Sample Programs: Gamepad
To run a sample program, you need to install Panda3D. If you’re a Windows user, you’ll find the sample programs in your start menu. If you’re a Linux user, you’ll find the sample programs in /usr/share/panda3d.

This sample program shows how to use game controller devices such as gamepads, steering wheels and joysticks in Panda3D. Gamepad devices are mostly used to control characters in games using input from specialized devices. In this example we will control the camera to steer around the environment with either a gamepad device, steering wheel or flightstick device.
The controls are as follows:
This sample is for gamepads like for example the xbox, Switch Pro or Steam controller but will also work with all other gamepads that have any of those controls:
Move Left thumbstick |
Move camera forward and strafe |
Move Right thumbstick |
Move camera heading and pitch |
Press Left thumbstick |
speed up strafe |
A/B/Y |
Show an onscreen text which button is pressed |
X |
Reset to start position |
Back/Start/Select |
Exit the sample program |
steering wheel:
Acceleration pedal |
Accelerate camera forward |
Break pedal |
Slow down camera |
Wheel |
Control cameras heading |
A |
Show an onscreen message |
Hat Up |
Re-Set the wheels center position |
flight stick:
Throttle |
Accelerate camera forward |
Move Stick |
Control camera rotations |
Trigger |
Show an onscreen message |
For more information on devices, please consult the Joystick Support section of the manual.
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