
from panda3d.core import LQuaternionf
class LQuaternionf


Bases: LVecBase4f

This is the base quaternion class

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of LQuaternionf

__add__(other: LQuaternionf) LQuaternionf
__div__(scalar: float) LQuaternionf
__imul__(param0: LQuaternionf) LQuaternionf
__init__(param0: LQuaternionf)
__init__(copy: LVecBase4f)
__init__(r: float, copy: LVecBase3f)
__init__(r: float, i: float, j: float, k: float)
__mul__(param0: LMatrix3f) LMatrix3f
__mul__(param0: LMatrix4f) LMatrix4f
__mul__(param0: LQuaternionf) LQuaternionf
__mul__(scalar: float) LQuaternionf
__pow__(param0: float) LQuaternionf

Returns a new quaternion that represents this quaternion raised to the given power.

__sub__(other: LQuaternionf) LQuaternionf
__sub__(other: LQuaternionf) LQuaternionf
almost_equal(other: LQuaternionf) bool

Returns true if two quaternions are memberwise equal within a default tolerance based on the numeric type.

almost_equal(other: LQuaternionf, threshold: float) bool

Returns true if two quaternions are memberwise equal within a specified tolerance.

almost_same_direction(other: LQuaternionf, threshold: float) bool

Returns true if two quaternions represent the same rotation within a specified tolerance.

angle_deg(other: LQuaternionf) float

Returns the angle between the orientation represented by this quaternion and the other one, expressed in degrees.

angle_rad(other: LQuaternionf) float

Returns the angle between the orientation represented by this quaternion and the other one, expressed in radians.

conjugate() LQuaternionf

Returns the complex conjugate of this quat.

conjugate_from(other: LQuaternionf) bool

Computes the conjugate of the other quat, and stores the result in this quat. This is a fully general operation and makes no assumptions about the type of transform represented by the quat.

The other quat must be a different object than this quat. However, if you need to get a conjugate of a quat in place, see conjugate_in_place().

The return value is true if the quat was successfully inverted, false if there was a singularity.

conjugate_in_place() bool

Sets this to be the conjugate of the current quat. Returns true if the successful, false if the quat was singular.

extract_to_matrix(m: LMatrix3f)

Based on the quat lib from VRPN.

extract_to_matrix(m: LMatrix4f)

Based on the quat lib from VRPN.

get_angle() float

This, along with get_axis(), returns the rotation represented by the quaternion as an angle about an arbitrary axis. This returns the angle, in degrees counterclockwise about the axis.

It is necessary to ensure the quaternion has been normalized (for instance, with a call to normalize()) before calling this method.

get_angle_rad() float

This, along with get_axis(), returns the rotation represented by the quaternion as an angle about an arbitrary axis. This returns the angle, in radians counterclockwise about the axis.

It is necessary to ensure the quaternion has been normalized (for instance, with a call to normalize()) before calling this method.

get_axis() LVector3f

This, along with get_angle(), returns the rotation represented by the quaternion as an angle about an arbitrary axis. This returns the axis; it is not normalized.

get_axis_normalized() LVector3f

This, along with get_angle(), returns the rotation represented by the quaternion as an angle about an arbitrary axis. This returns the normalized axis.

static get_class_type() TypeHandle
get_forward(cs: CoordinateSystem) LVector3f

Returns the orientation represented by this quaternion, expressed as a forward vector.

get_hpr(cs: CoordinateSystem) LVecBase3f

Extracts the equivalent Euler angles from the unit quaternion.

get_i() float
get_j() float
get_k() float
get_r() float
get_right(cs: CoordinateSystem) LVector3f

Returns the orientation represented by this quaternion, expressed as a right vector.

get_up(cs: CoordinateSystem) LVector3f

Returns the orientation represented by this quaternion, expressed as an up vector.

static ident_quat() LQuaternionf

Returns an identity quaternion.

invert_from(other: LQuaternionf) bool

Computes the inverse of the other quat, and stores the result in this quat. This is a fully general operation and makes no assumptions about the type of transform represented by the quat.

The other quat must be a different object than this quat. However, if you need to invert a quat in place, see invert_in_place().

The return value is true if the quat was successfully inverted, false if there was a singularity.

invert_in_place() bool

Inverts the current quat. Returns true if the inverse is successful, false if the quat was singular.

is_almost_identity(tolerance: float) bool

Returns true if this quaternion represents the identity transformation within a given tolerance.

is_identity() bool

Returns true if this quaternion represents the identity transformation: no rotation.

is_same_direction(other: LQuaternionf) bool

Returns true if two quaternions represent the same rotation within a default tolerance based on the numeric type.

multiply(rhs: LQuaternionf) LQuaternionf

actual multiply call (non virtual)

normalize() bool
output(param0: ostream)
static pure_imaginary(v: LVector3f) LQuaternionf
set_from_axis_angle(angle_deg: float, axis: LVector3f)

angle_deg() is the angle about the axis in degrees. axis must be normalized.

set_from_axis_angle_rad(angle_rad: float, axis: LVector3f)

angle_rad() is the angle about the axis in radians. axis must be normalized.

set_from_matrix(m: LMatrix3f)

Sets the quaternion according to the rotation represented by the matrix. Originally we tried an algorithm presented by Do-While Jones, but that turned out to be broken. This is based on the quat lib from UNC.

set_from_matrix(m: LMatrix4f)
set_hpr(hpr: LVecBase3f, cs: CoordinateSystem)

Sets the quaternion as the unit quaternion that is equivalent to these Euler angles. (from Real-time Rendering, p.49)

set_i(i: float)
set_j(j: float)
set_k(k: float)
set_r(r: float)
xform(v: LVecBase3f) LVecBase3f

Transforms a 3-d vector by the indicated rotation

xform(v: LVecBase4f) LVecBase4f

Transforms a 4-d vector by the indicated rotation