from direct.gui.DirectEntry import DirectEntry
Contains the DirectEntry class, a type of DirectGUI widget that accepts text entered using the keyboard.
See the DirectEntry page in the programming manual for a more in-depth explanation and an example of how to use this class.
Inheritance diagram
- class DirectEntry(parent=None, **kw)[source]
DirectEntry(parent) - Create a DirectGuiWidget which responds to keyboard buttons
- AllowCapNamePrefixes = ('Al', 'Ap', 'Ben', 'De', 'Del', 'Della', 'Delle', 'Der', 'Di', 'Du', 'El', 'Fitz', 'La', 'Las', 'Le', 'Les', 'Lo', 'Los', 'Mac', 'St', 'Te', 'Ten', 'Van', 'Von')
- ForceCapNamePrefixes = ("D'", 'DeLa', "Dell'", "L'", "M'", 'Mc', "O'")
- directWtext = 1
- get(self, plain=False)[source]
Returns the text currently showing in the typable region. If plain is True, the returned text will not include any formatting characters like nested color-change codes.