Source code for direct.showbase.ContainerLeakDetector

from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import directNotify
import direct.showbase.DConfig as config
from direct.showbase.PythonUtil import makeFlywheelGen
from direct.showbase.PythonUtil import itype, serialNum, safeRepr, fastRepr
from direct.showbase.Job import Job
from direct.showbase.JobManagerGlobal import jobMgr
from direct.showbase.MessengerGlobal import messenger
from direct.task.TaskManagerGlobal import taskMgr
import types
import weakref
import random
import builtins

deadEndTypes = (bool, types.BuiltinFunctionType,
                types.BuiltinMethodType, complex,
                float, int,
                type(None), type(NotImplemented),
                type, types.CodeType, types.FunctionType,
                bytes, str, tuple)

def _createContainerLeak():
    def leakContainer(task=None):
        base = getBase()
        if not hasattr(base, 'leakContainer'):
            base.leakContainer = {}
        # use tuples as keys since they can't be weakref'd, and use an instance
        # since it can't be repr/eval'd
        # that will force the leak detector to hold a normal 'non-weak' reference
        class LeakKey:
        base.leakContainer[(LeakKey(),)] = {}
        # test the non-weakref object reference handling
        if random.random() < .01:
            key = random.choice(list(base.leakContainer.keys()))
                'removing reference to leakContainer key %s so it will be garbage-collected' % safeRepr(key))
            del base.leakContainer[key]
        taskMgr.doMethodLater(10, leakContainer, 'leakContainer-%s' % serialNum())
        if task:
            return task.done

def _createTaskLeak():
    leakTaskName = uniqueName('leakedTask')
    leakDoLaterName = uniqueName('leakedDoLater')
    def nullTask(task=None):
        return task.cont
    def nullDoLater(task=None):
        return task.done
    def leakTask(task=None, leakTaskName=leakTaskName):
        base = getBase()
        taskMgr.add(nullTask, uniqueName(leakTaskName))
        taskMgr.doMethodLater(1 << 31, nullDoLater, uniqueName(leakDoLaterName))
        taskMgr.doMethodLater(10, leakTask, 'doLeakTask-%s' % serialNum())
        if task:
            return task.done

[docs]class NoDictKey: pass
[docs]class Indirection: """ Represents the indirection that brings you from a container to an element of the container. Stored as a string to be used as part of an eval, or as a key to be looked up in a dict. Each dictionary dereference is individually eval'd since the dict key might have been garbage-collected TODO: store string components that are duplicates of strings in the actual system so that Python will keep one copy and reduce memory usage """
[docs] def __init__(self, evalStr=None, dictKey=NoDictKey): # if this is a dictionary lookup, pass dictKey instead of evalStr self.evalStr = evalStr self.dictKey = NoDictKey # is the dictKey a weak reference? self._isWeakRef = False self._refCount = 0 if dictKey is not NoDictKey: # if we can repr/eval the key, store it as an evalStr keyRepr = safeRepr(dictKey) useEval = False try: keyEval = eval(keyRepr) useEval = True except: pass if useEval: # check to make sure the eval succeeded if hash(keyEval) != hash(dictKey): useEval = False if useEval: # eval/repr succeeded, store as an evalStr self.evalStr = '[%s]' % keyRepr else: try: # store a weakref to the key self.dictKey = weakref.ref(dictKey) self._isWeakRef = True except TypeError as e: ContainerLeakDetector.notify.debug('could not weakref dict key %s' % keyRepr) self.dictKey = dictKey self._isWeakRef = False
[docs] def destroy(self): # re-entrant self.dictKey = NoDictKey
[docs] def acquire(self): self._refCount += 1
[docs] def release(self): self._refCount -= 1 if self._refCount == 0: self.destroy()
[docs] def isDictKey(self): # is this an indirection through a dictionary? return self.dictKey is not NoDictKey
def _getNonWeakDictKey(self): if not self._isWeakRef: return self.dictKey else: key = self.dictKey() if key is None: return '<garbage-collected dict key>' return key
[docs] def dereferenceDictKey(self, parentDict): # look ourselves up in parentDict key = self._getNonWeakDictKey() # objects in builtins will have parentDict==None if parentDict is None: return key return parentDict[key]
[docs] def getString(self, prevIndirection=None, nextIndirection=None): # return our contribution to the full name of an object instanceDictStr = '.__dict__' if self.evalStr is not None: # if we're an instance dict, skip over this one (obj.__dict__[keyName] == obj.keyName) if nextIndirection is not None and self.evalStr[-len(instanceDictStr):] == instanceDictStr: return self.evalStr[:-len(instanceDictStr)] # if the previous indirection was an instance dict, change our syntax from ['key'] to .key if prevIndirection is not None and prevIndirection.evalStr is not None: if prevIndirection.evalStr[-len(instanceDictStr):] == instanceDictStr: return '.%s' % self.evalStr[2:-2] return self.evalStr # we're stored as a dict key keyRepr = safeRepr(self._getNonWeakDictKey()) # if the previous indirection was an instance dict, change our syntax from ['key'] to .key if prevIndirection is not None and prevIndirection.evalStr is not None: if prevIndirection.evalStr[-len(instanceDictStr):] == instanceDictStr: return '.%s' % keyRepr return '[%s]' % keyRepr
def __repr__(self): return self.getString()
[docs]class ObjectRef: """ stores a reference to a container in a way that does not prevent garbage collection of the container if possible stored as a series of 'indirections' ( -> '.foo', dict[key] -> '[key]', etc.) """ notify = directNotify.newCategory("ObjectRef")
[docs] class FailedEval(Exception): pass
[docs] def __init__(self, indirection, objId, other=None): self._indirections = [] # are we building off of an existing ref? if other is not None: for ind in other._indirections: self._indirections.append(ind) # make sure we're not storing a reference to the actual object, # that could cause a memory leak assert type(objId) is int # prevent cycles (i.e. base.loader.base.loader) assert not self.goesThrough(objId=objId) self._indirections.append(indirection) # make sure our indirections don't get destroyed while we're using them for ind in self._indirections: ind.acquire() self.notify.debug(repr(self))
[docs] def destroy(self): for indirection in self._indirections: indirection.release() del self._indirections
[docs] def getNumIndirections(self): return len(self._indirections)
[docs] def goesThroughGen(self, obj=None, objId=None): if obj is None: assert type(objId) is int else: objId = id(obj) o = None evalStr = '' curObj = None # make sure the indirections don't go away on us indirections = self._indirections for indirection in indirections: yield None indirection.acquire() for indirection in indirections: yield None if not indirection.isDictKey(): # build up a string to be eval'd evalStr += indirection.getString() else: curObj = self._getContainerByEval(evalStr, curObj=curObj) if curObj is None: raise FailedEval(evalStr) # try to look up this key in the curObj dictionary curObj = indirection.dereferenceDictKey(curObj) evalStr = '' yield None o = self._getContainerByEval(evalStr, curObj=curObj) if id(o) == objId: break for indirection in indirections: yield None indirection.release() yield id(o) == objId
[docs] def goesThrough(self, obj=None, objId=None): # since we cache the ids involved in this reference, # this isn't perfect, for example if base.myObject is reassigned # to a different object after this Ref was created this would return # false, allowing a ref to base.myObject.otherObject.myObject for goesThrough in self.goesThroughGen(obj=obj, objId=objId): pass return goesThrough
def _getContainerByEval(self, evalStr, curObj=None): if curObj is not None: # eval('') evalStr = 'curObj%s' % evalStr else: # this eval is not based off of curObj, use the globalbuiltins namespace # put builtins at the start if it's not already there bis = 'builtins' if evalStr[:len(bis)] != bis: evalStr = '%s.%s' % (bis, evalStr) try: container = eval(evalStr) except NameError as ne: return None except AttributeError as ae: return None except KeyError as ke: return None return container
[docs] def getContainerGen(self, getInstance=False): # try to get a handle on the container by eval'ing and looking things # up in dictionaries, depending on the type of each indirection # if getInstance is True, will return instance instead of instance dict #import pdb;pdb.set_trace() evalStr = '' curObj = None # make sure the indirections don't go away on us indirections = self._indirections for indirection in indirections: indirection.acquire() for indirection in indirections: yield None if not indirection.isDictKey(): # build up a string to be eval'd evalStr += indirection.getString() else: curObj = self._getContainerByEval(evalStr, curObj=curObj) if curObj is None: raise FailedEval(evalStr) # try to look up this key in the curObj dictionary curObj = indirection.dereferenceDictKey(curObj) evalStr = '' for indirection in indirections: yield None indirection.release() if getInstance: lenDict = len('.__dict__') if evalStr[-lenDict:] == '.__dict__': evalStr = evalStr[:-lenDict] # TODO: check that this is still the object we originally pointed to yield self._getContainerByEval(evalStr, curObj=curObj)
[docs] def getEvalStrGen(self, getInstance=False): str = '' prevIndirection = None curIndirection = None nextIndirection = None # make sure the indirections don't go away on us indirections = self._indirections for indirection in indirections: indirection.acquire() for i in range(len(indirections)): yield None if i > 0: prevIndirection = indirections[i-1] else: prevIndirection = None curIndirection = indirections[i] if i < len(indirections)-1: nextIndirection = indirections[i+1] else: nextIndirection = None str += curIndirection.getString(prevIndirection=prevIndirection, nextIndirection=nextIndirection) if getInstance: lenDict = len('.__dict__') if str[-lenDict:] == '.__dict__': str = str[:-lenDict] for indirection in indirections: yield None indirection.release() yield str
[docs] def getFinalIndirectionStr(self): prevIndirection = None if len(self._indirections) > 1: prevIndirection = self._indirections[-2] return self._indirections[-1].getString(prevIndirection=prevIndirection)
def __repr__(self): for result in self.getEvalStrGen(): pass return result
[docs]class FindContainers(Job): """ Explore the Python graph, looking for objects that support __len__() """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, leakDetector): Job.__init__(self, name) self._leakDetector = leakDetector self._id2ref = self._leakDetector._id2ref # these hold objects that we should start traversals from often and not-as-often, # respectively self._id2baseStartRef = {} self._id2discoveredStartRef = {} # these are working copies so that our iterations aren't disturbed by changes to the # definitive ref sets self._baseStartRefWorkingList = ScratchPad(refGen=nullGen(), source=self._id2baseStartRef) self._discoveredStartRefWorkingList = ScratchPad(refGen=nullGen(), source=self._id2discoveredStartRef) self.notify = self._leakDetector.notify ContainerLeakDetector.addPrivateObj(self.__dict__) # set up the base containers, the ones that hold most objects ref = ObjectRef(Indirection(evalStr='builtins.__dict__'), id(builtins.__dict__)) self._id2baseStartRef[id(builtins.__dict__)] = ref # container for objects that want to make sure they are found by # the object exploration algorithm, including objects that exist # just to measure things such as C++ memory usage, scene graph size, # framerate, etc. See if not hasattr(builtins, "leakDetectors"): builtins.leakDetectors = {} ref = ObjectRef(Indirection(evalStr='leakDetectors'), id(leakDetectors)) self._id2baseStartRef[id(leakDetectors)] = ref for i in self._addContainerGen(builtins.__dict__, ref): pass try: base except: pass else: ref = ObjectRef(Indirection(evalStr='base.__dict__'), id(base.__dict__)) self._id2baseStartRef[id(base.__dict__)] = ref for i in self._addContainerGen(base.__dict__, ref): pass try: simbase except: pass else: ref = ObjectRef(Indirection(evalStr='simbase.__dict__'), id(simbase.__dict__)) self._id2baseStartRef[id(simbase.__dict__)] = ref for i in self._addContainerGen(simbase.__dict__, ref): pass
[docs] def destroy(self): ContainerLeakDetector.removePrivateObj(self.__dict__) Job.destroy(self)
[docs] def getPriority(self): return Job.Priorities.Low
[docs] @staticmethod def getStartObjAffinity(startObj): # how good of a starting object is this object for traversing the object graph? try: return len(startObj) except: return 1
def _isDeadEnd(self, obj, objName=None): if type(obj) in deadEndTypes: return True # if it's an internal object, ignore it if id(obj) in ContainerLeakDetector.PrivateIds: return True # prevent crashes in objects that define __cmp__ and don't handle strings if type(objName) == str and objName in ('im_self', 'im_class'): return True try: className = obj.__class__.__name__ except: pass else: # prevent infinite recursion in built-in containers related to methods if className == 'method-wrapper': return True return False def _hasLength(self, obj): return hasattr(obj, '__len__') def _addContainerGen(self, cont, objRef): contId = id(cont) # if this container is new, or the objRef repr is shorter than what we already have, # put it in the table if contId in self._id2ref: for existingRepr in self._id2ref[contId].getEvalStrGen(): yield None for newRepr in objRef.getEvalStrGen(): yield None if contId not in self._id2ref or len(newRepr) < len(existingRepr): if contId in self._id2ref: self._leakDetector.removeContainerById(contId) self._id2ref[contId] = objRef def _addDiscoveredStartRef(self, obj, ref): # we've discovered an object that can be used to start an object graph traversal objId = id(obj) if objId in self._id2discoveredStartRef: existingRef = self._id2discoveredStartRef[objId] if type(existingRef) is not int: if existingRef.getNumIndirections() >= ref.getNumIndirections(): # the ref that we already have is more concise than the new ref return if objId in self._id2ref: if self._id2ref[objId].getNumIndirections() >= ref.getNumIndirections(): # the ref that we already have is more concise than the new ref return storedItem = ref # if we already are storing a reference to this object, don't store a second reference if objId in self._id2ref: storedItem = objId self._id2discoveredStartRef[objId] = storedItem
[docs] def run(self): try: # this yields a different set of start refs every time we start a new traversal # force creation of a new workingListSelector inside the while loop right off the bat workingListSelector = nullGen() # this holds the current step of the current traversal curObjRef = None while True: # yield up here instead of at the end, since we skip back to the # top of the while loop from various points yield None #import pdb;pdb.set_trace() if curObjRef is None: # choose an object to start a traversal from try: startRefWorkingList = next(workingListSelector) except StopIteration: # do relative # of traversals on each set based on how many refs it contains baseLen = len(self._baseStartRefWorkingList.source) discLen = len(self._discoveredStartRefWorkingList.source) minLen = float(max(1, min(baseLen, discLen))) # this will cut down the traversals of the larger set by 2/3 minLen *= 3. workingListSelector = flywheel([self._baseStartRefWorkingList, self._discoveredStartRefWorkingList], [baseLen/minLen, discLen/minLen]) yield None continue # grab the next start ref from this sequence and see if it's still valid while True: yield None try: curObjRef = next(startRefWorkingList.refGen) break except StopIteration: # we've run out of refs, grab a new set if len(startRefWorkingList.source) == 0: # ref set is empty, choose another break # make a generator that yields containers a # of times that is # proportional to their length for fw in makeFlywheelGen( list(startRefWorkingList.source.values()), countFunc=lambda x: self.getStartObjAffinity(x), scale=.05): yield None startRefWorkingList.refGen = fw if curObjRef is None: # this ref set is empty, choose another # the base set should never be empty (builtins etc.) continue # do we need to go look up the object in _id2ref? sometimes we do that # to avoid storing multiple redundant refs to a single item if type(curObjRef) is int: startId = curObjRef curObjRef = None try: for containerRef in self._leakDetector.getContainerByIdGen(startId): yield None except: # ref is invalid self.notify.debug('invalid startRef, stored as id %s' % startId) self._leakDetector.removeContainerById(startId) continue curObjRef = containerRef try: for curObj in curObjRef.getContainerGen(): yield None except: self.notify.debug('lost current container, ref.getContainerGen() failed') # that container is gone, try again curObjRef = None continue self.notify.debug('--> %s' % curObjRef) #import pdb;pdb.set_trace() # store a copy of the current objRef parentObjRef = curObjRef # if we hit a dead end, start over from another container curObjRef = None if hasattr(curObj, '__dict__'): child = curObj.__dict__ hasLength = self._hasLength(child) notDeadEnd = not self._isDeadEnd(child) if hasLength or notDeadEnd: # prevent cycles in the references (i.e. base.loader.base) for goesThrough in parentObjRef.goesThroughGen(child): # don't yield, container might lose this element pass if not goesThrough: objRef = ObjectRef(Indirection(evalStr='.__dict__'), id(child), parentObjRef) yield None if hasLength: for i in self._addContainerGen(child, objRef): yield None if notDeadEnd: self._addDiscoveredStartRef(child, objRef) curObjRef = objRef continue if type(curObj) is dict: key = None attr = None keys = list(curObj.keys()) # we will continue traversing the object graph via one key of the dict, # choose it at random without taking a big chunk of CPU time numKeysLeft = len(keys) + 1 for key in keys: yield None numKeysLeft -= 1 try: attr = curObj[key] except KeyError as e: # this is OK because we are yielding during the iteration self.notify.debug('could not index into %s with key %s' % ( parentObjRef, safeRepr(key))) continue hasLength = self._hasLength(attr) notDeadEnd = False # if we haven't picked the next ref, check if this one is a candidate if curObjRef is None: notDeadEnd = not self._isDeadEnd(attr, key) if hasLength or notDeadEnd: # prevent cycles in the references (i.e. base.loader.base) for goesThrough in parentObjRef.goesThroughGen(curObj[key]): # don't yield, container might lose this element pass if not goesThrough: if curObj is builtins.__dict__: objRef = ObjectRef(Indirection(evalStr='%s' % key), id(curObj[key])) else: objRef = ObjectRef(Indirection(dictKey=key), id(curObj[key]), parentObjRef) yield None if hasLength: for i in self._addContainerGen(attr, objRef): yield None if notDeadEnd: self._addDiscoveredStartRef(attr, objRef) if curObjRef is None and random.randrange(numKeysLeft) == 0: curObjRef = objRef del key del attr continue try: childNames = dir(curObj) except: pass else: try: index = -1 attrs = [] while 1: yield None try: attr = next(itr) except: # some custom classes don't do well when iterated attr = None break attrs.append(attr) # we will continue traversing the object graph via one attr, # choose it at random without taking a big chunk of CPU time numAttrsLeft = len(attrs) + 1 for attr in attrs: yield None index += 1 numAttrsLeft -= 1 hasLength = self._hasLength(attr) notDeadEnd = False if curObjRef is None: notDeadEnd = not self._isDeadEnd(attr) if hasLength or notDeadEnd: # prevent cycles in the references (i.e. base.loader.base) for goesThrough in parentObjRef.goesThrough(curObj[index]): # don't yield, container might lose this element pass if not goesThrough: objRef = ObjectRef(Indirection(evalStr='[%s]' % index), id(curObj[index]), parentObjRef) yield None if hasLength: for i in self._addContainerGen(attr, objRef): yield None if notDeadEnd: self._addDiscoveredStartRef(attr, objRef) if curObjRef is None and random.randrange(numAttrsLeft) == 0: curObjRef = objRef del attr except StopIteration as e: pass del itr continue except Exception as e: print('FindContainers job caught exception: %s' % e) if __dev__: raise yield Job.Done
[docs]class CheckContainers(Job): """ Job to check container sizes and find potential leaks; sub-job of ContainerLeakDetector """ ReprItems = 5
[docs] def __init__(self, name, leakDetector, index): Job.__init__(self, name) self._leakDetector = leakDetector self.notify = self._leakDetector.notify self._index = index ContainerLeakDetector.addPrivateObj(self.__dict__)
[docs] def destroy(self): ContainerLeakDetector.removePrivateObj(self.__dict__) Job.destroy(self)
[docs] def getPriority(self): return Job.Priorities.Normal
[docs] def run(self): try: self._leakDetector._index2containerId2len[self._index] = {} ids = self._leakDetector.getContainerIds() # record the current len of each container for objId in ids: yield None try: for result in self._leakDetector.getContainerByIdGen(objId): yield None container = result except Exception as e: # this container no longer exists if self.notify.getDebug(): for contName in self._leakDetector.getContainerNameByIdGen(objId): yield None self.notify.debug( '%s no longer exists; caught exception in getContainerById (%s)' % ( contName, e)) self._leakDetector.removeContainerById(objId) continue if container is None: # this container no longer exists if self.notify.getDebug(): for contName in self._leakDetector.getContainerNameByIdGen(objId): yield None self.notify.debug('%s no longer exists; getContainerById returned None' % contName) self._leakDetector.removeContainerById(objId) continue try: cLen = len(container) except Exception as e: # this container no longer exists if self.notify.getDebug(): for contName in self._leakDetector.getContainerNameByIdGen(objId): yield None self.notify.debug( '%s is no longer a container, it is now %s (%s)' % (contName, safeRepr(container), e)) self._leakDetector.removeContainerById(objId) continue self._leakDetector._index2containerId2len[self._index][objId] = cLen # compare the current len of each container to past lens if self._index > 0: idx2id2len = self._leakDetector._index2containerId2len for objId in idx2id2len[self._index]: yield None if objId in idx2id2len[self._index-1]: diff = idx2id2len[self._index][objId] - idx2id2len[self._index-1][objId] """ # this check is too spammy if diff > 20: if diff > idx2id2len[self._index-1][objId]: minutes = (self._leakDetector._index2delay[self._index] - self._leakDetector._index2delay[self._index-1]) / 60. name = self._leakDetector.getContainerNameById(objId) if idx2id2len[self._index-1][objId] != 0: percent = 100. * (float(diff) / float(idx2id2len[self._index-1][objId])) try: for container in self._leakDetector.getContainerByIdGen(objId): yield None except: # TODO self.notify.debug('caught exception in getContainerByIdGen (1)') else: self.notify.warning( '%s (%s) grew %.2f%% in %.2f minutes (%s items at last measurement, current contents: %s)' % ( name, itype(container), percent, minutes, idx2id2len[self._index][objId], fastRepr(container, maxLen=CheckContainers.ReprItems))) yield None """ if (self._index > 2 and objId in idx2id2len[self._index-2] and objId in idx2id2len[self._index-3]): diff2 = idx2id2len[self._index-1][objId] - idx2id2len[self._index-2][objId] diff3 = idx2id2len[self._index-2][objId] - idx2id2len[self._index-3][objId] if self._index <= 4: if diff > 0 and diff2 > 0 and diff3 > 0: name = self._leakDetector.getContainerNameById(objId) try: for container in self._leakDetector.getContainerByIdGen(objId): yield None except: # TODO self.notify.debug('caught exception in getContainerByIdGen (2)') else: msg = ('%s (%s) consistently increased in size over the last ' '3 periods (%s items at last measurement, current contents: %s)' % (name, itype(container), idx2id2len[self._index][objId], fastRepr(container, maxLen=CheckContainers.ReprItems))) self.notify.warning(msg) yield None elif (objId in idx2id2len[self._index-4] and objId in idx2id2len[self._index-5]): # if size has consistently increased over the last 5 checks, # send out a warning diff4 = idx2id2len[self._index-3][objId] - idx2id2len[self._index-4][objId] diff5 = idx2id2len[self._index-4][objId] - idx2id2len[self._index-5][objId] if diff > 0 and diff2 > 0 and diff3 > 0 and diff4 > 0 and diff5 > 0: name = self._leakDetector.getContainerNameById(objId) try: for container in self._leakDetector.getContainerByIdGen(objId): yield None except: # TODO self.notify.debug('caught exception in getContainerByIdGen (3)') else: msg = ('leak detected: %s (%s) consistently increased in size over the last ' '5 periods (%s items at last measurement, current contents: %s)' % (name, itype(container), idx2id2len[self._index][objId], fastRepr(container, maxLen=CheckContainers.ReprItems))) self.notify.warning(msg) yield None messenger.send(self._leakDetector.getLeakEvent(), [container, name]) if config.GetBool('pdb-on-leak-detect', 0): import pdb;pdb.set_trace() pass except Exception as e: print('CheckContainers job caught exception: %s' % e) if __dev__: raise yield Job.Done
[docs]class FPTObjsOfType(Job):
[docs] def __init__(self, name, leakDetector, otn, doneCallback=None): Job.__init__(self, name) self._leakDetector = leakDetector self.notify = self._leakDetector.notify self._otn = otn self._doneCallback = doneCallback self._ldde = self._leakDetector._getDestroyEvent() self.accept(self._ldde, self._handleLDDestroy) ContainerLeakDetector.addPrivateObj(self.__dict__)
[docs] def destroy(self): self.ignore(self._ldde) self._leakDetector = None self._doneCallback = None ContainerLeakDetector.removePrivateObj(self.__dict__) Job.destroy(self)
def _handleLDDestroy(self): self.destroy()
[docs] def getPriority(self): return Job.Priorities.High
[docs] def run(self): ids = self._leakDetector.getContainerIds() try: for id in ids: getInstance = (self._otn.lower() not in 'dict') yield None try: for container in self._leakDetector.getContainerByIdGen( id, getInstance=getInstance): yield None except: pass else: if hasattr(container, '__class__'): cName = container.__class__.__name__ else: cName = container.__name__ if self._otn.lower() in cName.lower(): try: for ptc in self._leakDetector.getContainerNameByIdGen( id, getInstance=getInstance): yield None except: pass else: print('GPTC(' + self._otn + '):' + self.getJobName() + ': ' + ptc) except Exception as e: print('FPTObjsOfType job caught exception: %s' % e) if __dev__: raise yield Job.Done
[docs] def finished(self): if self._doneCallback: self._doneCallback(self)
[docs]class FPTObjsNamed(Job):
[docs] def __init__(self, name, leakDetector, on, doneCallback=None): Job.__init__(self, name) self._leakDetector = leakDetector self.notify = self._leakDetector.notify self._on = on self._doneCallback = doneCallback self._ldde = self._leakDetector._getDestroyEvent() self.accept(self._ldde, self._handleLDDestroy) ContainerLeakDetector.addPrivateObj(self.__dict__)
[docs] def destroy(self): self.ignore(self._ldde) self._leakDetector = None self._doneCallback = None ContainerLeakDetector.removePrivateObj(self.__dict__) Job.destroy(self)
def _handleLDDestroy(self): self.destroy()
[docs] def getPriority(self): return Job.Priorities.High
[docs] def run(self): ids = self._leakDetector.getContainerIds() try: for id in ids: yield None try: for container in self._leakDetector.getContainerByIdGen(id): yield None except: pass else: name = self._leakDetector._id2ref[id].getFinalIndirectionStr() if self._on.lower() in name.lower(): try: for ptc in self._leakDetector.getContainerNameByIdGen(id): yield None except: pass else: print('GPTCN(' + self._on + '):' + self.getJobName() + ': ' + ptc) except Exception as e: print('FPTObjsNamed job caught exception: %s' % e) if __dev__: raise yield Job.Done
[docs] def finished(self): if self._doneCallback: self._doneCallback(self)
[docs]class PruneObjectRefs(Job): """ Job to destroy any container refs that are no longer valid. Checks validity by asking for each container """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, leakDetector): Job.__init__(self, name) self._leakDetector = leakDetector self.notify = self._leakDetector.notify ContainerLeakDetector.addPrivateObj(self.__dict__)
[docs] def destroy(self): ContainerLeakDetector.removePrivateObj(self.__dict__) Job.destroy(self)
[docs] def getPriority(self): return Job.Priorities.Normal
[docs] def run(self): try: ids = self._leakDetector.getContainerIds() for id in ids: yield None try: for container in self._leakDetector.getContainerByIdGen(id): yield None except: # reference is invalid, remove it self._leakDetector.removeContainerById(id) _id2baseStartRef = self._leakDetector._findContainersJob._id2baseStartRef ids = list(_id2baseStartRef.keys()) for id in ids: yield None try: for container in _id2baseStartRef[id].getContainerGen(): yield None except: # reference is invalid, remove it del _id2baseStartRef[id] _id2discoveredStartRef = self._leakDetector._findContainersJob._id2discoveredStartRef ids = list(_id2discoveredStartRef.keys()) for id in ids: yield None try: for container in _id2discoveredStartRef[id].getContainerGen(): yield None except: # reference is invalid, remove it del _id2discoveredStartRef[id] except Exception as e: print('PruneObjectRefs job caught exception: %s' % e) if __dev__: raise yield Job.Done
[docs]class ContainerLeakDetector(Job): """ Low-priority Python object-graph walker that looks for leaking containers. To reduce memory usage, this does a random walk of the Python objects to discover containers rather than keep a set of all visited objects; it may visit the same object many times but eventually it will discover every object. Checks container sizes at ever-increasing intervals. """ notify = directNotify.newCategory("ContainerLeakDetector") # set of containers that should not be examined PrivateIds = set()
[docs] def __init__(self, name, firstCheckDelay = None): Job.__init__(self, name) self._serialNum = serialNum() self._findContainersJob = None self._checkContainersJob = None self._pruneContainersJob = None if firstCheckDelay is None: firstCheckDelay = 60. * 15. # divide by two, since the first check just takes length measurements and # doesn't check for leaks self._nextCheckDelay = firstCheckDelay/2. self._checkDelayScale = config.GetFloat('leak-detector-check-delay-scale', 1.5) self._pruneTaskPeriod = config.GetFloat('leak-detector-prune-period', 60. * 30.) # main dict of id(container)->containerRef self._id2ref = {} # storage for results of check-container job self._index2containerId2len = {} self._index2delay = {} if config.GetBool('leak-container', 0): _createContainerLeak() if config.GetBool('leak-tasks', 0): _createTaskLeak() # don't check our own tables for leaks ContainerLeakDetector.addPrivateObj(ContainerLeakDetector.PrivateIds) ContainerLeakDetector.addPrivateObj(self.__dict__) self.setPriority(Job.Priorities.Min) jobMgr.add(self)
[docs] def destroy(self): messenger.send(self._getDestroyEvent()) self.ignoreAll() if self._pruneContainersJob is not None: jobMgr.remove(self._pruneContainersJob) self._pruneContainersJob = None if self._checkContainersJob is not None: jobMgr.remove(self._checkContainersJob) self._checkContainersJob = None jobMgr.remove(self._findContainersJob) self._findContainersJob = None del self._id2ref del self._index2containerId2len del self._index2delay
def _getDestroyEvent(self): # sent when leak detector is about to be destroyed return 'cldDestroy-%s' % self._serialNum
[docs] def getLeakEvent(self): # sent when a leak is detected # passes description string as argument return 'containerLeakDetected-%s' % self._serialNum
[docs] @classmethod def addPrivateObj(cls, obj): cls.PrivateIds.add(id(obj))
[docs] @classmethod def removePrivateObj(cls, obj): cls.PrivateIds.remove(id(obj))
def _getCheckTaskName(self): return 'checkForLeakingContainers-%s' % self._serialNum def _getPruneTaskName(self): return 'pruneLeakingContainerRefs-%s' % self._serialNum
[docs] def getContainerIds(self): return list(self._id2ref.keys())
[docs] def getContainerByIdGen(self, id, **kwArgs): # return a generator to look up a container return self._id2ref[id].getContainerGen(**kwArgs)
[docs] def getContainerById(self, id): for result in self._id2ref[id].getContainerGen(): pass return result
[docs] def getContainerNameByIdGen(self, id, **kwArgs): return self._id2ref[id].getEvalStrGen(**kwArgs)
[docs] def getContainerNameById(self, id): if id in self._id2ref: return repr(self._id2ref[id]) return '<unknown container>'
[docs] def removeContainerById(self, id): if id in self._id2ref: self._id2ref[id].destroy() del self._id2ref[id]
[docs] def run(self): # start looking for containers self._findContainersJob = FindContainers( '%s-findContainers' % self.getJobName(), self) jobMgr.add(self._findContainersJob) self._scheduleNextLeakCheck() self._scheduleNextPruning() while True: yield Job.Sleep
[docs] def getPathsToContainers(self, name, ot, doneCallback=None): j = FPTObjsOfType(name, self, ot, doneCallback) jobMgr.add(j) return j
[docs] def getPathsToContainersNamed(self, name, on, doneCallback=None): j = FPTObjsNamed(name, self, on, doneCallback) jobMgr.add(j) return j
def _scheduleNextLeakCheck(self): taskMgr.doMethodLater(self._nextCheckDelay, self._checkForLeaks, self._getCheckTaskName()) # delay between checks # fib: 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 # * 2.: 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 # * 1.5: 1 1.5 2.3 3.4 5.1 7.6 11.4 17.1 25.6 38.4 57.7 # # delay from job start # fib: 1 2 4 7 12 20 33 54 88 143 232 # * 2.: 1 3 7 15 31 63 127 255 511 1023 2047 # * 1.5: 1 2.5 4.75 8.1 13.2 20.8 32.2 49.3 74.9 113.3 171 self._nextCheckDelay = self._nextCheckDelay * self._checkDelayScale def _checkForLeaks(self, task=None): self._index2delay[len(self._index2containerId2len)] = self._nextCheckDelay self._checkContainersJob = CheckContainers( '%s-checkForLeaks' % self.getJobName(), self, len(self._index2containerId2len)) self.acceptOnce(self._checkContainersJob.getFinishedEvent(), self._scheduleNextLeakCheck) jobMgr.add(self._checkContainersJob) return task.done def _scheduleNextPruning(self): taskMgr.doMethodLater(self._pruneTaskPeriod, self._pruneObjectRefs, self._getPruneTaskName()) def _pruneObjectRefs(self, task=None): self._pruneContainersJob = PruneObjectRefs( '%s-pruneObjectRefs' % self.getJobName(), self) self.acceptOnce(self._pruneContainersJob.getFinishedEvent(), self._scheduleNextPruning) jobMgr.add(self._pruneContainersJob) return task.done