Source code for direct.gui.DirectFrame

"""A DirectFrame is a basic DirectGUI component that acts as the base
class for various other components, and can also serve as a basic
container to hold other DirectGUI components.

A DirectFrame can have:

* A background texture (pass in path to image, or Texture Card)
* A midground geometry item (pass in geometry)
* A foreground text Node (pass in text string or OnscreenText)

Each of these has 1 or more states.  The same object can be used for
all states or each state can have a different text/geom/image (for
radio button and check button indicators, for example).

See the :ref:`directframe` page in the programming manual for a more in-depth
explanation and an example of how to use this class.

__all__ = ['DirectFrame']

from panda3d.core import *
from . import DirectGuiGlobals as DGG
from .DirectGuiBase import *
from .OnscreenImage import OnscreenImage
from .OnscreenGeom import OnscreenGeom
from .OnscreenText import OnscreenText

[docs]class DirectFrame(DirectGuiWidget): DefDynGroups = ('text', 'geom', 'image')
[docs] def __init__(self, parent=None, **kw): # Inherits from DirectGuiWidget optiondefs = ( # Define type of DirectGuiWidget ('pgFunc', PGItem, None), ('numStates', 1, None), ('state', self.inactiveInitState, None), # Frame can have: # A background texture ('image', None, self.setImage), # A midground geometry item ('geom', None, self.setGeom), # A foreground text node ('text', None, self.setText), # Change default value of text mayChange flag from 0 # ( to 1 ('textMayChange', 1, None), ) # Merge keyword options with default options self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs, dynamicGroups=DirectFrame.DefDynGroups) # Initialize superclasses DirectGuiWidget.__init__(self, parent) # Call option initialization functions self.initialiseoptions(DirectFrame)
def __reinitComponent(self, name, component_class, states, **kwargs): """Recreates the given component using the given keyword args.""" assert name in ("geom", "image", "text") # constants should be local to or default arguments of constructors for c in range(self['numStates']): component_name = name + str(c) try: state = states[c] except IndexError: state = states[-1] if self.hascomponent(component_name): if state is None: self.destroycomponent(component_name) else: self[component_name + "_" + name] = state else: if state is None: return kwargs[name] = state self.createcomponent( component_name, (), name, component_class, (), parent=self.stateNodePath[c], **kwargs )
[docs] def clearText(self): self['text'] = None self.setText()
[docs] def setText(self, text=None): if text is not None: self["text"] = text text = self["text"] if text is None or isinstance(text, str): text_list = (text,) * self['numStates'] else: text_list = text self.__reinitComponent("text", OnscreenText, text_list, scale=1, mayChange=self['textMayChange'], sort=DGG.TEXT_SORT_INDEX)
[docs] def clearGeom(self): self['geom'] = None self.setGeom()
[docs] def setGeom(self, geom=None): if geom is not None: self["geom"] = geom geom = self["geom"] if geom is None or \ isinstance(geom, NodePath) or \ isinstance(geom, str): geom_list = (geom,) * self['numStates'] else: geom_list = geom self.__reinitComponent("geom", OnscreenGeom, geom_list, scale=1, sort=DGG.GEOM_SORT_INDEX)
[docs] def clearImage(self): self['image'] = None self.setImage()
[docs] def setImage(self, image=None): if image is not None: self["image"] = image image = self["image"] if image is None or \ isinstance(image, NodePath) or \ isinstance(image, Texture) or \ isinstance(image, str) or \ isinstance(image, Filename) or \ (len(image) == 2 and \ isinstance(image[0], str) and \ isinstance(image[1], str)): image_list = (image,) * self['numStates'] else: image_list = image self.__reinitComponent("image", OnscreenImage, image_list, scale=1, sort=DGG.IMAGE_SORT_INDEX)