
from panda3d.ode import OdeWorld
class OdeWorld


Bases: TypedObject

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of OdeWorld

__init__(copy: OdeWorld)
addBodyDampening(body: OdeBody, surface: int)

void assign_surface_body(OdeBody& body, int surface);

applyDampening(dt: float, body: OdeBody) float
compareTo(other: OdeWorld) int
getAutoDisableAngularThreshold() float
getAutoDisableFlag() int
getAutoDisableLinearThreshold() float
getAutoDisableSteps() int
getAutoDisableTime() float
getCfm() float
static getClassType() panda3d.core.TypeHandle
getContactMaxCorrectingVel() float
getContactSurfaceLayer() float
getErp() float
getGravity() panda3d.core.LVecBase3f
getId() dWorldID

Returns the underlying dWorldID.

getQuickStepNumIterations() int
getQuickStepW() float
impulseToForce(stepsize: float, impulse: panda3d.core.LVecBase3f) panda3d.core.LVecBase3f
impulseToForce(stepsize: float, ix: float, iy: float, iz: float) panda3d.core.LVecBase3f
initSurfaceTable(num_surfaces: panda3d.core.uint8_t)
isEmpty() bool

Returns true if the ID is 0, meaning the OdeWorld does not point to a valid world. It is an error to call a method on an empty world. Note that an empty OdeWorld also evaluates to False.

quickStep(stepsize: float)
setAutoDisableAngularThreshold(angular_threshold: float)
setAutoDisableFlag(do_auto_disable: int)
setAutoDisableLinearThreshold(linear_threshold: float)
setAutoDisableSteps(steps: int)
setAutoDisableTime(time: float)
setCfm(cfm: float)
setContactMaxCorrectingVel(vel: float)
setContactSurfaceLayer(depth: float)
setErp(erp: float)
setGravity(vec: panda3d.core.LVecBase3f)
setGravity(x: float, y: float, z: float)
setQuickStepNumIterations(num: int)
setQuickStepW(over_relaxation: float)
setSurfaceEntry(pos1: panda3d.core.uint8_t, pos2: panda3d.core.uint8_t, mu: float, bounce: float, bounce_vel: float, soft_erp: float, soft_cfm: float, slip: float, dampen: float)
step(stepsize: float)