
from panda3d.core import LVecBase2d
class LVecBase2d


This is the base class for all two-component vectors and points.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of LVecBase2d

__add__(other: LVecBase2d) LVecBase2d
__ceil__() object
__div__(scalar: float) LVecBase2d
__eq__(other: LVecBase2d) bool
__floor__() object
__floordiv__(scalar: float) object
__getattr__(attr_name: str) object
__getitem__(i: int, assign_val: float)
__getitem__(i: int) float
__iadd__(other: LVecBase2d) LVecBase2d
__idiv__(scalar: float) LVecBase2d
__ifloordiv__(scalar: float) object
__imul__(scalar: float) LVecBase2d
__init__(param0: LVecBase2d)
__init__(fill_value: float)
__init__(x: float, y: float)
__ipow__(exponent: float) object
__isub__(other: LVecBase2d) LVecBase2d
__lt__(other: LVecBase2d) bool
__mul__(scalar: float) LVecBase2d
__ne__(other: LVecBase2d) bool
__pow__(exponent: float) object
__reduce__() object
__repr__() str
__round__() object
__setattr__(attr_name: str, assign: object) int
__sub__(other: LVecBase2d) LVecBase2d
__sub__(other: LVecBase2d) LVecBase2d
addHash(hash: int) int

Adds the vector into the running hash.

addHash(hash: int, threshold: float) int

Adds the vector into the running hash.

addToCell(i: int, value: float)

These next functions add to an existing value. i.e. foo.set_x(foo.get_x() + value) These are useful to reduce overhead in scripting languages:

addX(value: float)
addY(value: float)
almostEqual(other: LVecBase2d) bool

Returns true if two vectors are memberwise equal within a default tolerance based on the numeric type.

almostEqual(other: LVecBase2d, threshold: float) bool

Returns true if two vectors are memberwise equal within a specified tolerance.

assign(copy: LVecBase2d) LVecBase2d
assign(fill_value: float) LVecBase2d
compareTo(other: LVecBase2d) int

This flavor of compareTo() uses a default threshold value based on the numeric type.

compareTo(other: LVecBase2d, threshold: float) int

Sorts vectors lexicographically, componentwise. Returns a number less than 0 if this vector sorts before the other one, greater than zero if it sorts after, 0 if they are equivalent (within the indicated tolerance).

componentwiseMult(other: LVecBase2d)
dot(other: LVecBase2d) float
fill(fill_value: float)

Sets each element of the vector to the indicated fill_value. This is particularly useful for initializing to zero.

fmax(other: LVecBase2d) LVecBase2d
fmin(other: LVecBase2d) LVecBase2d
generateHash(hashgen: ChecksumHashGenerator)

Adds the vector to the indicated hash generator.

generateHash(hashgen: ChecksumHashGenerator, threshold: float)

Adds the vector to the indicated hash generator.

getCell(i: int) float
static getClassType() TypeHandle

Returns the address of the first of the two data elements in the vector. The next element occupies the next position consecutively in memory.

getHash() int

Returns a suitable hash for phash_map.

getHash(threshold: float) int

Returns a suitable hash for phash_map.

static getNumComponents() int
getX() float
getY() float
isNan() bool

Returns true if any component of the vector is not-a-number, false otherwise.

length() float

Returns the length of the vector, by the Pythagorean theorem.

lengthSquared() float

Returns the square of the vector’s length, cheap and easy.

normalize() bool

Normalizes the vector in place. Returns true if the vector was normalized, false if it was a zero-length vector.

normalized() LVecBase2d

Normalizes the vector and returns the normalized vector as a copy. If the vector was a zero-length vector, a zero length vector will be returned.

operatorNew(size: int)
output(out: ostream)
project(onto: LVecBase2d) LVecBase2d

Returns a new vector representing the projection of this vector onto another one. The resulting vector will be a scalar multiple of onto.

readDatagram(source: DatagramIterator)

Reads the vector from the Datagram using get_stdfloat().

readDatagramFixed(source: DatagramIterator)

Reads the vector from the Datagram using get_float32() or get_float64(). See writeDatagramFixed().

set(x: float, y: float)
setCell(i: int, value: float)
setX(value: float)
setY(value: float)
static size() int
static unitX() LVecBase2d

Returns a unit X vector.

static unitY() LVecBase2d

Returns a unit Y vector.

writeDatagram(destination: Datagram)

Writes the vector to the Datagram using add_stdfloat(). This is appropriate when you want to write the vector using the standard width setting, especially when you are writing a bam file.

writeDatagramFixed(destination: Datagram)

Writes the vector to the Datagram using add_float32() or add_float64(), depending on the type of floats in the vector, regardless of the setting of Datagram.setStdfloatDouble(). This is appropriate when you want to write a fixed-width value to the datagram, especially when you are not writing a bam file.

property x float
property y float
static zero() LVecBase2d

Returns a zero-length vector.