Source code for direct.tkpanels.FSMInspector

"""Defines the `FSMInspector` class, which opens a Tkinter window for
inspecting :ref:`finite-state-machines`.

Using the Finite State Inspector

1) In your Config.prc add::

    want-tk #t

2) Start up the show and create a Finite State Machine::

    from direct.showbase.ShowBaseGlobal import *

    from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM
    from direct.fsm import State

    def enterState():

    def exitState():
        print 'exitState'

    fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('stopLight',
              [State.State('red', enterState, exitState, ['green']),
                State.State('yellow', enterState, exitState, ['red']),
                State.State('green', enterState, exitState, ['yellow'])],

    import FSMInspector

    inspector = FSMInspector.FSMInspector(fsm, title = fsm.getName())

    # Note, the inspectorPos argument is optional, the inspector will
    # automagically position states on startup
    fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('stopLight', [
                    inspectorPos = [95.9, 48.0]),
                    inspectorPos = [0.0, 0.0]),
                    inspectorPos = [0.0, 95.9])],

3) Pop open a viewer::

    import FSMInspector
    insp = FSMInspector.FSMInspector(fsm)

or if you wish to be fancy::

    insp = FSMInspector.FSMInspector(fsm, title = fsm.getName())


  - Right mouse button over a state pops up a menu allowing you to
    request a transition to that state
  - Middle mouse button will grab the canvas and slide things around if
    your state machine is bigger than the viewing area
  - There are some self explanatory menu options up at the top, the most
    useful being: "print ClassicFSM layout" which will print out Python
    code which will create an ClassicFSM augmented with layout
    information for the viewer so everything shows up in the same place
    the next time you inspect the state machine


There is an unexplained problem with using Tk and emacs right now which
occasionally results in everything locking up.  This procedure seems to
avoid the problem for me::

   # Start up the show
   from direct.showbase.ShowBaseGlobal import *

   # You will see the window and a Tk panel pop open

   # Type a number at the emacs prompt
   >>> 123

   # At this point everything will lock up and you won't get your prompt back

   # Hit a bunch of Control-C's in rapid succession, in most cases
   # this will break you out of whatever badness you were in and
   # from that point on everything will behave normally

   # This is how you pop up an inspector
   import FSMInspector
   inspector = FSMInspector.FSMInspector(fsm, title = fsm.getName())


__all__ = ['FSMInspector', 'StateInspector']

from direct.tkwidgets.AppShell import *
from direct.showbase.TkGlobal import *
import Pmw, math, operator, sys

if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
    from tkinter.simpledialog import askstring
    from tkSimpleDialog import askstring

DELTA = (5.0 / 360.) * 2.0 * math.pi

[docs]class FSMInspector(AppShell): # Override class variables appname = 'ClassicFSM Inspector' frameWidth = 400 frameHeight = 450 usecommandarea = 0 usestatusarea = 0
[docs] def __init__(self, fsm, **kw): INITOPT = Pmw.INITOPT optiondefs = ( ('title', fsm.getName(), None), ('gridSize', '0.25i', self._setGridSize), ) self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs) self.fsm = fsm # Tell the fsm we are inspecting it so it will send events # when it changes state self.fsm.inspecting = 1 AppShell.__init__(self) self.initialiseoptions(FSMInspector)
[docs] def appInit(self): # Initialize instance variables self.states = [] self.stateInspectorDict = {} = self.fsm.getName()
[docs] def createInterface(self): # Create the components interior = self.interior() menuBar = self.menuBar # ClassicFSM Menu menuBar.addmenu('ClassicFSM', 'ClassicFSM Operations') menuBar.addmenuitem('ClassicFSM', 'command', 'Input grid spacing', label = 'Grid spacing...', command = self.popupGridDialog) # Create the checkbutton variable self._fGridSnap = IntVar() self._fGridSnap.set(1) menuBar.addmenuitem('ClassicFSM', 'checkbutton', 'Enable/disable grid', label = 'Snap to grid', variable = self._fGridSnap, command = self.toggleGridSnap) menuBar.addmenuitem('ClassicFSM', 'command', 'Print out ClassicFSM layout', label = 'Print ClassicFSM layout', command = self.printLayout) # States Menu menuBar.addmenu('States', 'State Inspector Operations') menuBar.addcascademenu('States', 'Font Size', 'Set state label size', tearoff = 1) for size in (8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24): menuBar.addmenuitem('Font Size', 'command', 'Set font to: ' + repr(size) + ' Pts', label = repr(size) + ' Pts', command = lambda s = self, sz = size: s.setFontSize(sz)) menuBar.addcascademenu('States', 'Marker Size', 'Set state marker size', tearoff = 1) for size in ('Small', 'Medium', 'Large'): sizeDict = {'Small': '0.25i', 'Medium': '0.375i', 'Large': '0.5i'} menuBar.addmenuitem('Marker Size', 'command', size + ' markers', label = size + ' Markers', command = lambda s = self, sz = size, d = sizeDict: s.setMarkerSize(d[sz])) # The Scrolled Canvas self._scrolledCanvas = self.createcomponent('scrolledCanvas', (), None, Pmw.ScrolledCanvas, (interior,), hull_width = 400, hull_height = 400, usehullsize = 1) self._canvas = self._scrolledCanvas.component('canvas') self._canvas['scrollregion'] = ('-2i', '-2i', '2i', '2i') self._scrolledCanvas.resizescrollregion() self._scrolledCanvas.pack(padx = 5, pady = 5, expand=1, fill = BOTH) # Update lines self._canvas.bind('<B1-Motion>', self.drawConnections) self._canvas.bind('<ButtonPress-2>', self.mouse2Down) self._canvas.bind('<B2-Motion>', self.mouse2Motion) self._canvas.bind('<Configure>', lambda e, sc = self._scrolledCanvas: sc.resizescrollregion()) self.createStateInspectors() self.initialiseoptions(FSMInspector)
[docs] def scrolledCanvas(self): return self._scrolledCanvas
[docs] def canvas(self): return self._canvas
[docs] def setFontSize(self, size): self._canvas.itemconfigure('labels', font = ('MS Sans Serif', size))
[docs] def setMarkerSize(self, size): for key in self.stateInspectorDict: self.stateInspectorDict[key].setRadius(size) self.drawConnections()
[docs] def drawConnections(self, event = None): # Get rid of existing arrows self._canvas.delete('arrow') for key in self.stateInspectorDict: si = self.stateInspectorDict[key] state = si.state if state.getTransitions(): for name in state.getTransitions(): self.connectStates(si, self.getStateInspector(name))
[docs] def connectStates(self, fromState, toState): endpts = self.computeEndpoints(fromState, toState) line = self._canvas.create_line(endpts, tags = ('arrow',), arrow = 'last')
[docs] def computeEndpoints(self, fromState, toState): # Compute angle between two points fromCenter = toCenter = angle = self.findAngle(fromCenter, toCenter) # Compute offset fromState point newFromPt = map(operator.__add__, fromCenter, self.computePoint(fromState.radius, angle + DELTA)) # Compute offset toState point newToPt = map(operator.__sub__, toCenter, self.computePoint(toState.radius, angle - DELTA)) return list(newFromPt) + list(newToPt)
[docs] def computePoint(self, radius, angle): x = radius * math.cos(angle) y = radius * math.sin(angle) return (x, y)
[docs] def findAngle(self, fromPoint, toPoint): dx = toPoint[0] - fromPoint[0] dy = toPoint[1] - fromPoint[1] return math.atan2(dy, dx)
[docs] def mouse2Down(self, event): self._width = 1.0 * self._canvas.winfo_width() self._height = 1.0 * self._canvas.winfo_height() xview = self._canvas.xview() yview = self._canvas.yview() self._left = xview[0] self._top = yview[0] self._dxview = xview[1] - xview[0] self._dyview = yview[1] - yview[0] self._2lx = event.x self._2ly = event.y
[docs] def mouse2Motion(self, event): newx = self._left - ((event.x - self._2lx)/self._width) * self._dxview self._canvas.xview_moveto(newx) newy = self._top - ((event.y - self._2ly)/self._height) * self._dyview self._canvas.yview_moveto(newy) self._2lx = event.x self._2ly = event.y self._left = self._canvas.xview()[0] self._top = self._canvas.yview()[0]
[docs] def createStateInspectors(self): fsm = self.fsm self.states = fsm.getStates() # Number of rows/cols needed to fit inspectors in a grid dim = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(len(self.states)))) # Separation between nodes spacing = 2.5 * self._canvas.canvasx('0.375i') count = 0 for state in self.states: si = self.addState(state) if state.getInspectorPos(): si.setPos(state.getInspectorPos()[0], state.getInspectorPos()[1]) else: row = int(math.floor(count / dim)) col = count % dim si.setPos(col * spacing, row * spacing + 0.5 * (0, spacing)[col % 2]) # Add hooks self.accept( + '_' + si.getName() + '_entered', si.enteredState) self.accept( + '_' + si.getName() + '_exited', si.exitedState) count = count + 1 self.drawConnections() if fsm.getCurrentState(): self.enteredState(fsm.getCurrentState().getName())
[docs] def getStateInspector(self, name): return self.stateInspectorDict.get(name, None)
[docs] def addState(self, state): si = self.stateInspectorDict[state.getName()] = ( StateInspector(self, state)) return si
[docs] def enteredState(self, stateName): si = self.stateInspectorDict.get(stateName, None) if si: si.enteredState()
[docs] def exitedState(self, stateName): si = self.stateInspectorDict.get(stateName, None) if si: si.exitedState()
def _setGridSize(self): self._gridSize = self['gridSize'] self.setGridSize(self._gridSize)
[docs] def setGridSize(self, size): for key in self.stateInspectorDict: self.stateInspectorDict[key].setGridSize(size)
[docs] def popupGridDialog(self): spacing = askstring('ClassicFSM Grid Spacing', 'Grid Spacing:') if spacing: self.setGridSize(spacing) self._gridSize = spacing
[docs] def toggleGridSnap(self): if self._fGridSnap.get(): self.setGridSize(self._gridSize) else: self.setGridSize(0)
[docs] def printLayout(self): dict = self.stateInspectorDict keys = list(dict.keys()) keys.sort() print("ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('%s', [" % for key in keys[:-1]: si = dict[key] center = print(" State.State('%s'," % si.state.getName()) print(" %s," % si.state.getEnterFunc().__name__) print(" %s," % si.state.getExitFunc().__name__) print(" %s," % si.state.getTransitions()) print(" inspectorPos = [%.1f, %.1f])," % (center[0], center[1])) for key in keys[-1:]: si = dict[key] center = print(" State.State('%s'," % si.state.getName()) print(" %s," % si.state.getEnterFunc().__name__) print(" %s," % si.state.getExitFunc().__name__) print(" %s," % si.state.getTransitions()) print(" inspectorPos = [%.1f, %.1f])]," % (center[0], center[1])) print(" '%s'," % self.fsm.getInitialState().getName()) print(" '%s')" % self.fsm.getFinalState().getName())
[docs] def toggleBalloon(self): if self.toggleBalloonVar.get(): self.balloon.configure(state = 'balloon') else: self.balloon.configure(state = 'none')
[docs] def onDestroy(self, event): """ Called on ClassicFSM Panel shutdown """ self.fsm.inspecting = 0 for si in self.stateInspectorDict.values(): self.ignore( + '_' + si.getName() + '_entered') self.ignore( + '_' + si.getName() + '_exited')
[docs]class StateInspector(Pmw.MegaArchetype):
[docs] def __init__(self, inspector, state, **kw): # Record inspector and state self.inspector = inspector self.state = state # Create a unique tag which you can use to move a marker and # and its corresponding text around together self.tag = state.getName() self.fsm = inspector.fsm # Pointers to the inspector's components self.scrolledCanvas = inspector.component('scrolledCanvas') self._canvas = self.scrolledCanvas.component('canvas') #define the megawidget options optiondefs = ( ('radius', '0.375i', self._setRadius), ('gridSize', '0.25i', self._setGridSize), ) self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs) # Initialize the parent class Pmw.MegaArchetype.__init__(self) # Draw the oval self.x = 0 self.y = 0 half = self._canvas.winfo_fpixels(self['radius']) self.marker = self._canvas.create_oval((self.x - half), (self.y - half), (self.x + half), (self.y + half), fill = 'CornflowerBlue', tags = (self.tag,'markers')) self.text = self._canvas.create_text(0, 0, text = state.getName(), justify = CENTER, tags = (self.tag,'labels')) # Is this state contain a sub machine? if state.hasChildren(): # reduce half by sqrt of 2.0 half = half * 0.707106 self.rect = self._canvas.create_rectangle((- half), (- half), half, half, tags = (self.tag,)) # The Popup State Menu self._popupMenu = Menu(self._canvas, tearoff = 0) self._popupMenu.add_command(label = 'Request transition to ' + state.getName(), command = self.transitionTo) if state.hasChildren(): self._popupMenu.add_command(label = 'Inspect ' + state.getName() + ' submachine', command = self.inspectSubMachine) self.scrolledCanvas.resizescrollregion() # Add bindings self._canvas.tag_bind(self.tag, '<Enter>', self.mouseEnter) self._canvas.tag_bind(self.tag, '<Leave>', self.mouseLeave) self._canvas.tag_bind(self.tag, '<ButtonPress-1>', self.mouseDown) self._canvas.tag_bind(self.tag, '<B1-Motion>', self.mouseMotion) self._canvas.tag_bind(self.tag, '<ButtonRelease-1>', self.mouseRelease) self._canvas.tag_bind(self.tag, '<ButtonPress-3>', self.popupStateMenu) self.initialiseoptions(StateInspector)
# Utility methods def _setRadius(self): self.setRadius(self['radius'])
[docs] def setRadius(self, size): half = self.radius = self._canvas.winfo_fpixels(size) c = self._canvas.coords(self.marker, c[0] - half, c[1] - half, c[0] + half, c[1] + half) if self.state.hasChildren(): half = self.radius * 0.707106 self._canvas.coords(self.rect, c[0] - half, c[1] - half, c[0] + half, c[1] + half)
def _setGridSize(self): self.setGridSize(self['gridSize'])
[docs] def setGridSize(self, size): self.gridSize = self._canvas.winfo_fpixels(size) if self.gridSize == 0: self.fGridSnap = 0 else: self.fGridSnap = 1
[docs] def setText(self, text = None): self._canvas.itemconfigure(self.text, text = text)
[docs] def setPos(self, x, y, snapToGrid = 0): if self.fGridSnap: self.x = round(x / self.gridSize) * self.gridSize self.y = round(y / self.gridSize) * self.gridSize else: self.x = x self.y = y # How far do we have to move? cx, cy = self._canvas.move(self.tag, self.x - cx, self.y - cy)
[docs] def center(self): c = self._canvas.coords(self.marker) return (c[0] + c[2])/2.0, (c[1] + c[3])/2.0
[docs] def getName(self): return self.tag
# Event Handlers
[docs] def mouseEnter(self, event): self._canvas.itemconfig(self.marker, width = 2)
[docs] def mouseLeave(self, event): self._canvas.itemconfig(self.marker, width = 1)
[docs] def mouseDown(self, event): self._canvas.lift(self.tag) self.startx, self.starty = self.lastx = self._canvas.canvasx(event.x) self.lasty = self._canvas.canvasy(event.y)
[docs] def mouseMotion(self, event): dx = self._canvas.canvasx(event.x) - self.lastx dy = self._canvas.canvasy(event.y) - self.lasty newx, newy = map(operator.__add__, (self.startx, self.starty), (dx, dy)) self.setPos(newx, newy)
[docs] def mouseRelease(self, event): self.scrolledCanvas.resizescrollregion()
[docs] def popupStateMenu(self, event):, event.widget.winfo_pointery())
[docs] def transitionTo(self): self.fsm.request(self.getName())
[docs] def inspectSubMachine(self): print('inspect ' + self.tag + ' subMachine') for childFSM in self.state.getChildren(): FSMInspector(childFSM)
[docs] def enteredState(self): self._canvas.itemconfigure(self.marker, fill = 'Red')
[docs] def exitedState(self): self._canvas.itemconfigure(self.marker, fill = 'CornflowerBlue')