
from direct.interval.MetaInterval import MetaInterval, Parallel, ParallelEndTogether, Sequence, Track

This module defines the various “meta intervals”, which execute other intervals either in parallel or in a specified sequential order.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of direct.interval.MetaInterval

class MetaInterval(*ivals, **kw)[source]

Bases: CMetaInterval

SequenceNum = 1
__init__(self, *ivals, **kw)[source]
addInterval(self, ival, relTime, relTo)[source]
addParallel(self, list, name, relTime, relTo, duration)[source]
addParallelEndTogether(self, list, name, relTime, relTo, duration)[source]
addSequence(self, list, name, relTime, relTo, duration)[source]
addTrack(self, trackList, name, relTime, relTo, duration)[source]
append(self, ival)[source]
applyIvals(self, meta, relTime, relTo)[source]
count(self, ival)[source]
property duration
extend(self, ivals)[source]
getIntervalStartTime(self, *args, **kw)[source]
index(self, ival)[source]
insert(self, index, ival)[source]
loop(self, startT=0.0, endT=-1.0, playRate=1.0)[source]
property manager
notify = <direct.directnotify.Notifier.Notifier object>
property play_rate

C++ Interface: get_play_rate(CInterval self)

  • Returns the play rate as set by the last call to start(), loop(), or

  • set_play_rate().


pop(self, index=None)[source]
privDoEvent(self, t, event)[source]
remove(self, ival)[source]
resume(self, startT=None)[source]
resumeUntil(self, endT)[source]
setIntervalStartTime(self, *args, **kw)[source]
setManager(self, manager)[source]
setPlayRate(self, playRate)[source]

Changes the play rate of the interval. If the interval is already started, this changes its speed on-the-fly. Note that since playRate is a parameter to start() and loop(), the next call to start() or loop() will reset this parameter.

setT(self, t)[source]
sort(self, cmpfunc=None)[source]
start(self, startT=0.0, endT=-1.0, playRate=1.0)[source]
property t

C++ Interface: get_t(CInterval self)

  • Returns the current time of the interval: the last value of t passed to

  • priv_initialize(), priv_step(), or priv_finalize().


timeline(self, out=None)[source]
validateComponent(self, component)[source]
validateComponents(self, components)[source]
class Parallel(*ivals, **kw)[source]

Bases: MetaInterval

applyIvals(self, meta, relTime, relTo)[source]
class ParallelEndTogether(*ivals, **kw)[source]

Bases: MetaInterval

applyIvals(self, meta, relTime, relTo)[source]
class Sequence(*ivals, **kw)[source]

Bases: MetaInterval

applyIvals(self, meta, relTime, relTo)[source]
class Track(*ivals, **kw)[source]

Bases: MetaInterval

applyIvals(self, meta, relTime, relTo)[source]
validateComponent(self, tupleObj)[source]