
from direct.fsm.FourState import FourState

Contains the FourState class.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of direct.fsm.FourState

class FourState(names, durations=[0, 1, None, 1, 1])[source]

Bases: object

Generic four state ClassicFSM base class.

This is a mix-in class that expects that your derived class is a DistributedObject.

Inherit from FourStateFSM and pass in your states. Two of the states should be oposites of each other and the other two should be the transition states between the first two. E.g:

       -->| closed | --
      |   +--------+   |
      |                |
      |                v
+---------+       +---------+
| closing |<----->| opening |
+---------+       +---------+
      ^                |
      |                |
      |    +------+    |
       ----| open |<---

There is a fifth off state, but that is an implementation detail (and that’s why it’s not called a five state ClassicFSM).

I found that this pattern repeated in several things I was working on, so this base class was created.

__init__(self, names, durations=[0, 1, None, 1, 1])[source]

Names is a list of state names. Some examples are:

['off', 'opening', 'open', 'closing', 'closed',]

['off', 'locking', 'locked', 'unlocking', 'unlocked',]

['off', 'deactivating', 'deactive', 'activating', 'activated',]

durations is a list of time values (floats) or None values.

Each list must have five entries.

More Details

Here is a diagram showing the where the names from the list are used:

| 0 (off) |----> (any other state and vice versa).

        -->| 4 (on) |---
       |   +--------+   |
       |                |
       |                v
 +---------+       +---------+
 | 3 (off) |<----->| 1 (off) |
 +---------+       +---------+
       ^                |
       |                |
       |  +---------+   |
        --| 2 (off) |<--

Each states also has an associated on or off value. The only state that is ‘on’ is state 4. So, the transition states between off and on (states 1 and 3) are also considered off (and so is state 2 which is oposite of 4 and therefore oposite of ‘on’).

changedOnState(self, isOn)[source]

Allow derived classes to overide this.

enterStateN(self, stateIndex)[source]
notify = <direct.directnotify.Notifier.Notifier object>
setTrack(self, track)[source]