Egg Syntax
The Egg Syntax
This is a condensed version of the Egg Syntax document, incorporating only syntax definitions in common use. For complete documentation, please see the Egg Syntax documentation from the Panda3D source code repository.
General Syntax
Egg files consist of a series of sequential and hierarchically-nested entries. In general, the syntax of each entry is:
<Entry-type> name { contents }
Comment text should be enclosed in quotation marks:
<Comment> { text }
Local Information Entries
These nodes contain information relevant to the current level of nesting only:
<Scalar> name { value }
Scalars are attributes of the entry the Scalar is in. Name is the attribute name with value as the contents of that attribute.
Global Information Entries
These nodes contain information relevant to the file as a whole. They can be nested along with geometry nodes, but this nesting is irrelevant and the only significant placement rule is that they should appear before they are referenced.
Coordinate System
The coordinate system for the file is specified like so:
<CoordinateSystem> { string }
This entry indicates the coordinate system used in the egg file; the egg loader will automatically make a conversion if necessary. The following strings are valid: Y-up, Z-up, Y-up-right, Z-up-right, Y-up-left, or Z-up-left. (Y-up is the same as Y-up-right, and Z-up is the same as Z-up-right.)
This describes a texture file that can be referenced later with
<TRef> { name }
<Texture> name {
<Scalar> scalar1 { value1 }
<Scalar> scalar2 { value2 }
Texture Scalars
The following attributes are presently implemented for textures:
- <Scalar> alpha-file { alpha-filename }
If this scalar is present, the texture file’s alpha channel is read in from the named image file (which should contain a grayscale image), and the two images are combined into a single two- or four-channel image internally. This is useful for loading alpha channels along with image file formats like JPEG that don’t traditionally support alpha channels.
- <Scalar> alpha-file-channel { channel }
This defines the channel that should be extracted from the file named by alpha-file to determine the alpha channel for the resulting channel. The default is 0, which means the grayscale combination of r, g, b. Otherwise, this should be the 1-based channel number, for instance 1, 2, or 3 for r, g, or b, respectively, or 4 for the alpha channel of a four-component image.
- <Scalar> format { format-definition }
This defines the load format of the image file. The format-definition is one of:
The formats whose names end in digits specifically request a particular texel width. RGB12 and RGBA12 specify 48-bit texels with or without alpha; RGB8 and RGBA8 specify 32-bit texels, and RGB5 and RGBA4 specify 16-bit texels. RGB332 specifies 8-bit texels. The remaining formats are generic and specify only the semantic meaning of the channels. The size of the texels is determined by the width of the components in the image file. RGBA is the most general; RGB is the same, but without any alpha channel. RGBM is like RGBA, except that it requests only one bit of alpha, if the graphics card can provide that, to leave more room for the RGB components, which is especially important for older 16-bit graphics cards (the “M” stands for “mask”, as in a cutout).
The number of components of the image file should match the format specified; if it does not, the egg loader will attempt to provide the closest match that does.
- <Scalar> compression { compression-mode }
Defines an explicit control over the real-time compression mode applied to the texture. The various options are:
This controls the compression of the texture when it is loaded into graphics memory, and has nothing to do with on-disk compression such as JPEG. If this option is omitted or “DEFAULT”, then the texture compression is controlled by the compressed-textures config variable. If it is “OFF”, texture compression is explicitly off for this texture regardless of the setting of the config variable; if it is “ON”, texture compression is explicitly on, and a default compression algorithm supported by the driver is selected. If any of the other options, it names the specific compression algorithm to be used.
- <Scalar> wrap { repeat-definition }
- <Scalar> wrapu { repeat-definition }
- <Scalar> wrapv { repeat-definition }
- <Scalar> wrapw { repeat-definition }
This defines the behavior of the texture image outside of the normal (u,v) range 0.0 - 1.0. It is “REPEAT” to repeat the texture to infinity, “CLAMP” not to. The wrapping behavior may be specified independently for each axis via “wrapu” and “wrapv”, or it may be specified for both simultaneously via “wrap”.
Although less often used, for 3-d textures wrapw may also be specified, and it behaves similarly to wrapu and wrapv.
There are other legal values in addition to REPEAT and CLAMP. The full list is:
- <Scalar> borderr { red-value }
- <Scalar> borderg { green-value }
- <Scalar> borderb { blue-value }
- <Scalar> bordera { alpha-value }
These define the “border color” of the texture, which is particularly important when one of the wrap modes, above, is BORDER_COLOR.
- <Scalar> type { texture-type }
This may be one of the following attributes:
The default is “2D”, which specifies a normal, 2-d texture. If any of the other types is specified instead, a texture image of the corresponding type is loaded.
If 3D or CUBE_MAP is specified, then a series of texture images must be loaded to make up the complete texture; in this case, the texture filename is expected to include a sequence of one or more hash mark (“#”) characters, which will be filled in with the sequence number. The first image in the sequence must be numbered 0, and there must be no gaps in the sequence. In this case, a separate alpha-file designation is ignored; the alpha channel, if present, must be included in the same image with the color channel(s).
- <Scalar> multiview { flag }
If this flag is nonzero, the texture is loaded as a multiview texture. In this case, the filename must contain a hash mark (“#”) as in the 3D or CUBE_MAP case, above, and the different images are loaded into the different views of the multiview textures. If the texture is already a cube map texture, the same hash sequence is used for both purposes: the first six images define the first view, the next six images define the second view, and so on. If the texture is a 3-D texture, you must also specify num-views, below, to tell the loader how many images are loaded for views, and how many are loaded for levels.
A multiview texture is most often used to load stereo textures, where a different image is presented to each eye viewing the texture, but other uses are possible, such as for texture animation.
- <Scalar> num-views { count }
This is used only when loading a 3-D multiview texture. It specifies how many different views the texture holds; the z height of the texture is then implicitly determined as (number of images) / (number of views).
- <Scalar> read-mipmaps { flag }
If this flag is nonzero, then pre-generated mipmap levels will be loaded along with the texture. In this case, the filename should contain a sequence of one or more hash mark (“#”) characters, which will be filled in with the mipmap level number; the texture filename thus determines a series of images, one for each mipmap level. The base texture image is mipmap level 0.
If this flag is specified in conjunction with a 3D or cube map texture (as specified above), then the filename should contain two hash mark sequences, separated by a character such as an underscore, hyphen, or dot. The first sequence will be filled in with the mipmap level index, and the second sequence will be filled in with the 3D sequence or cube map face.
- <Scalar> minfilter { filter-type }
- <Scalar> magfilter { filter-type }
- <Scalar> magfilteralpha { filter-type }
- <Scalar> magfiltercolor { filter-type }
This specifies the type of filter applied when minimizing or maximizing. Filter-type may be one of:
There are also some additional filter types that are supported for historical reasons, but each of those additional types maps to one of the above. New egg files should use only the above filter types.
- <Scalar> anisotropic-degree { degree }
Enables anisotropic filtering for the texture, and specifies the degree of filtering. If the degree is 0 or 1, anisotropic filtering is disabled. The default is disabled.
- <Scalar> envtype { environment-type }
This specifies the type of texture environment to create; i.e. it controls the way in which textures apply to models. Environment-type may be one of:
The default environment type is MODULATE, which means the texture color is multiplied with the base polygon (or vertex) color. This is the most common texture environment by far. Other environment types are more esoteric and are especially useful in the presence of multitexture. In particular, the types suffixed by an asterisk (*) require enabling Panda’s automatic ShaderGenerator.
- <Scalar> combine-rgb { combine-mode }
- <Scalar> combine-alpha { combine-mode }
- <Scalar> combine-rgb-source0 { combine-source }
- <Scalar> combine-rgb-operand0 { combine-operand }
- <Scalar> combine-rgb-source1 { combine-source }
- <Scalar> combine-rgb-operand1 { combine-operand }
- <Scalar> combine-rgb-source2 { combine-source }
- <Scalar> combine-rgb-operand2 { combine-operand }
- <Scalar> combine-alpha-source0 { combine-source }
- <Scalar> combine-alpha-operand0 { combine-operand }
- <Scalar> combine-alpha-source1 { combine-source }
- <Scalar> combine-alpha-operand1 { combine-operand }
- <Scalar> combine-alpha-source2 { combine-source }
- <Scalar> combine-alpha-operand2 { combine-operand }
These options replace the envtype and specify the texture combiner mode, which is usually used for multitexturing. This specifies how the texture combines with the base color and/or the other textures applied previously. You must specify both an rgb and an alpha combine mode. Some combine-modes use one source/operand pair, and some use all three; most use just two.
The default values if any of these are omitted are:
<Scalar> combine-rgb { modulate } <Scalar> combine-alpha { modulate } <Scalar> combine-rgb-source0 { previous } <Scalar> combine-rgb-operand0 { src-color } <Scalar> combine-rgb-source1 { texture } <Scalar> combine-rgb-operand1 { src-color } <Scalar> combine-rgb-source2 { constant } <Scalar> combine-rgb-operand2 { src-alpha } <Scalar> combine-alpha-source0 { previous } <Scalar> combine-alpha-operand0 { src-alpha } <Scalar> combine-alpha-source1 { texture } <Scalar> combine-alpha-operand1 { src-alpha } <Scalar> combine-alpha-source2 { constant } <Scalar> combine-alpha-operand2 { src-alpha }
- <Scalar> saved-result { flag }
If flag is nonzero, then it indicates that this particular texture stage will be supplied as the “last_saved_result” source for any future texture stages.
- <Scalar> tex-gen { mode }
This specifies that texture coordinates for the primitives that reference this texture should be dynamically computed at runtime, for instance to apply a reflection map or some other effect. The valid values for mode are:
- <Scalar> stage-name { name }
Specifies the name of the TextureStage object that is created to render this texture. If this is omitted, a custom TextureStage is created for this texture if it is required (e.g. because some other multitexturing parameter has been specified), or the system default TextureStage is used if multitexturing is not required.
- <Scalar> priority { priority-value }
Specifies an integer sort value to rank this texture in priority among other textures that are applied to the same geometry. This is only used to eliminate low-priority textures in case more textures are requested for a particular piece of geometry than the graphics hardware can render.
- <Scalar> blendr { red-value }
- <Scalar> blendg { green-value }
- <Scalar> blendb { blue-value }
- <Scalar> blenda { alpha-value }
Specifies a four-component color that is applied with the color in case the envtype, above, is “blend”, or one of the combine-sources is “constant”.
- <Scalar> uv-name { name }
Specifies the name of the texture coordinates that are to be associated with this texture. If this is omitted, the default texture coordinates are used.
- <Scalar> rgb-scale { scale }
- <Scalar> alpha-scale { scale }
Specifies an additional scale factor that will scale the r, g, b (or a) components after the texture has been applied. This is only used when a combine mode is in effect. The only legal values are 1, 2, or 4.
- <Scalar> alpha { alpha-type }
This specifies whether and what type of transparency will be performed. Alpha-type may be one of:
If alpha-type is OFF, it means not to enable transparency, even if the image contains an alpha channel or the format is RGBA. If alpha-type is ON, it means to enable the default transparency, even if the image filename does not contain an alpha channel. If alpha-type is any of the other options, it specifies the type of transparency to be enabled.
- <Scalar> bin { bin-name }
This specifies the bin name order of all polygons with this texture applied, in the absence of a bin name specified on the polygon itself. See the description for bin under polygon attributes.
- <Scalar> draw-order { number }
This specifies the fixed drawing order of all polygons with this texture applied, in the absence of a drawing order specified on the polygon itself. See the description for draw-order under polygon attributes.
- <Scalar> depth-offset { number }
- <Scalar> depth-write { mode }
- <Scalar> depth-test { mode }
Specifies special depth buffer properties of all polygons with this texture applied. See the descriptions for the individual attributes under polygon attributes.
- <Scalar> quality-level { quality }
Sets a hint to the renderer about the desired performance / quality tradeoff for this particular texture. This is most useful for the tinydisplay software renderer; for normal, hardware-accelerated renderers, this may have little or no effect.
This may be one of:
“Default” means to use whatever quality level is specified by the global
config variable.- <Transform> { transform-definition }
This specifies a 2-d or 3-d transformation that is applied to the UV’s of a surface to generate the texture coordinates.
The transform syntax is similar to that for groups, except it may define either a 2-d 3x3 matrix or a 3-d 4x4 matrix. (You should use the two- dimensional forms if the UV’s are two-dimensional, and the three-dimensional forms if the UV’s are three-dimensional.)
A two-dimensional transform may be any sequence of zero or more of the following. Transformations are post multiplied in the order they are encountered to produce a net transformation matrix. Rotations are counterclockwise about the origin in degrees. Matrices, when specified explicitly, are row-major.
<Translate> { x y } <Rotate> { degrees } <Scale> { x y } <Scale> { s } <Matrix3> { 00 01 02 10 11 12 20 21 22 }
A three-dimensional transform may be any sequence of zero or more of the following. See the description under <Group>, below, for more information.
<Translate> { x y z } <RotX> { degrees } <RotY> { degrees } <RotZ> { degrees } <Rotate> { degrees x y z } <Scale> { x y z } <Scale> { s } <Matrix4> { 00 01 02 03 10 11 12 13 20 21 22 23 30 31 32 33 }
This defines a set of material attributes that may later be referenced with
<MRef> { name }
<Material> name {
Material Scalars
<Scalar> diffr { number }
<Scalar> diffg { number }
<Scalar> diffb { number }
<Scalar> diffa { number }
<Scalar> ambr { number }
<Scalar> ambg { number }
<Scalar> ambb { number }
<Scalar> amba { number }
<Scalar> emitr { number }
<Scalar> emitg { number }
<Scalar> emitb { number }
<Scalar> emita { number }
<Scalar> specr { number }
<Scalar> specg { number }
<Scalar> specb { number }
<Scalar> speca { number }
<Scalar> shininess { number }
<Scalar> local { flag }
Vertex Pool
A vertex pool is a set of vertices. All geometry is created by referring to vertices by number in a particular vertex pool. There may be one or several vertex pools in an egg file, but all vertices that make up a single polygon must come from the same vertex pool. The body of a <VertexPool> entry is simply a list of one or more <Vertex> entries, as follows:
<VertexPool> name {
<Vertex> number1 {
<Vertex> numer2 {
A <Vertex> entry is only valid within a vertex pool definition. The number is the index by which this vertex will be referenced. It is optional; if it is omitted, the vertices are implicitly numbered consecutively beginning at one. If the number is supplied, the vertices need not be consecutive.
The vertex’s coordinates are always given in world space, regardless of any transforms before the vertex pool or before the referencing geometry. If the vertex is referenced by geometry under a transform, the egg loader will do an inverse transform to move the vertex into the proper coordinate space without changing its position in world space. One exception is geometry under an <Instance> node; in this case the vertex coordinates are given in the space of the <Instance> node. (Another exception is a <DynamicVertexPool>; see below.)
<Vertex> number {
x y z [w]
Vertex Attributes
<Normal> { x y z [morph-list] }
<RGBA> { r g b a [morph-list] }
<UV> [name] { u v [w] [tangent] [binormal] [morph-list] }
<Dxyz> target { x y z }
Geometry Entries
Geometry entries reference Vertex pool entries to generate renderable geometry for Panda to use.
A polygon consists of a sequence of vertices from a single vertex pool. Vertices are identified by pool-name and index number within the pool; indices is a list of vertex numbers within the given vertex pool. Vertices are listed in counterclockwise order. Although the vertices must all come from the same vertex pool, they may have been assigned to arbitrarily many different joints regardless of joint connectivity (there is no “straddle-polygon” limitation). See Joints, below.
The polygon syntax is quite verbose, and there isn’t any way to specify a set of attributes that applies to a group of polygons–the attributes list must be repeated for each polygon. This is why egg files tend to be very large.
<Polygon> name {
<VertexRef> {
<Ref> { pool-name }
Polygon Attributes
<TRef> { texture-name }
<Texture> { filename }
<MRef> { material-name }
<Normal> { x y z [morph-list] }
<RGBA> { r g b a [morph-list] }
<BFace> { boolean-value }
<Scalar> bin { bin-name }
<Scalar> draw_order { number }
<Scalar> visibility { hidden | normal }
Grouping Entries
A <Group> node is the primary means of providing structure to the egg file. Groups can contain vertex pools and polygons, as well as other groups. The egg loader translates <Group> nodes directly into PandaNodes in the scene graph (although the egg loader reserves the right to arbitrarily remove nodes that it deems unimportant–see the <Model> flag, below to avoid this). In addition, the following entries can be given specifically within a <Group> node to specify attributes of the group.
<Group> name {
Grouping Attributes
<DCS> { boolean-value }
<DCS> { dcs-type }
<Model> { boolean-value }
<Dart> { boolean-value }
<Switch> { boolean-value }
Group Scalars
The following scalars can be defined at the <Group> level:
<Scalar> fps { frame-rate }
<Scalar> bin { bin-name }
<Scalar> draw_order { number }
<Scalar> visibility { hidden | normal }
<Scalar> decal { boolean-value }
<Scalar> decalbase { boolean-value }
<Scalar> collide-mask { value }
<Scalar> from-collide-mask { value }
<Scalar> into-collide-mask { value }
<Scalar> blend { mode }
<Scalar> blendop-a { mode }
<Scalar> blendop-b { mode }
<Scalar> blendr { red-value }
<Scalar> blendg { green-value }
<Scalar> blendb { blue-value }
<Scalar> blenda { alpha-value }
Other Group Attributes
<Billboard> { type }
This entry indicates that all geometry defined at or below this group level is part of a billboard that will rotate to face the camera. Type is either “axis” or “point”, describing the type of rotation.
Billboards rotate about their local axis. In the case of a Y-up file, the billboards rotate about the Y axis; in a Z-up file, they rotate about the Z axis. Point-rotation billboards rotate about the origin.
There is an implicit <Instance> around billboard geometry. This means that the geometry within a billboard is not specified in world coordinates, but in the local billboard space. Thus, a vertex drawn at point 0,0,0 will appear to be at the pivot point of the billboard, not at the origin of the scene.
<SwitchCondition> {
<Distance> {
in out [fade] <Vertex> { x y z }
The subtree beginning at this node and below represents a single level of detail for a particular model. Sibling nodes represent the additional levels of detail. The geometry at this node will be visible when the point (x, y, z) is closer than “in” units, but further than “out” units, from the camera. “fade” is presently ignored.
<Tag> key { value }
This attribute defines the indicated tag (as a key/value pair), retrievable via
and related interfaces, on this node.
<Collide> name { type [flags] }
This entry indicates that geometry defined at this group level is actually an invisible collision surface, and is not true geometry. The geometry is used to define the extents of the collision surface. If there is no geometry defined at this level, then a child is searched for with the same collision type specified, and its geometry is used to define the extent of the collision surface (unless the “descend” flag is given; see below).
Valid types so far are:
- Plane
The geometry represents an infinite plane. The first polygon found in the group will define the plane.
- Polygon
The geometry represents a single polygon. The first polygon is used.
- Polyset
The geometry represents a complex shape made up of several polygons. This collision type should not be overused, as it provides the least optimization benefit.
- Sphere
The geometry represents a sphere. The vertices in the group are averaged together to determine the sphere’s center and radius.
- InvSphere
The geometry represents an inverse sphere. This is the same as Sphere, with the normal inverted, so that the solid part of an inverse sphere is the entire world outside of it. Note that an inverse sphere is in infinitely large solid with a finite hole cut into it.
- Tube
The geometry represents a tube. This is a cylinder-like shape with hemispherical endcaps; it is sometimes called a capsule or a lozenge in other packages. The smallest tube shape that will fit around the vertices is used.
The flags may be any zero or more of:
- event
Throws the name of the <Collide> entry, or the name of the surface if the <Collide> entry has no name, as an event whenever an avatar strikes the solid. This is the default if the <Collide> entry has a name.
- intangible
Rather than being a solid collision surface, the defined surface represents a boundary. The name of the surface will be thrown as an event when an avatar crosses into the interior, and name-out will be thrown when an avatar exits.
- descend
Instead of creating only one collision object of the given type, each group descended from this node that contains geometry will define a new collision object of the given type. The event name, if any, will also be inherited from the top node and shared among all the collision objects.
- keep
Don’t discard the visible geometry after using it to define a collision surface; create both an invisible collision surface and the visible geometry.
- level
Stores a special effective normal with the collision solid that points up, regardless of the actual shape or orientation of the solid. This can be used to allow an avatar to stand on a sloping surface without having a tendency to slide downward.
<ObjectType> { type }
This is a short form to indicate one of several pre-canned sets of attributes. Type may be any word, and a Config definition will be searched for by the name “egg-object-type-word”, where “word” is the type word. This definition may contain any arbitrary egg syntax to be parsed in at this group level.
A number of predefined ObjectType definitions are provided:
- barrier
This is equivalent to
<Collide> { Polyset descend }
. The geometry defined at this root and below defines an invisible collision solid.- trigger
This is equivalent to
<Collide> { Polyset descend intangible }
. The geometry defined at this root and below defines an invisible trigger surface.- sphere
Equivalent to
<Collide> { Sphere descend }
. The geometry is replaced with the smallest collision sphere that will enclose it. Typically you model a sphere in polygons and put this flag on it to create a collision sphere of the same size.- tube
Equivalent to
<Collide> { Tube descend }
. As in sphere, above, but the geometry is replaced with a collision tube (a capsule). Typically you will model a capsule or a cylinder in polygons.- bubble
Equivalent to
<Collide> { Sphere keep descend }
. A collision bubble is placed around the geometry, which is otherwise unchanged.- ghost
Equivalent to
<Scalar> collide-mask { 0 }
. It means that the geometry beginning at this node and below should never be collided with–characters will pass through it.- backstage
This has no equivalent; it is treated as a special case. It means that the geometry at this node and below should not be translated. This will normally be used on scale references and other modeling tools.
Joint Nodes
<Joint> name {
A joint is a highly specialized kind of grouping node. A tree of joints is used to specify the skeletal structure of an animated character.
A joint may only contain one of three things. It may contain a <Transform>
entry, as above, which defines the joint’s unanimated (rest) position; it may
contain lists of assigned vertices or CV’s; and it may contain other joints.
A tree of <Joint> nodes only makes sense within a character definition, which is created by applying the <DART> flag to a group. See <DART>, above.
The vertex assignment is crucial. This is how the geometry of a character is made to move with the joints. The character’s geometry is actually defined outside the joint tree, and each vertex must be assigned to one or more joints within the tree.
This is done with zero or more <VertexRef> entries per joint, as the following:
<VertexRef> { indices [<Scalar> membership { m }] <Ref> { pool-name } }
This is syntactically similar to the way vertices are assigned to polygons. Each <VertexRef> entry can assign vertices from only one vertex pool (but there may be many <VertexRef> entries per joint). Indices is a list of vertex numbers from the specified vertex pool, in an arbitrary order.
The membership scalar is optional. If specified, it is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 that indicates the fraction of dominance this joint has over the vertices. This is used to implement soft-skinning, so that each vertex may have partial ownership in several joints.
The <VertexRef> entry may also be given to ordinary <Group> nodes. In this case, it treats the geometry as if it was parented under the group in the first place. Non-total membership assignments are meaningless.
Bundle and Table entries
A table is a set of animated values for joints. A tree of tables with the same structure as the corresponding tree of joints must be defined for each character to be animated. Such a tree is placed under a <Bundle> node, which provides a handle within Panda to the tree as a whole.
Bundles may only contain tables; tables may contain more tables, bundles, or any one of the following (<Scalar> entries are optional, and default as shown):
<S$Anim> name {
<Scalar> fps { 24 }
<V> { values }