Source code for direct.tkwidgets.SceneGraphExplorer

"""This module defines a widget used to display a graphical overview of the
scene graph using the tkinter GUI system.

Requires Pmw."""

__all__ = ['SceneGraphExplorer', 'SceneGraphExplorerItem', 'explore']

from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject
from direct.showbase.TkGlobal import *
from .Tree import *
import Pmw

# changing these strings requires changing SGE_ strs too!
    'Update Explorer',
    'Expand All',
    'Collapse All',
    'Select', 'Deselect',
    'Fit', 'Flash', 'Isolate', 'Toggle Vis', 'Show All',
    'Set Reparent Target', 'Reparent', 'WRT Reparent',
    'Place', 'Set Name', 'Set Color', 'Explore',

[docs]class SceneGraphExplorer(Pmw.MegaWidget, DirectObject): "Graphical display of a scene graph"
[docs] def __init__(self, parent = None, nodePath = None, isItemEditable = True, **kw): if nodePath is None: nodePath = base.render # Define the megawidget options. optiondefs = ( ('menuItems', [], Pmw.INITOPT), ) self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs) # Initialise superclass Pmw.MegaWidget.__init__(self, parent) # Initialize some class variables self.nodePath = nodePath # Create the components. # Setup up container interior = self.interior() interior.configure(relief = GROOVE, borderwidth = 2) # Create a label and an entry self._scrolledCanvas = self.createcomponent( 'scrolledCanvas', (), None, Pmw.ScrolledCanvas, (interior,), hull_width = 200, hull_height = 300, usehullsize = 1) self._canvas = self._scrolledCanvas.component('canvas') self._canvas['scrollregion'] = ('0i', '0i', '2i', '4i') self._scrolledCanvas.resizescrollregion() self._scrolledCanvas.pack(padx = 3, pady = 3, expand=1, fill = BOTH) self._canvas.bind('<ButtonPress-2>', self.mouse2Down) self._canvas.bind('<B2-Motion>', self.mouse2Motion) self._canvas.bind('<Configure>', lambda e, sc = self._scrolledCanvas: sc.resizescrollregion()) self.interior().bind('<Destroy>', self.onDestroy) # Create the contents self._treeItem = SceneGraphExplorerItem(self.nodePath, isItemEditable) self._node = TreeNode(self._canvas, None, self._treeItem, DEFAULT_MENU_ITEMS + self['menuItems']) self._node.expand() self._parentFrame = Frame(interior) self._label = self.createcomponent( 'parentLabel', (), None, Label, (interior,), text = 'Active Reparent Target: ', anchor = W, justify = LEFT) self._label.pack(fill = X) # Add update parent label def updateLabel(nodePath = None, s = self): s._label['text'] = 'Active Reparent Target: ' + nodePath.getName() self.accept('DIRECT_activeParent', updateLabel) # Add update hook self.accept('SGE_Update Explorer', lambda np, s = self: s.update()) # Check keywords and initialise options based on input values. self.initialiseoptions(SceneGraphExplorer)
# [gjeon] to set childrenTag and fModeChildrenTag of tree node
[docs] def setChildrenTag(self, tag, fModeChildrenTag): self._node.setChildrenTag(tag, fModeChildrenTag) self._node.update()
# [gjeon] to set fSortChildren of tree node
[docs] def setFSortChildren(self, fSortChildren): self._node.setFSortChildren(fSortChildren) self._node.update()
[docs] def update(self, fUseCachedChildren = 1): """ Refresh scene graph explorer """ self._node.update(fUseCachedChildren)
[docs] def mouse2Down(self, event): self._width = 1.0 * self._canvas.winfo_width() self._height = 1.0 * self._canvas.winfo_height() xview = self._canvas.xview() yview = self._canvas.yview() self._left = xview[0] self._top = yview[0] self._dxview = xview[1] - xview[0] self._dyview = yview[1] - yview[0] self._2lx = event.x self._2ly = event.y
[docs] def mouse2Motion(self, event): newx = self._left - ((event.x - self._2lx)/self._width) * self._dxview self._canvas.xview_moveto(newx) newy = self._top - ((event.y - self._2ly)/self._height) * self._dyview self._canvas.yview_moveto(newy) self._2lx = event.x self._2ly = event.y self._left = self._canvas.xview()[0] self._top = self._canvas.yview()[0]
[docs] def onDestroy(self, event): # Remove hooks self.ignore('DIRECT_activeParent') self.ignore('SGE_Update Explorer')
[docs] def updateSelection(self, searchKey): # [gjeon] update SGE selection with directSession sceneGraphItem = self._node.find(searchKey) if sceneGraphItem: sceneGraphItem.reveal()
[docs]class SceneGraphExplorerItem(TreeItem): """Example TreeItem subclass -- browse the file system."""
[docs] def __init__(self, nodePath, isItemEditable = True): self.nodePath = nodePath self.isItemEditable = isItemEditable
[docs] def GetText(self): type = self.nodePath.node().getType().getName() name = self.nodePath.getName() return type + " " + name
[docs] def GetKey(self): return hash(self.nodePath)
[docs] def IsEditable(self): # All nodes' names can be edited nowadays. return self.isItemEditable
#return issubclass(self.nodePath.node().__class__, NamedNode)
[docs] def SetText(self, text): try: self.nodePath.setName(text) except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def GetIconName(self): return "sphere2" # XXX wish there was a "file" icon
[docs] def IsExpandable(self): return self.nodePath.getNumChildren() != 0
[docs] def GetSubList(self): sublist = [] for nodePath in self.nodePath.getChildren(): item = SceneGraphExplorerItem(nodePath, self.isItemEditable) sublist.append(item) return sublist
[docs] def OnSelect(self): messenger.send('SGE_Flash', [self.nodePath])
[docs] def MenuCommand(self, command): messenger.send('SGE_' + command, [self.nodePath])
[docs]def explore(nodePath = None): if nodePath is None: nodePath = base.render tl = Toplevel() tl.title('Explore: ' + nodePath.getName()) sge = SceneGraphExplorer(parent = tl, nodePath = nodePath) sge.pack(expand = 1, fill = 'both') return sge