
from direct.gui.OnscreenGeom import OnscreenGeom

OnscreenGeom module: contains the OnscreenGeom class

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of direct.gui.OnscreenGeom

class OnscreenGeom(geom=None, pos=None, hpr=None, scale=None, color=None, parent=None, sort=0)[source]

Bases: DirectObject, NodePath

__init__(self, geom=None, pos=None, hpr=None, scale=None, color=None, parent=None, sort=0)[source]

Make a geom node from string or a node path, put it into the 2d sg and set it up with all the indicated parameters.

The parameters are as follows:

geom: the actual geometry to display or a file name.

This may be omitted and specified later via setGeom() if you don’t have it available.

pos: the x, y, z position of the geometry on the screen.

This maybe a 3-tuple of floats or a vector. y should be zero

hpr: the h, p, r of the geometry on the screen.

This maybe a 3-tuple of floats or a vector.

scale: the size of the geometry. This may either be a single

float, a 3-tuple of floats, or a vector, specifying a different x, y, z scale. y should be 1

color: the (r, g, b, a) color of the geometry. This is

normally a 4-tuple of floats or ints.

parent: the NodePath to parent the geometry to initially.

cget(self, option)[source]
configure(self, option=None, **kw)[source]
setGeom(self, geom, parent=empty, transform=None, sort=0, color=None)[source]