Source code for direct.showbase.EventGroup

"""This module defines the EventGroup class."""

__all__ = ['EventGroup']

from direct.showbase import DirectObject
from direct.showbase.PythonUtil import SerialNumGen, Functor

[docs]class EventGroup(DirectObject.DirectObject): """This class allows you to group together multiple events and treat them as a single event. The EventGroup will not send out its event until all of its sub-events have occured.""" _SerialNumGen = SerialNumGen()
[docs] def __init__(self, name, subEvents=None, doneEvent=None): """ Provide a meaningful name to aid debugging. doneEvent is optional. If not provided, a unique done event will be generated and is available as EventGroup.getDoneEvent(). Examples: # waits for gotRed and gotBlue, then sends out 'gotColors' EventGroup('getRedAndBlue', ('gotRed', 'gotBlue'), doneEvent='gotColors') # waits for two interests to close, then calls self._handleBothInterestsClosed() # uses EventGroup.getDoneEvent() and EventGroup.newEvent() to generate unique, # disposable event names eGroup = EventGroup('closeInterests') self.acceptOnce(eGroup.getDoneEvent(), self._handleBothInterestsClosed), event=eGroup.newEvent('closeInterest1')), event=eGroup.newEvent('closeInterest2')) """ self._name = name self._subEvents = set() self._completedEvents = set() if doneEvent is None: # no doneEvent provided, allocate a unique event name doneEvent = 'EventGroup-%s-%s-Done' % (, self._name) self._doneEvent = doneEvent self._completed = False if subEvents is not None: # add the events that were passed in to start with, more may be added # later via newEvent() for event in subEvents: self.addEvent(event)
[docs] def destroy(self): if hasattr(self, '_name'): # keep this around #del self._doneEvent del self._name del self._subEvents del self._completedEvents self.ignoreAll()
[docs] def getName(self): return self._name
[docs] def getDoneEvent(self): return self._doneEvent
[docs] def isCompleted(self): return self._completed
[docs] def addEvent(self, eventName): """ Adds a new event to the list of sub-events that we're waiting on. Returns the name of the event. """ if self._completed: self.notify.error('addEvent(\'%s\') called on completed EventGroup \'%s\'' % ( eventName, self.getName())) if eventName in self._subEvents: self.notify.error('addEvent(\'%s\'): event already in EventGroup \'%s\'' % ( eventName, self.getName())) self._subEvents.add(eventName) self.acceptOnce(eventName, Functor(self._subEventComplete, eventName)) return eventName
[docs] def newEvent(self, name): """ Pass in an event name and it will be unique-ified for you and added to this EventGroup. TIP: there's no need to repeat information in this event name that is already in the name of the EventGroup object. Returns the new event name. """ return self.addEvent('%s-SubEvent-%s-%s' % ( self._name,, name))
def _subEventComplete(self, subEventName, *args, **kwArgs): if subEventName in self._completedEvents: self.notify.warning('_subEventComplete: \'%s\' already received' % subEventName) else: self._completedEvents.add(subEventName) if self._completedEvents == self._subEvents: self._signalComplete() def _signalComplete(self): self._completed = True messenger.send(self._doneEvent) self.destroy() def __repr__(self): return '%s(\'%s\', %s, doneEvent=\'%s\') # completed=%s' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self._name, tuple(self._subEvents), self._doneEvent, tuple(self._completedEvents))