Source code for direct.directutil.Mopath

from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject
from direct.directtools.DirectGeometry import *

from panda3d.core import NodePath, LineSegs

[docs]class Mopath(DirectObject): nameIndex = 1
[docs] def __init__(self, name = None, fluid = 1, objectToLoad = None, upVectorNodePath = None, reverseUpVector = False): if (name == None): name = 'mopath%d' % self.nameIndex self.nameIndex = self.nameIndex + 1 = name self.fluid = fluid self.tPoint = Point3(0) self.posPoint = Point3(0) self.hprPoint = Point3(0) self.tangentVec = Vec3(0) self.fFaceForward = 0 self.faceForwardDelta = None self.faceForwardNode = None self.timeScale = 1 self.upVectorNodePath = upVectorNodePath self.reverseUpVector = reverseUpVector self.reset() if isinstance( objectToLoad, NodePath ): self.loadNodePath( objectToLoad ) elif isinstance( objectToLoad, str ): self.loadFile( objectToLoad ) elif objectToLoad is not None: print("Mopath: Unable to load object '%s', objectToLoad must be a file name string or a NodePath" % objectToLoad)
[docs] def getMaxT(self): return self.maxT * self.timeScale
[docs] def loadFile(self, filename, fReset = 1): nodePath = loader.loadModel(filename) if nodePath: self.loadNodePath(nodePath) nodePath.removeNode() else: print('Mopath: no data in file: %s' % filename)
[docs] def loadNodePath(self, nodePath, fReset = 1): if fReset: self.reset() self.__extractCurves(nodePath) if (self.tNurbsCurve != []): self.maxT = self.tNurbsCurve[-1].getMaxT() elif (self.xyzNurbsCurve != None): self.maxT = self.xyzNurbsCurve.getMaxT() elif (self.hprNurbsCurve != None): self.maxT = self.hprNurbsCurve.getMaxT() else: print('Mopath: no valid curves in nodePath: %s' % nodePath)
[docs] def reset(self): self.maxT = 0.0 self.loop = 0 self.xyzNurbsCurve = None self.hprNurbsCurve = None self.tNurbsCurve = [] self.node = None
def __extractCurves(self, nodePath): node = nodePath.node() if isinstance(node, ParametricCurve): if node.getCurveType() == PCTXYZ: self.xyzNurbsCurve = node elif node.getCurveType() == PCTHPR: self.hprNurbsCurve = node elif node.getCurveType() == PCTNONE: if (self.xyzNurbsCurve == None): self.xyzNurbsCurve = node else: print('Mopath: got a PCT_NONE curve and an XYZ Curve in nodePath: %s' % nodePath) elif (node.getCurveType() == PCTT): self.tNurbsCurve.append(node) else: # Iterate over children if any for child in nodePath.getChildren(): self.__extractCurves(child)
[docs] def calcTime(self, tIn): return self.__calcTime(tIn, self.tNurbsCurve)
def __calcTime(self, tIn, tCurveList): if tCurveList: tCurveList[-1].getPoint(tIn, self.tPoint) return self.__calcTime(self.tPoint[0], tCurveList[:-1]) else: return tIn
[docs] def getFinalState(self): pos = Point3(0) if (self.xyzNurbsCurve != None): self.xyzNurbsCurve.getPoint(self.maxT, pos) hpr = Point3(0) if (self.hprNurbsCurve != None): self.hprNurbsCurve.getPoint(self.maxT, hpr) return (pos, hpr)
[docs] def goTo(self, node, time): if (self.xyzNurbsCurve == None) and (self.hprNurbsCurve == None): print('Mopath: Mopath has no curves') return time /= self.timeScale self.playbackTime = self.calcTime(CLAMP(time, 0.0, self.maxT)) if (self.xyzNurbsCurve != None): self.xyzNurbsCurve.getPoint(self.playbackTime, self.posPoint) if self.fluid: node.setFluidPos(self.posPoint) else: node.setPos(self.posPoint) if (self.hprNurbsCurve != None): self.hprNurbsCurve.getPoint(self.playbackTime, self.hprPoint) node.setHpr(self.hprPoint) elif (self.fFaceForward and (self.xyzNurbsCurve != None)): if self.faceForwardDelta: # Look at a point a bit ahead in parametric time. t = min(self.playbackTime + self.faceForwardDelta, self.xyzNurbsCurve.getMaxT()) lookPoint = Point3() self.xyzNurbsCurve.getPoint(t, lookPoint) if self.faceForwardNode: self.faceForwardNode.setPos(lookPoint) else: self.xyzNurbsCurve.getTangent(self.playbackTime, self.tangentVec) lookPoint = self.posPoint + self.tangentVec # use the self.upVectorNodePath position if it exists to # create an up vector for lookAt if (self.upVectorNodePath is None): node.lookAt(lookPoint) else: if (self.reverseUpVector == False): node.lookAt(lookPoint, self.upVectorNodePath.getPos() - self.posPoint) else: node.lookAt(lookPoint, self.posPoint - self.upVectorNodePath.getPos())
[docs] def play(self, node, time = 0.0, loop = 0): if (self.xyzNurbsCurve == None) and (self.hprNurbsCurve == None): print('Mopath: Mopath has no curves') return self.node = node self.loop = loop self.stop() t = taskMgr.add(self.__playTask, + '-play') t.currentTime = time t.lastTime = globalClock.getFrameTime()
[docs] def stop(self): taskMgr.remove( + '-play')
def __playTask(self, task): time = globalClock.getFrameTime() dTime = time - task.lastTime task.lastTime = time if (self.loop): cTime = (task.currentTime + dTime) % self.getMaxT() else: cTime = task.currentTime + dTime if ((self.loop == 0) and (cTime > self.getMaxT())): self.stop() messenger.send( + '-done') self.node = None return task.done self.goTo(self.node, cTime) task.currentTime = cTime return task.cont
[docs] def draw(self, subdiv = 1000): """ Draws a quick and cheesy visualization of the Mopath using LineSegs. Returns the NodePath representing the drawing. """ ls = LineSegs('mopath') p = Point3() for ti in range(subdiv): t = float(ti) / float(subdiv) * self.maxT tp = self.calcTime(t) self.xyzNurbsCurve.getPoint(tp, p) ls.drawTo(p) return NodePath(ls.create())