import inspect
import sys
import gc
from direct.showbase.PythonUtil import _getSafeReprNotify, fastRepr
from direct.showbase.Job import Job
from direct.showbase.MessengerGlobal import messenger
from direct.task.TaskManagerGlobal import taskMgr
[docs]class ReferrerSearch(Job):
[docs] def __init__(self, obj, maxRefs = 100):
Job.__init__(self, 'ReferrerSearch')
self.obj = obj
self.maxRefs = maxRefs
self.visited = set()
self.depth = 0
self.found = 0
self.shouldPrintStats = False
def __call__(self):
safeReprNotify = _getSafeReprNotify()
info = safeReprNotify.getInfo()
self.visited = set()
self.step(0, [self.obj])
self.obj = None
[docs] def run(self):
safeReprNotify = _getSafeReprNotify() = safeReprNotify.getInfo()
print('RefPath(%s): Beginning ReferrerSearch for %s' %(self._id, fastRepr(self.obj)))
self.visited = set()
for x in self.stepGenerator(0, [self.obj]):
yield None
yield Job.Done
[docs] def finished(self):
print('RefPath(%s): Finished ReferrerSearch for %s' %(self._id, fastRepr(self.obj)))
self.obj = None
safeReprNotify = _getSafeReprNotify()
def __del__(self):
print('ReferrerSearch garbage collected')
[docs] def truncateAtNewLine(self, s):
if s.find('\n') == -1:
return s
return s[:s.find('\n')]
[docs] def printStatsWhenAble(self):
self.shouldPrintStats = True
[docs] def myrepr(self, referrer, refersTo):
pre = ''
if isinstance(referrer, dict):
for k,v in referrer.items():
if v is refersTo:
pre = self.truncateAtNewLine(fastRepr(k)) + ']-> '
elif isinstance(referrer, (list, tuple)):
for x, ref in enumerate(referrer):
if ref is refersTo:
pre = '%s]-> ' % (x)
if isinstance(refersTo, dict):
post = 'dict['
elif isinstance(refersTo, list):
post = 'list['
elif isinstance(refersTo, tuple):
post = 'tuple['
elif isinstance(refersTo, set):
post = 'set->'
post = self.truncateAtNewLine(fastRepr(refersTo)) + "-> "
return '%s%s' % (pre, post)
[docs] def step(self, depth, path):
if self.shouldPrintStats:
self.shouldPrintStats = False
at = path[-1]
if id(at) in self.visited:
# don't continue down this path
# check for success
if self.isAtRoot(at, path):
self.found += 1
# mark our progress after checking goal
referrers = [ref for ref in gc.get_referrers(at) \
if not (ref is path or \
inspect.isframe(ref) or \
(isinstance(ref, dict) and \
list(ref.keys()) == list(locals().keys())) or \
ref is self.__dict__ or \
id(ref) in self.visited) ]
# Check to see if this object has an unusually large
# ref-count. This usually indicates that it is some
# sort of global, singleton, or manager object
# and as such no further knowledge would be gained from
# traversing further up the ref tree.
if self.isManyRef(at, path, referrers):
while referrers:
ref = referrers.pop()
self.depth += 1
for x in self.stepGenerator(depth + 1, path + [ref]):
self.depth -= 1
[docs] def stepGenerator(self, depth, path):
if self.shouldPrintStats:
self.shouldPrintStats = False
at = path[-1]
# check for success
if self.isAtRoot(at, path):
self.found += 1
raise StopIteration
if id(at) in self.visited:
# don't continue down this path
raise StopIteration
# mark our progress after checking goal
# Look for all referrers, culling out the ones that
# we know to be red herrings.
referrers = [ref for ref in gc.get_referrers(at) \
if not (# we disregard the steps of our traversal
ref is path or \
# The referrer is this call frame
inspect.isframe(ref) or \
# The referrer is the locals() dictionary (closure)
(isinstance(ref, dict) and list(ref.keys()) == list(locals().keys())) or \
# We found the reference on self
ref is self.__dict__ or \
# We've already seen this referrer
id(ref) in self.visited) ]
# Check to see if this object has an unusually large
# ref-count. This usually indicates that it is some
# sort of global, singleton, or manager object
# and as such no further knowledge would be gained from
# traversing further up the ref tree.
if self.isManyRef(at, path, referrers):
raise StopIteration
while referrers:
ref = referrers.pop()
self.depth += 1
for x in self.stepGenerator(depth + 1, path + [ref]):
yield None
self.depth -= 1
yield None
[docs] def printStats(self, path):
path = list(reversed(path))
print('RefPath(%s) - Stats - visited(%s) | found(%s) | depth(%s) | CurrentPath(%s)' % \
(self._id, len(self.visited), self.found, self.depth, ''.join(self.myrepr(path[x], path[x+1]) for x in range(len(path) - 1))))
[docs] def isAtRoot(self, at, path):
# Now we define our 'roots', or places where we will
# end this particular thread of search
# We found a circular reference
if at in path:
sys.stdout.write("RefPath(%s): Circular: " % self._id)
path = list(reversed(path))
for x in range(len(path) - 1):
sys.stdout.write(self.myrepr(path[x], path[x+1]))
return True
# __builtins__
if at is __builtins__:
sys.stdout.write("RefPath(%s): __builtins__-> " % self._id)
path = list(reversed(path))
for x in range(len(path) - 1):
sys.stdout.write(self.myrepr(path[x], path[x+1]))
return True
# any module scope
if inspect.ismodule(at):
sys.stdout.write("RefPath(%s): Module(%s)-> " % (self._id, at.__name__))
path = list(reversed(path))
for x in range(len(path) - 1):
sys.stdout.write(self.myrepr(path[x], path[x+1]))
return True
# any class scope
if inspect.isclass(at):
sys.stdout.write("RefPath(%s): Class(%s)-> " % (self._id, at.__name__))
path = list(reversed(path))
for x in range(len(path) - 1):
sys.stdout.write(self.myrepr(path[x], path[x+1]))
return True
# simbase
if at is simbase:
sys.stdout.write("RefPath(%s): simbase-> " % self._id)
path = list(reversed(path))
for x in range(len(path) - 1):
sys.stdout.write(self.myrepr(path[x], path[x+1]))
return True
# simbase.air
if at is simbase.air:
sys.stdout.write("RefPath(%s): simbase.air-> " % self._id)
path = list(reversed(path))
for x in range(len(path) - 1):
sys.stdout.write(self.myrepr(path[x], path[x+1]))
return True
# messenger
if at is messenger:
sys.stdout.write("RefPath(%s): messenger-> " % self._id)
path = list(reversed(path))
for x in range(len(path) - 1):
sys.stdout.write(self.myrepr(path[x], path[x+1]))
return True
# taskMgr
if at is taskMgr:
sys.stdout.write("RefPath(%s): taskMgr-> " % self._id)
path = list(reversed(path))
for x in range(len(path) - 1):
sys.stdout.write(self.myrepr(path[x], path[x+1]))
return True
# world
if hasattr(simbase.air, 'mainWorld') and at is simbase.air.mainWorld:
sys.stdout.write("RefPath(%s): mainWorld-> " % self._id)
path = list(reversed(path))
for x in range(len(path) - 1):
sys.stdout.write(self.myrepr(path[x], path[x+1]))
return True
return False
[docs] def isManyRef(self, at, path, referrers):
if (len(referrers) > self.maxRefs and \
at is not self.obj):
if not isinstance(at, (list, tuple, dict, set)):
sys.stdout.write("RefPath(%s): ManyRefs(%s)[%s]-> " % (self._id, len(referrers), fastRepr(at)))
path = list(reversed(path))
for x in range(len(path) - 1):
sys.stdout.write(self.myrepr(path[x], path[x+1]))
return True
sys.stdout.write("RefPath(%s): ManyRefsAllowed(%s)[%s]-> " % (self._id, len(referrers), fastRepr(at, maxLen = 1, strFactor = 30)))
return False
#from direct.showbase.ReferrerSearch import ReferrerSearch
#door = simbase.air.doFind("DistributedBuildingDoorAI")
#class A: pass
#door = A()
#reload(ReferrerSearch); from direct.showbase.PythonUtil import ReferrerSearch