
from direct.showbase.Transitions import Transitions

This module defines various transition effects that can be used to graphically transition between two scenes, such as by fading the screen to a particular color.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of direct.showbase.Transitions

class Transitions(loader, model=None, scale=3.0, pos=LVector3f(0, 0, 0))[source]

Bases: object

FadeModelName = 'models/misc/fade'
IrisModelName = 'models/misc/iris'
__init__(self, loader, model=None, scale=3.0, pos=LVector3f(0, 0, 0))[source]
fadeIn(self, t=0.5, finishIval=None, blendType='noBlend')[source]

Play a fade in transition over t seconds. Places a polygon on the aspect2d plane then lerps the color from black to transparent. When the color lerp is finished, it parents the fade polygon to hidden.

fadeOut(self, t=0.5, finishIval=None, blendType='noBlend')[source]

Play a fade out transition over t seconds. Places a polygon on the aspect2d plane then lerps the color from transparent to full black. When the color lerp is finished, it leaves the fade polygon covering the aspect2d plane until you fadeIn or call noFade. lerp

fadeScreen(self, alpha=0.5)[source]

Put a semitransparent screen over the camera plane to darken out the world. Useful for drawing attention to a dialog box for instance

fadeScreenColor(self, color)[source]

Put a semitransparent screen over the camera plane to darken out the world. Useful for drawing attention to a dialog box for instance

getFadeInIval(self, t=0.5, finishIval=None, blendType='noBlend')[source]

Returns an interval without starting it. This is particularly useful in cutscenes, so when the cutsceneIval is escaped out of we can finish the fade immediately

getFadeOutIval(self, t=0.5, finishIval=None, blendType='noBlend')[source]

Create a sequence that lerps the color out, then parents the fade to hidden

irisIn(self, t=0.5, finishIval=None, blendType='noBlend')[source]

Play an iris in transition over t seconds. Places a polygon on the aspect2d plane then lerps the scale of the iris polygon up so it looks like we iris in. When the scale lerp is finished, it parents the iris polygon to hidden.

irisOut(self, t=0.5, finishIval=None, blendType='noBlend')[source]

Play an iris out transition over t seconds. Places a polygon on the aspect2d plane then lerps the scale of the iris down so it looks like we iris out. When the scale lerp is finished, it leaves the iris polygon covering the aspect2d plane until you irisIn or call noIris.

letterboxOff(self, t=0.25, finishIval=None, blendType='noBlend')[source]

Move black bars away over t seconds.

letterboxOn(self, t=0.25, finishIval=None, blendType='noBlend')[source]

Move black bars in over t seconds.


Removes any current fade tasks and parents the fade polygon away


Removes any current iris tasks and parents the iris polygon away


Removes any current letterbox tasks and parents the letterbox polygon away


This call should immediately remove any and all transitions running

setFadeColor(self, r, g, b)[source]
setFadeModel(self, model, scale=1.0)[source]