
from panda3d.core import PNMImageHeader
class PNMImageHeader


Bases: MemoryBase

This is the base class of PNMImage, PNMReader, and PNMWriter. It encapsulates all the information associated with an image that describes its size, number of channels, etc; that is, all the information about the image except the image data itself. It’s the sort of information you typically read from the image file’s header.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of PNMImageHeader

enum ColorType

This enumerated type indicates the number of channels in the image, and also implies an image type. You can treat it either as an integer number of channels or as an enumerated image type.

enumerator CT_invalid = 0
enumerator CT_grayscale = 1
enumerator CT_two_channel = 2
enumerator CT_color = 3
enumerator CT_four_channel = 4
class HistMap


alias of map_PixelSpec_int

class Histogram


Used to return a pixel histogram in PNMImage::get_histogram().

__init__(param0: Histogram)
get_count(pixel: PixelSpec) int

Returns the number of occurrences in the image of the indicated pixel color.

get_count(n: int) int

Returns the number of occurrences in the image of the nth unique pixel color in the histogram.

get_num_pixels() int

Returns the number of unique pixel colors in the histogram.

get_pixel(n: int) PixelSpec

Returns the nth unique pixel color in the histogram. These are ordered by default from most common to least common.

get_pixels() list
write(out: ostream)
class Palette


alias of pvector_PixelSpec

class PixelCount


alias of pvector_PixelSpecCount

class PixelSpec


Contains a single pixel specification used in compute_histogram() and make_histogram(). Note that pixels are stored by integer value, not by floating-point scaled value.

__eq__(other: PixelSpec) bool
__getitem__(n: int) int
__init__(param0: PixelSpec)
__init__(rgb: xel)
__init__(rgb: xel, alpha: int)
__init__(gray_value: int)
__init__(gray_value: int, alpha: int)
__init__(red: int, green: int, blue: int)
__init__(red: int, green: int, blue: int, alpha: int)
__lt__(other: PixelSpec) bool
__ne__(other: PixelSpec) bool
compare_to(other: PixelSpec) int
get_alpha() int
get_blue() int
get_green() int
get_red() int
output(out: ostream)
set_alpha(alpha: int)
set_blue(blue: int)
set_green(green: int)
set_red(red: int)
static size() int

Specifies the number of components in the PixelSpec; this is always 4, regardless of the type of image it was taken from.

class PixelSpecCount


Associates a pixel specification with an appearance count, for use in Histogram, below.

__init__(param0: PixelSpecCount)
__init__(copy: PNMImageHeader)
assign(copy: PNMImageHeader) PNMImageHeader
property color_space ColorSpace

Returns the color space that the image is encoded in, or CS_unspecified if unknown.

property comment string

Gets the user comment from the file.


Writes a user comment string to the image (header).

get_color_space() ColorSpace

Returns the color space that the image is encoded in, or CS_unspecified if unknown.

get_color_type() ColorType

Returns the image type of the image, as an enumerated value. This is really just the number of channels cast to the enumerated type.

get_comment() str

Gets the user comment from the file.

get_maxval() int

Returns the maximum channel value allowable for any pixel in this image; for instance, 255 for a typical 8-bit-per-channel image. A pixel with this value is full on.

get_num_channels() int

Returns the number of channels in the image.

get_size() LVecBase2i

Returns the number of pixels in each direction. This is one more than the largest allowable coordinates.

get_type() PNMFileType

If the file type is known (e.g. has_type() returns true), returns its PNMFileType pointer; otherwise, returns NULL.

get_x_size() int

Returns the number of pixels in the X direction. This is one more than the largest allowable X coordinate.

get_y_size() int

Returns the number of pixels in the Y direction. This is one more than the largest allowable Y coordinate.

has_alpha() bool

Returns true if the image includes an alpha channel, false otherwise. Unlike is_grayscale(), if this returns false it is an error to call any of the functions accessing the alpha channel.

has_alpha(color_type: ColorType) bool

This static variant of has_alpha() returns true if the indicated image type includes an alpha channel, false otherwise.

has_type() bool

Returns true if the PNMImageHeader knows what type it is, false otherwise.

is_grayscale() bool

Returns false if the image is a full-color image, and has red, green, and blue components; true if it is a grayscale image and has only a gray component. (The gray color is actually stored in the blue channel, and the red and green channels are ignored.)

is_grayscale(color_type: ColorType) bool

This static variant of is_grayscale() returns true if the indicated image type represents a grayscale image, false otherwise.

make_reader(filename: Filename, type: PNMFileType, report_unknown_type: bool) PNMReader

Returns a newly-allocated PNMReader of the suitable type for reading from the indicated image filename, or NULL if the filename cannot be read for some reason. The filename “-” always stands for standard input. If type is specified, it is a suggestion for the file type to use.

The PNMReader should be deleted when it is no longer needed.

make_reader(file: istream, owns_file: bool, filename: Filename, magic_number: str, type: PNMFileType, report_unknown_type: bool) PNMReader

Returns a newly-allocated PNMReader of the suitable type for reading from the already-opened image file, or NULL if the file cannot be read for some reason.

owns_file should be set true if the PNMReader is to be considered the owner of the stream pointer (in which case the stream will be deleted on completion, whether successful or not), or false if it should not delete it.

The filename parameter is optional here, since the file has already been opened; it is only used to examine the extension and attempt to guess the file type.

If magic_number is nonempty, it is assumed to represent the first few bytes that have already been read from the file. Some file types may have difficulty if this is more than two bytes.

If type is non-NULL, it is a suggestion for the file type to use.

The PNMReader should be deleted when it is no longer needed.

make_writer(filename: Filename, type: PNMFileType) PNMWriter

Returns a newly-allocated PNMWriter of the suitable type for writing an image to the indicated filename, or NULL if the filename cannot be written for some reason. The filename “-” always stands for standard output. If type is specified, it is a suggestion for the file type to use.

The PNMWriter should be deleted when it is no longer needed.

make_writer(file: ostream, owns_file: bool, filename: Filename, type: PNMFileType) PNMWriter

Returns a newly-allocated PNMWriter of the suitable type for writing to the already-opened image file, or NULL if the file cannot be written for some reason.

owns_file should be set true if the PNMWriter is to be considered the owner of the stream pointer (in which case the stream will be deleted on completion, whether successful or not), or false if it should not delete it.

The filename parameter is optional here, since the file has already been opened; it is only used to examine the extension and attempt to guess the intended file type.

If type is non-NULL, it is a suggestion for the file type to use.

The PNMWriter should be deleted when it is no longer needed.

property maxval int

Returns the maximum channel value allowable for any pixel in this image; for instance, 255 for a typical 8-bit-per-channel image. A pixel with this value is full on.

property num_channels int

Returns the number of channels in the image.

output(out: ostream)
read_header(filename: Filename, type: PNMFileType, report_unknown_type: bool) bool

Opens up the image file and tries to read its header information to determine its size, number of channels, etc. If successful, updates the header information and returns true; otherwise, returns false.

read_header(data: istream, filename: str, type: PNMFileType, report_unknown_type: bool) bool

Reads the image header information only from the indicated stream.

The filename is advisory only, and may be used to suggest a type if it has a known extension.

If type is non-NULL, it is a suggestion for the type of file it is (and a non-NULL type will override any magic number test or filename extension lookup).

Returns true if successful, false on error.

set_comment(comment: str)

Writes a user comment string to the image (header).

set_type(type: PNMFileType)

Sets the file type of this PNMImage. This will be the default type used when an image is read, if the type cannot be determined by magic number or inferred by extension, or the type used when the image is written, if the type cannot be inferred from the filename extension.

property size LVecBase2i

Returns the number of pixels in each direction. This is one more than the largest allowable coordinates.

property type PNMFileType

If the file type is known (e.g. has_type() returns true), returns its PNMFileType pointer; otherwise, returns NULL.