
from panda3d.bullet import BulletCapsuleShape
class BulletCapsuleShape


Bases: BulletShape

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of BulletCapsuleShape

__init__(copy: BulletCapsuleShape)
__init__(radius: float, height: float, up: BulletUpAxis)
static getClassType() panda3d.core.TypeHandle
getHalfHeight() float

Returns half of getHeight().

Deprecated: see getHeight() instead.

getRadius() float

Returns the radius that was used to construct this capsule.

property height float

Returns the height that was used to construct this capsule.

static makeFromSolid(solid: panda3d.core.CollisionCapsule) BulletCapsuleShape

Constructs a new BulletCapsuleShape using the information from a CollisionCapsule from the builtin collision system.

property radius float

Returns the radius that was used to construct this capsule.