn

Returns the specification with the indicated name, or NULL if the name is not used. Use get_array_with() to determine which array this column is associated with.

get_column(i: int) GeomVertexColumn

Returns the ith column of the specification, across all arrays.

get_column_name(i: int) InternalName

Returns the name of the ith column, across all arrays.

get_columns() list
static get_empty() GeomVertexFormat

Returns a standard vertex format containing no arrays at all, useful for pull-style vertex rendering.

get_morph_base(n: int) InternalName

Returns the name of the base column that the nth morph modifies. This column will also be defined within the format, and can be retrieved via get_array_with() and/or get_column().

This may only be called after the format has been registered.

get_morph_bases() list
get_morph_delta(n: int) InternalName

Returns the name of the column that defines the nth morph. This contains the delta offsets that are to be applied to the column defined by get_morph_base(). This column will be defined within the format, and can be retrieved via get_array_with() and/or get_column().

This may only be called after the format has been registered.

get_morph_deltas() list
get_morph_slider(n: int) InternalName

Returns the slider name associated with the nth morph column. This is the name of the slider that will control the morph, and should be defined within the SliderTable associated with the GeomVertexData.

This may only be called after the format has been registered.

get_morph_sliders() list
get_num_arrays() int

Returns the number of individual arrays required by the format. If the array data is completely interleaved, this will be 1; if it is completely parallel, this will be the same as the number of data types.

get_num_columns() int

Returns the total number of different columns in the specification, across all arrays.

get_num_morphs() int

Returns the number of columns within the format that represent morph deltas.

This may only be called after the format has been registered.

get_num_points() int

Returns the number of columns within the format that represent points in space.

This may only be called after the format has been registered.

get_num_texcoords() int

Returns the number of columns within the format that represent texture coordinates.

This may only be called after the format has been registered.

get_num_vectors() int

Returns the number of columns within the format that represent directional vectors.

This may only be called after the format has been registered.

get_point(n: int) InternalName

Returns the name of the nth point column. This represents a point in space, which should be transformed by any spatial transform matrix.

This may only be called after the format has been registered.

get_points() list
get_post_animated_format() GeomVertexFormat

Returns a suitable vertex format for sending the animated vertices to the graphics backend. This is the same format as the source format, with the CPU-animation data elements removed.

This may only be called after the format has been registered. The return value will have been already registered.

get_post_instanced_format() GeomVertexFormat

Returns a suitable vertex format for sending the animated vertices to the graphics backend. This is the same format as the source format, with the instancing columns added.

This may only be called after the format has been registered. The return value will have been already registered.

get_texcoord(n: int) InternalName

Returns the name of the nth texcoord column. This represents a texture coordinate.

This may only be called after the format has been registered.

get_texcoords() list
get_union_format(other: GeomVertexFormat) GeomVertexFormat

Returns a new GeomVertexFormat that includes all of the columns defined in either this GeomVertexFormat or the other one. If any column is defined in both formats with different sizes (for instance, texcoord2 vs. texcoord3), the new format will include the larger of the two definitions.

This may only be called after both source formats have been registered. The return value will also have been already registered.

static get_v3() GeomVertexFormat

Some standard vertex formats. No particular requirement to use one of these, but the DirectX renderers can use these formats directly, whereas any other format will have to be converted first.

static get_v3c() GeomVertexFormat

These are like the above, but automatically select the appropriate format based on the setting of vertex-colors-prefer-packed.

static get_v3c4() GeomVertexFormat

These formats, with an OpenGL-style four-byte color, are not supported directly by DirectX. If you use them, the DXGraphicsStateGuardian will automatically convert to DirectX form (with a larger runtime overhead, since DirectX8, and old DirectX9 drivers, require everything to be interleaved together).

static get_v3c4t2() GeomVertexFormat

Returns a standard vertex format with a 2-component texture coordinate pair, a 4-component color, and a 3-component vertex position.

static get_v3cp() GeomVertexFormat

These formats, with the DirectX-style packed color, may not be supported directly by OpenGL. If you use them and the driver does not support them, the GLGraphicsStateGuardian will automatically convert to native OpenGL form (with a small runtime overhead).

static get_v3cpt2() GeomVertexFormat

Returns a standard vertex format with a 2-component texture coordinate pair, a packed color, and a 3-component vertex position.

static get_v3ct2() GeomVertexFormat

Returns a standard vertex format with a 2-component texture coordinate pair, a 4-component color, and a 3-component vertex position.

static get_v3n3() GeomVertexFormat

Returns a standard vertex format with a 3-component normal and a 3-component vertex position.

static get_v3n3c() GeomVertexFormat

Returns a standard vertex format with a 4-component color, a 3-component normal, and a 3-component vertex position.

static get_v3n3c4() GeomVertexFormat

Returns a standard vertex format with a 4-component color, a 3-component normal, and a 3-component vertex position.

static get_v3n3c4t2() GeomVertexFormat

Returns a standard vertex format with a 2-component texture coordinate pair, a 4-component color, a 3-component normal, and a 3-component vertex position.

static get_v3n3cp() GeomVertexFormat

Returns a standard vertex format with a packed color, a 3-component normal, and a 3-component vertex position.

static get_v3n3cpt2() GeomVertexFormat

Returns a standard vertex format with a 2-component texture coordinate pair, a packed color, a 3-component normal, and a 3-component vertex position.

static get_v3n3ct2() GeomVertexFormat

Returns a standard vertex format with a 2-component texture coordinate pair, a 4-component color, a 3-component normal, and a 3-component vertex position.

static get_v3n3t2() GeomVertexFormat

Returns a standard vertex format with a 2-component texture coordinate pair, a 3-component normal, and a 3-component vertex position.

static get_v3t2() GeomVertexFormat

Returns a standard vertex format with a 2-component texture coordinate pair and a 3-component vertex position.

get_vector(n: int) InternalName

Returns the name of the nth vector column. This represents a directional vector, which should be transformed by any spatial transform matrix as a vector.

This may only be called after the format has been registered.

get_vectors() list
has_column(name: InternalName) bool

Returns true if the format has the named column, false otherwise.

insert_array(array: int, array_format: GeomVertexArrayFormat)

Adds the indicated array definition to the list of arrays at the indicated position. This works just like add_array(), except that you can specify which array index the new array should have.

This may not be called once the format has been registered.

is_registered() bool

Returns true if this format has been registered, false if it has not. It may not be used for a Geom until it has been registered, but once registered, it may no longer be modified.


Calls align_columns_for_animation() if this format’s AnimationSpec indicates that it contains animated vertices, and if vertex-animation- align-16 is true.

modify_array(array: int) GeomVertexArrayFormat

Returns a modifiable pointer to the indicated array. This means duplicating it if it is shared or registered.

This may not be called once the format has been registered.

output(out: ostream)

Removes wasted space between columns.

property points Sequence[InternalName]

Returns the name of the nth point column. This represents a point in space, which should be transformed by any spatial transform matrix.

This may only be called after the format has been registered.

static register_format(format: GeomVertexArrayFormat) GeomVertexFormat

This flavor of register_format() implicitly creates a one-array vertex format from the array definition.

static register_format(format: GeomVertexFormat) GeomVertexFormat

Adds the indicated format to the registry, if there is not an equivalent format already there; in either case, returns the pointer to the equivalent format now in the registry.

This must be called before a format may be used in a Geom. After this call, you should discard the original pointer you passed in (which may or may not now be invalid) and let its reference count decrement normally; you should use only the returned value from this point on.

property registered bool

Returns true if this format has been registered, false if it has not. It may not be used for a Geom until it has been registered, but once registered, it may no longer be modified.

remove_array(array: int)

Removes the nth array from the format.

This may not be called once the format has been registered.

remove_column(name: InternalName, keep_empty_array: bool)

Removes the named column from the format, from whichever array it exists in. If there are other columns remaining in the array, the array is left with a gap where the column used to be; if this was the only column in the array, the array is removed (unless keep_empty_array is true).

This may not be called once the format has been registered.


Removes the arrays that define no columns.

This may not be called once the format has been registered.

set_animation(animation: GeomVertexAnimationSpec)

Resets the GeomVertexAnimationSpec that indicates how this format’s vertices are set up for animation. You should also, of course, change the columns in the tables accordingly.

This may not be called once the format has been registered.

set_array(array: int, format: GeomVertexArrayFormat)

Replaces the definition of the indicated array.

This may not be called once the format has been registered.

unref() bool

This method overrides ReferenceCount.unref() to unregister the object when its reference count goes to zero.

property vectors Sequence[InternalName]

Returns the name of the nth vector column. This represents a directional vector, which should be transformed by any spatial transform matrix as a vector.

This may only be called after the format has been registered.

write(out: ostream, indent_level: int)
write_with_data(out: ostream, indent_level: int, data: GeomVertexData)