
from panda3d.core import InputDevice
class InputDevice


Bases: TypedReferenceCount

This is a structure representing a single input device. Input devices may have zero or more buttons, pointers, or axes associated with them, and optionally a motion tracker.

These devices are brought under a common interface because there is such a large range of devices out there that may support any number of these types of axes, we couldn’t even begin to cover them with type-specific subclasses.

Use the various has_() and get_num_() methods to determine information about the device capabilities. For instance, has_keyboard() will give an indication that you can receive keystroke events from this device, and get_num_buttons() will tell you that the device may send button events.

There is the DeviceType enumeration, however, which will (if known) contain identification of the general category of devices this fits in, such as keyboard, mouse, gamepad, or flight stick.

New in version 1.10.0.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of InputDevice

class Axes


alias of pvector_AxisState

enum Axis
enumerator none = 0
enumerator x = 1

Generic translational axes

enumerator y = 2
enumerator z = 3
enumerator yaw = 4

Generic rotational axes, used by joysticks and 3D mice

enumerator pitch = 5
enumerator roll = 6
enumerator left_x = 7


enumerator left_y = 8
enumerator left_trigger = 9
enumerator right_x = 10
enumerator right_y = 11
enumerator right_trigger = 12
enumerator throttle = 13

Flight stick specific

enumerator rudder = 14

When available separately from yaw

enumerator wheel = 15

Steering wheel / pedals

enumerator accelerator = 16
enumerator brake = 17
enumerator pressure = 18

Pen pressure

class AxisState


__init__(param0: AxisState)
property axis Axis

getter/setter for InputDevice::Axis InputDevice::AxisState::axis;

property known bool

getter/setter for bool InputDevice::AxisState::known;

property value float

getter/setter for double InputDevice::AxisState::value;

class BatteryData


__init__(param0: BatteryData)
property level int

Ranges from 0 through max_level.

getter/setter for short int InputDevice::BatteryData::level;

property max_level int

Maximum value of ‘level’ field.

getter/setter for short int InputDevice::BatteryData::max_level;

class ButtonState


__init__(param0: ButtonState)
property handle ButtonHandle

getter for ButtonHandle InputDevice::ButtonState::handle;

property known bool

True if the button state is currently known.

property pressed bool

True if the button is currently known to be pressed.

class Buttons


alias of pvector_ButtonState

enum DeviceClass

This enum contains information that can be used to identify the type of input device.

enumerator unknown = 0

It is not known what type of device this is.

enumerator virtual_device = 1

This means that the device doesn’t correspond to a physical device, but rather to a dynamic source of input events.

enumerator keyboard = 2

A physical, alphabetical keyboard.

enumerator mouse = 3
enumerator touch = 4
enumerator gamepad = 5

A gamepad with action buttons, a D-pad, and thumbsticks.

enumerator flight_stick = 6
enumerator steering_wheel = 7
enumerator dance_pad = 8
enumerator hmd = 9

Head-mounted display.

enumerator spatial_mouse = 10

3D mouse, such as produced by 3Dconnexion.

enumerator digitizer = 11

A graphics tablet with stylus/pen.

enum Feature
enumerator pointer = 0

The device provides absolute screen coordinates.

enumerator keyboard = 1

The device has an interface for providing text input.

enumerator tracker = 2

The device has a motion tracker, such as an HMD.

enumerator vibration = 3

The device can produce force feedback.

enumerator battery = 4

The device provides information about battery life.

enum State
enumerator S_unknown = 0
enumerator S_up = 1
enumerator S_down = 2
property _axes Axes

getter for InputDevice::Axes InputDevice::_axes;

property _battery_data BatteryData

getter for InputDevice::BatteryData InputDevice::_battery_data;

property _buttons Buttons

getter for InputDevice::Buttons InputDevice::_buttons;

property _pointer_data PointerData

getter for PointerData InputDevice::_pointer_data;

property _tracker_data TrackerData

getter for TrackerData InputDevice::_tracker_data;

property axes Sequence[AxisState]

Returns the axis state that is set at the given index, or throw an assert if the index was not found in the list.

property battery BatteryData

Returns a rough indication of the battery level, ranging from 0 (completely empty battery) to the indicated max_level value.

property buttons Sequence[ButtonState]

Make device buttons and axes iterable

Returns the ButtonState that is set at the given index, or throw an assert if the index was not found in the list.

property connected bool

This is false if we know that the device is not currently connected. May report false positives if we can’t know this with certainty.

Returns true if the device is still connected and able to receive data, false otherwise. May return false positives.

property device_class DeviceClass

This contains an identification of the general type of device. If this could not be determined, it is set to DC_unknown.

Returns an identification of the general type of device. If this could not be determined, returns DeviceClass.unknown.


Disables the generation of mouse-movement events.


Enables the generation of mouse-movement events.

find_axis(axis: Axis) AxisState

Returns the first AnalogAxis found with the given axis, or throw an assert if the axis was not found in the list.

find_button(handle: ButtonHandle) ButtonState

Returns the first ButtonState found with the given axis, or throw an assert if the button handle was not found in the list.

get_button_events() ButtonEventList

Returns the list of recently-generated ButtonEvents. The list is also cleared.

static get_class_type() TypeHandle
get_pointer_events() PointerEventList

Returns a PointerEventList containing all the recent pointer events. Clears the list.

has_button_event() bool

Returns true if this device has a pending button event (a mouse button or keyboard button down/up), false otherwise. If this returns true, the particular event may be extracted via get_button_event().

has_feature(feature: Feature) bool

Returns true if the device supports the indicated feature.

has_pointer_event() bool

Returns true if this device has a pending pointer event (a mouse movement), or false otherwise. If this returns true, the particular event may be extracted via get_pointer_event().

property manufacturer string

The device’s manufacturer, or the empty string if not known.

Returns a string containing the manufacturer of the device, if this information is known.

map_axis(index: int, axis: Axis)

Associates the indicated Axis with the axis of the indicated index number. Pass Axis::none to turn off any association.

It is not necessary to call this if you simply want to query the state of the various axes by index number.

map_button(index: int, handle: ButtonHandle)

Associates the indicated ButtonHandle with the button of the indicated index number. When the given button index changes state, a corresponding ButtonEvent will be generated with the given ButtonHandle. Pass ButtonHandle.none() to turn off any association.

It is not necessary to call this if you simply want to query the state of the various buttons by index number; this is only necessary in order to generate ButtonEvents when the buttons change state.

property name string

The human-readable name of this input device.

Returns a human-readable name for the device. Not necessarily unique.

output(out: ostream)

Writes a one-line string describing the device.


Polls the input device for new activity, to ensure it contains the latest events. This will only have any effect for some types of input devices; others may be updated automatically, and this method will be a no-op.

property product_id int

USB product ID of the device, or 0 if not known.

Returns a string containing the USB product ID of the device, if this information is known.

property serial_number string

The device’s serial number, or the empty string if not known.

Returns a string containing the serial number of the device, if this information is known.

set_vibration(strong: float, weak: float)

Sets the strength of the vibration effect, if supported. The values are clamped to 0-1 range. The first value axes the low-frequency rumble motor, whereas the second axes the high-frequency motor, if present.

property tracker TrackerData

Getters for the various types of device data.

Returns the TrackerData associated with the input device’s tracker. This only makes sense if has_tracker() also returns true.

property vendor_id int

USB vendor ID of the device, or 0 if not known.

Returns a string containing the USB vendor ID of the device, if this information is known.